The Death Knell

Chapter 3615 Notice of missing objects

When you want to find a cosmic wonder in Marvel, but don’t know where to look for it, there’s always someone who can help.

Either the thing is in his hand, or he has relevant information.

The last time Su Ming came to the 'Land of Nothingness' was a long time ago, and now, decades later, there is still no change here.

Various engineering equipment and instruments were busy collecting the remaining body fluids from the heads of the Celestial Gods, flying around like hard-working bees, and the yellow mining spacecraft lights swayed across the messy streets like searchlights. .

Contrasia is now the famous gold-selling cave in the universe. The city called New London has almost all the entertainment projects imaginable in the universe. The energy beams emitted by the star torches in the city are also one of the most conspicuous road signs in the universe.

However, the business in the Land of Nothingness has not been affected too much, mainly because the specialty product here is unique, which is the golden brain of the Celestial God Group.

Collector Di Fan specially hired a group of slaves to help him mine. It must be said that this elder of the universe may be the best businessman among all his kind. This is a special product in this poor place, but he has played tricks on it.

He makes fuel additives, health products, medicines, souvenirs, anything that can add a little bit of God's brain in exchange for added value.

The factory and the growth line are both underground in the Land of Nothingness. Su Ming doesn't need the brain plasma oral liquid from the God Group to replenish his kidneys, so there is no need to dig underground.

Lorna was obviously very interested in such an area full of chaos. She looked at the looters and traders coming and going on the road with great interest. She seemed to be curious about everything in the universe. Even if she didn't have a cosmic translator, she was interested in many things. The words on the sign are incomprehensible.

According to Su Ming's experience, the vast majority of aliens speak English, and occasionally some speak an incomprehensible language, which further indicates that they are aliens.

As a human supremacist, he looked at aliens more like looking at merchandise or prey. This also caused many pedestrians walking face to face to subconsciously move out of the way when they saw him.

"It's really science fiction here." Polaris' little head turned around, and she seemed to be very concerned about some of the virtually projected advertising lights: "There are a lot of aliens here, and I have never seen an alien... .No, actually I have seen them, but they are Annihilation Bugs, oh, and the Professor’s wife.”

"It's okay here. Although Di Fan's combat ability is mediocre among the members of the Universe Elders Council, he still plays a role. Under normal circumstances, some alien races with particularly serious violent tendencies and who like to rob will not appear. On his territory."

While they were talking, Su Ming happened to see the store where he bought something last time, so he stopped by to buy a translator implant for Lorna. After all, in business, you still have to take care of acquaintances.

After the shopkeeper handed over the goods in tears, he patted the shopkeeper's face in a friendly manner and made an appointment to come back next time.

After walking out of the store, seeing how smoothly and naturally Deathstroke communicated with the aliens, Polaris looked at him with a little more admiration: "Why haven't I thought of coming to the universe to play before?"

"Then ask your sister, she hasn't even taken Kuaiyin into the universe to play." Su Ming smiled and continued to move forward, walking on the street, breathing the dusty and dirty air here: "Although the universe is full of countless dangers , but some planets are very fun, such as there is a planet full of piranha flowers, where you can play a real-life version of 'Super Mario'."

"Hee hee..." Lorna is in good condition now. Her bipolar disorder seems to be cured by itself without medicine. She can actually laugh after hearing Deathstroke's cold jokes.

But Wanda beside her was a little distracted. Ever since she learned about Sithorne's return, although she acted indifferently, in fact she must be thinking about a lot of things in her little mind.

She didn't speak much along the way, but that's normal. Her personality isn't the talkative type.

Of course, it depends on who she compares with. Compared to Spider-Man and Deadpool, then she is dumb. If compared with Punisher or Moon Knight, then she is very talkative.

"Although it is convenient to use magic to travel, there are too many uncertainties." She stroked her red hair with a look of embarrassment and hugged her sister's arm: "If you really want to play, we can ask Si Ryder borrows the spaceship."

In the past, Lorna would either squat alone in a dark corner in a daze, or walk around manically and mutter. Now she takes the initiative to play, and Wanda, as her sister, certainly encourages it.

"No problem. I have plenty of spaceships. Do you like the one with a cathedral on it? Or the one without a church?" Su Ming winked at the two women and pointed to the largest store at the intersection, which is Difan's. Home is also the destination of this trip.

As soon as these words came out, the two women suddenly showed expressions like hidden foxes, and then they both laughed again.

I pushed the door open and walked into the store with ease. The collector behind the counter stood up to greet me with a smile. He opened his arms like a hug from the air and said enthusiastically:

"Supreme Mage Deathstroke, welcome. It seems like today is a good day. Are you planning to exchange anything good with me?"

The elders of the universe all have their own hobbies, which are also the pillars of their souls. Without their hobbies, they cannot live. Everyone knows this.

But many people don't know that Di Fan's wife, Universe Elder Matani, committed suicide because she lost her hobby.

"Long time no see, Collector Di Fan, I'm here to make a deal today." Su Ming smiled and nodded, looking at the other woman behind the counter: "Is this your daughter? I didn't see you last time. Arrived."

Standing next to Di Fan was a woman with snow-white skin, tall figure, and long blond hair. She was wearing a blue dress. The colorful lights in the store made her eyes look like colorful nebulae.

When it came to his daughter, Di Fan's smile was full of sincerity. He pulled the girl's arm and asked her to come forward, while introducing:

"Yes, this is my baby Karina. She is beautiful, isn't she? Of course, our true form is changeable, but despite this, she should still be more in line with human aesthetics."

Yes, although Di Fan usually looks like a white-haired old man who likes to put on makeup, his physical form is more like the demon knight Etrigan next door, a bit like an upright yellow umbrella lizard.

The elders of the universe are all survivors of different races. They basically look like monsters, but later they probably understood the true meaning of the universe, so they all turned into human beings.

The woman lifted up her skirt and bowed slightly to salute. Who in the Universal Presbyterian Church doesn't know who Deathstroke is? That was the top powerhouse in the main dimension of the multiverse. Even the elders of the universe would respect him, let alone a 'second generation' like her.

"She is very beautiful. This lady looks a lot like you." Su Ming opened his eyes and lied, but his smile looked very sincere: "You seemed to be discussing something before I came here, and you didn't look very happy. Can you tell me? Tell me? Maybe I will have a solution."

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