The Death Knell

Chapter 3616 Ultimate

The collector did not hide anything and directly talked about his recent discovery.

After all, the previous conversation between father and daughter had been noticed by Deathstroke. If he didn't explain the matter clearly, who knows if this man would think that the elder of the universe had a conspiracy?

If he is misunderstood by Deathstroke, he might die inexplicably one day, right?

Following Di Fan's narration, Su Ming, who sat down to enjoy the fragrant tea in the shop, also understood the whole story.

It turns out that there has been another ruthless man in the galaxy recently, named Kervak. He used to be an Earthling, but his experiences were similar to those of Star-Lord.

It's just that his situation is a bit more tragic. The aliens who abducted him are an ambitious force who want to invade the solar system and force him to be the leader.

Krvak is a computer genius, so the aliens plan to use this to brainwash the people on the Internet and cultivate more leaders and traitors.

Waging a propaganda war on the earth occupied by Deathstroke was not something ordinary software could do, so Kervac was forced to write code every day for more than ten years, but he could never get around the adjutant's firewall.

Once again, Krvak was so tired that he fell asleep in front of the computer, but was discovered by the alien supervisor. The aliens with clear thinking thought that sleeping was due to insufficient energy supply to the brain. Krvak should not have to use his lower body to type on the keyboard, but instead It was a waste of energy, so he was amputated from the waist.

In order to improve Krvak's work efficiency, they attached his lower body to a small flying saucer, which not only greatly increased his movement speed, but also provided additional computing power. It was really perfect.

How should I put it? It is often difficult for aliens to understand the feelings between human men and their lower bodies.

In short, Krvak has completely gone dark since then, or the cerebral cortex is too active, commonly known as crazy.

He believed that he was in such a miserable situation because no one on the earth came to save him, so he wanted to take revenge on all creatures in the solar system...

"The fleet of that group set off under the instigation of Krvak. They planned to destroy the solar system, but according to the information I heard, they picked the wrong first location." The collector also told Deathstroke. Sitting across from each other, holding a teacup in his hand: "They found that there are only a few civilizations in the solar system, concentrated on the earth and the moon, so they plan to choose a closer planet to observe first."

"Then what?" Lorna asked.

Di Fan looked her over and smiled softly: "Their chosen destination was Titan, and they found a purple-skinned creature in a daze in front of his mother's tombstone. Yes, just like you thought, they He took the initiative to attack Thanos, and then..."

"Haha, then they were all destroyed."

Su Ming laughed out loud. These people were so funny. Even Thanos didn't know he was a resident of the solar system. How dare they come to the solar system?

"That's it. That ignorant race was exterminated, but Korvak survived. He also had some adventures afterwards. I don't know what they were, but he now has a fighting power that is better than the elders of our universe. Very much. Unfortunately, he's gone even crazier and now wants revenge on the entire galaxy, which puts my territory under threat as well."

But Di Fan couldn't laugh. He shook his head helplessly and talked about his bad luck. It was just a pot coming from the sky.

"So you plan to let your daughter go undercover next to him, look for his weaknesses, and then stab him in the back?" Su Ming completed the story based on what he had overheard before. The father and daughter had been discussing this before. .

"I love peace. You know, Supreme Mage. Dealing with Krvak is purely for self-protection. You don't have any objections, right? I think he is not an earthling and is not within your protection."

Di Fan shrugged and confirmed that Deathstroke was right and that was what happened. He also explained his motives and stated that he had no intention of becoming an enemy of the Supreme Mage.

It makes sense. He didn't lie. Su Ming nodded. If someone rapes someone, he is not considered a human being. There is no problem with that.

I already remembered this story. I had read it in a comic in my previous life. It was a tragedy.

Countless historical experiences have proven one thing, that is, never send someone of the opposite sex to serve as an undercover agent next to your target.

"You don't have to worry about this matter. I'll deal with Krvak, just as a bargaining chip for our deal." Su Ming smiled and crossed his legs, leaning on the comfortable sofa made of alien leather: "Give me him The specific coordinates now, and then I can get rid of him. In exchange, I need you to come up with the 'Ultimate Eraser' for me to use."

"The Ultimate Eraser... one of the most powerful treasures in the legendary universe." Di Fan was so excited that he stood up immediately, but then became depressed again: "I'm afraid you overestimated me. Deathstroke, I really want to collect such a treasure, but it is not in my hands."

"But you know where it is, right? You have another treasure in your hand, the 'Cosmic Viewer', which can help you find the location of the treasure you want." Su Ming's smile remained unchanged. Knows what cards the Collector has to play: "Use it to find the location of the Ultimate Eraser, tell me, and we'll seal the deal."


Faced with the generous terms proposed by Deathstroke, the Collector naturally had no reason to refuse. After all, he felt sorry for his daughter, so it would be better if he could prevent her from taking risks.

But when Deathstroke was about to go out, the old man came over and spoke secretly, saying that when the Supreme Mage retrieved the Ultimate Eraser, he could trade his precious daughter for that treasure.

This made Su Ming laugh on the spot and immediately asked the adjutant to initiate the teleportation without even saying goodbye.

Want to send your daughter to the safest place in the multiverse, but also want the ultimate Eraser? How can such a good thing happen?

"This old man really wants to eat a peach. Lucifer doesn't even dare to negotiate such terms with me, haha." Of course Su Ming rejected the other party's request for a deal. He was not a deadpool, and he was far from the kind of sexy and intelligent person. The degree of dizziness.

"I want to eat peaches too. Are there any peaches here?" The cloak floated in a new space. Lorna only heard Deathstroke saying the word peach, and she suddenly wanted to eat it too.

"Adjutant, please bring two cans of canned yellow peaches endorsed by Steve."

Deathstroke said this, and handed the transferred moment to the sisters for them to taste. He himself stared at the giant spaceship in the distance, and then patted the magic floating cloak used as a flying carpet to let it go there:

"Contact Qin Gray again. That life form named Kervak ​​sounds like it has plenty of soul energy. Give her the coordinates and let the Phoenix eat it."

To deal with a traitor who was running a single gang, Su Ming didn't need to personally touch it. The adjutant cooperated with Phoenix. It was enough to solve the problem. He continued to focus on the main mission.

The Ultimate Eraser was in the hands of another acquaintance, and that person didn't use it at all, so Su Ming thought it would be quite easy to take it out.

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