The Death Knell

Chapter 3626 Ambush from all sides

Although she was angry, Doreen still did not refuse Loki's kindness. Even though she was a little fat, she still got into the sewer with amazing agility.

Underground, she saw the female Thor, Gwen and Hela, but the goddess of the underworld was holding a Wilson handheld and playing video games, as if she didn't care about the environment.

They probably asked Cosmo to take Caroline and her friends to seek refuge, right? Squirrel Girl thought so.

In addition to this group of sisters, there is another group of people in the sewers, led by Agent Coulson and a duck.

The bald agent held two pistols, while the duck held a Thompson submachine gun. The two stood back-to-back to alert the surroundings. Behind them stood Agent Mei, the 'Iron Cavalry'. The three of them were vaguely monitoring the whole place. The formation seemed to be like 'Charlie's Angels'. 'The pose when you come on stage.

Loki closed the manhole cover, returned to the sewer, and shrugged at Coulson: "The ground in Manhattan is a mess, but I still don't see anyone I know here. In other words, the enemy's leader is not here."

"You once said something about the Troll King Ulric. If he appears, do you think we can defeat him?" Howard the Duck thought calmly. He believed that SHIELD's advantage was a small number of elites. , then the tactic should be to choose a decapitation operation, rather than throwing your effective forces into a big melee.

Yes, although the 'SHIELD Bureau' that Director Fury asked him to set up died on the way due to the zombie accident, Weird Duck is still considered a non-staff employee of SHIELD and can receive a subsidy of US$200 per week. He wants to live in New York , you have to make money. .

Duck is the target of people's discrimination. He does not have an identity certificate such as a social security card, because to apply for social security, you need a birth certificate. To apply for a birth certificate, you need to prove that you are an individual. If you want to prove that you are an individual, you must first prove that you are not. Duck, if you want to prove that you are not a duck, you have to have identification...

There was no other way. He couldn't find a serious legal job except running a black taxi, so he could only work for SHIELD.

Although Deathstroke invited him to do odd jobs, he didn't dare to go because Duck could sense that the man was too dark and was worried that he would be sold when.

"Urik? Just him? Haha." Loki was immediately amused. She tossed her hair angrily and patted Daisy's shoulder beside her: "When the time comes to find the King of Trolls, don't do anything. It’s enough for the female Thor to challenge him alone.”

Daisy showed a puzzled expression: "Then why are you going?"

"Just watch from the side. Please, I'm a mage. You can't expect me to fight against the savage stone trolls, right?" Loki changed her expression to a weak one, and she approached her elder sister who was playing the game. As if to let others compare the difference in stature between the two, Hela is covered in tendons, while Loki is a stick: "Don't worry, I have tactics to ensure you win easily."

"Oh? Let's talk about it first." Squirrel Girl was curious. Although she had just debuted and was not familiar with these people, it didn't matter. She was familiar with them.

"First I used ice magic to make Ulric fall down, and then the female Thor put Mjolnir on his belly. The troll king would definitely not be able to get up. By then, everyone would swarm up and go crazy on his head. Bombing indiscriminately, isn’t that what it’s all about?”

Loki's method is also very simple, which is to use the properties of the Meow Hammer. For those who are not qualified to lift it, then this thing is the weight of a collapsed star.

Although Ulric is the king of trolls and the strongest among all the retarded fools of that clan, he certainly cannot reach the level of propelling a star.

"What a great idea!" Squirrel Girl tapped her palm and raised her hand to sign up: "When the time comes, I will bite his ears, and which one of you will pick his nostrils?"

"Wait a moment, everyone." Colson interrupted everyone's communication. He looked at the cavalry beside him and then at the shockwave female Skye: "Am I the only one here who doesn't recognize this person dressed like Squirrel’s lady?”

The SHIELD team shook their heads. They thought they were the only ones who didn't know her before. But looking back, almost everyone present shook their heads. Is Loki the only one who knows her?

Faced with such an embarrassing scene, Squirrel Girl, who suffers from social anxiety, smiled and patted her bulging belly:

"Oh, it's just such a small thing, don't mind, don't we all know each other today? My name is Squirrel Girl, I am a new superhero, Iron Man also knows me, although it was because Jarvis peeked at my Internet before My secret identity was discovered through the diary, but I am everyone’s friend.”

The hairless agent showed a suspicious expression and looked at Loki: "Then how do you know this girl?"

The deceitful god shrugged and showed his classic trademark evil smile: "Who do you think will control Odin's two ravens after his death? Thor? Or my mother? Hahahaha... .”

"Okay, don't worry about those details. What we have to do now is wait in the sewers, waiting for the enemy's leader to appear, no matter who he is." Howard the Duck is a detective, and probably the smartest among them all. He serves as a consultant Gave his own suggestions.

"Be careful of the Angel Queen of Havenheim. That crazy Bichi could tie with me back then." Hela, who was playing the game, added, and then focused on the game screen in front of her. She was playing "War Machine" on her handheld device. , busy using the chain saw gun to saw the orcs.

"We have the advantage of hiding in the dark, but we are not sure whether the enemy will appear over in Times Square or here." Colson scratched the top of his head, and his hair appeared to be even thinner: "Why are there so many disasters in New York?" How difficult is it? Director Fury went directly to Washington, D.C., after returning from TVA yesterday. Could it be that he had anticipated what was going to happen today?"

"No matter what the director did, he didn't tell us." Iron Cavalry sighed, she patted Colson on the shoulder and comforted: "We just need to focus on our tasks. That's the rule."


"It's too dark. It's too dark in here. You can't see anything."

Lorna opened the flashlight app on her phone, but in the lightless prison, the weak light did not shine even an inch, as if it had been swallowed up.

This hell seems endless, and it would be too difficult to find out if there are any enemies in the dark.

"The beast may not still be in its own hell, because after it was resurrected, it should have been entrusted with important tasks by Sithorn. That guy is indeed good at sneak attacks." Deathstroke closed his eyes and moved forward relying solely on the touch and smell of strangulation. : "However, as long as we find a suitable ambush location and lure it back to kill it, it's not impossible."

"How to attract?" Lorna scratched her little nose. She put away her phone and hugged Deathstroke's arm, as if she had found support in the darkness.

Su Ming reached out and grabbed the stumbling witch beside him, brought it back to him and said, "It depends on you two sisters. Come on, this place is about the same. Wanda is here too, and we will allocate tasks."

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