The Death Knell

Chapter 3629: Bystanders at the End

Thick smoke in the sky obscured the sun, and the dark elves moved silently on the dark streets.

Although they are warriors, they are better said to be assassins. They do not have heavy and reliable armor, only thin black tights. Their weapons are extremely sharp and their tactics are cruel and ruthless.

Even if they have to exchange their own lives for the lives of their enemies, they will not hesitate for the sake of the future of the tribe and the leader's orders.

The leader of the cursed warrior jumped onto a scrap car and looked around to determine whether his position was already behind the Spider-Man. Then he jumped back to the ground expressionlessly, took off the white mask hanging on his belt and buckled it on face.

He looked back at his team. Counting him, there were fifteen people in total. They were all elite death squads. Everyone would later transform into cursed warriors and enter the battlefield.

The team members also looked at him, but no one said anything, and even the sound of breathing was undetectable. There was no mobilization before the war, and there were no words to promote justice. They just carried out the orders and then went to fight.

After silent eye contact, a group of people left the road and walked into the dark alley, preparing to reach behind the Spider Army from here.


But just a few steps into the alley, they heard the slight sound of wings flapping, which made the group of people stop involuntarily...

When they looked up at the place where the sound came from, they saw a small brown-gray stuffed animal hiding its head under its thin membranous wings and licking its armpits.

It hangs upside down under the eaves of a building, hiding in the darkness, with only its eyes shining.

The vigilant team leader did not move forward. He looked at his team members and asked them for their opinions on whether this was some kind of beast in the country of Midgard, or a surveillance familiar that could be driven by a magician.

"This is a bat, an ordinary Midgardian animal, no threat."

At this time, a well-informed soldier answered him, his voice was very low, like a mosquito flying.

The cursed warrior nodded and relaxed a little. After all, as long as he was not discovered by humans before the raid was carried out, it would be fine.

He looked back towards the direction of the tactical destination, raised his feet and prepared to move forward, but suddenly, his eyes widened and he immediately looked back at his team.

Because the alley is relatively narrow and full of garbage and debris, after entering here, everyone advances in a single file.

But now, he only saw twelve people, after deducting himself.

In other words, two people disappeared silently

This is simply impossible. No one can match the dark elves in terms of stealth operations, let alone make a big change in the living population in a short period of time.

It is precisely because of their inability to understand that the elves who were used to being in the darkness also felt the fear of the unknown darkness at this time.

"Gather closer and observe the surroundings." He gave the order while looking at the surrounding environment vigilantly.

But there's nothing interesting to see around, just two walls. There are either trash cans or piles of waste paper in the alley, and occasionally there are some human remains, all of which are worthless.

The nearby places where people can hide can be clearly seen at a glance, not to mention that dark elves have extremely strong vision, which is the ability to see things in the eternal night.

Not a trace of the enemy.

However, when they observed the surroundings again and wanted to summarize and exchange information, they found that the comrades who had been standing close to them had disappeared at some point. At this time, there were only ten people left in the team.

As before, there was no sound, no residual energy reaction from magic, and no light and shadow of space technology items being activated.

The elite warriors seemed to have evaporated and disappeared just like that.

"Can't wait any longer, activate the transformation, right here." The team leader made a prompt decision and gave the order for the entire team to transform, because he suspected that the enemy was too fast to detect, so everyone needed stronger dynamic power.

But just when he had just given the order and his men had not had time to pray to Sithorn, something suddenly fell among their crowd. They were several small smooth metal balls, each with a picture of them not long ago. This is the first time I’ve seen a bat shape.

These small balls exploded instantly, and the strong light erupted from them made the elves who were accustomed to living in darkness scream. Then when the brown smoke filled the air from other small balls, the eyes behind their masks They all showed extremely fearful emotions.

But it was too late. Screaming meant taking a deep breath, and they inhaled the poisonous gas.

At first it was just difficulty breathing, then chattering teeth, then hallucinations, and finally vomiting bile, twitching and dying in fear.

The Cursed Warrior was physically strong enough to push through, but judging from the way he kept shaking his head, he must have been hallucinating.

Because he saw it, saw it in the smoke, a giant humanoid bat walking towards him in the alley!

The monster's eyes glowed red, just like the Great Demon Shadow himself, with an overwhelming dark aura.

The warrior roared angrily, trying to get rid of the influence of fear, and swung his fist at the monster, but the moment it hit, the monster turned into little bats all over the sky, flying away with a sound like a sinister smile.

Then, he felt like the world was spinning, and the next second, he saw his headless body falling to the ground.

This was the last scene he could see in his life. He couldn't even tell whether it was an illusion, let alone fulfill the leader's order.

The man known as the monster dropped the huge head in his hand, took out a sprayer from his pocket and sprayed it around to neutralize the effect of the previous yellow-brown gas. Then, he thought silently, as if he was frozen there.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, you didn't kill people in the past, Batman." Where the dark elf entered the alley, behind them, the space fluctuated, and a bald man in green armor walked out, with a smile on his face, and The man in the darkness said hello.

Batman, who was wearing the 'Hell Bat Armor', just glanced at Luthor and replied in a voice like a throat cancer patient:

"I won't kill anyone now."

"Haha, okay, but I thought you left after attending the wedding. I didn't expect that not only did you not leave, you even came with your armor."

Luther approached his new teammate, reached out to pick up the body of a dark elf, and inserted the probe that popped out of the armor's wrist into the deceased's head.

"That's what I want to say too." Batman turned and left.

He doesn't explain anything he does, not to Zhenglian, let alone to Luther, who has just joined Zhenglian and has just cleared his name.

Luthor is Superman's friend and nemesis, but now, that's all.

"Hey, Batman, I know what you're looking for, and so do I. How about we cooperate?" The bald head stretched his neck to make a suggestion, and he showed a very warm and sunny smile.

But the bat stopped answering. He walked into the dark shadows of the alley, and no one knew how he disappeared.

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