The Death Knell

Chapter 3630 The Darkness of the Righteous Path

Wanda felt the light conveyed by the death knell, and used her own power to carry it forward. The light of creation shined again in hell, and gradually became the main color in this space, red flames.

The flame twisted in the darkness, growing and expanding as energy continued to be injected into it.

Whenever the death knell drags away some darkness, the empty space is filled with light.

The replacement speed was not fast at first, but as Lorna and Wanda gradually got used to the operation method of the concept, soon it was dawn.

The flames turned into torches, the torches turned into bonfires, the bonfires turned into volcanoes, the volcanoes turned into seas of fire, and finally, a red scorching sun rose from the sea and straight into the sky, emitting a golden-red light.

It was like a white cover had replaced the black cover covering everyone's heads. In just the blink of an eye, the three of them could see each other clearly and the desolate environment around them.

There is no longer nothing here, at least there is light. After people see the light, they will trigger vision. Vision brings thinking, and thinking brings stories.

Lorna had a slight nosebleed, but that was her ability. Just as Shockwave Girl might damage her wrist when she triggered a powerful shock wave, magnetism would often react on the user. .

But seeing the darkness being 'sucked' into the black sun of Death Knell, as if being sucked away by a toilet, she wiped her nose and smiled, feeling proud that she could do this.

Even a vague concept like darkness can be glued together using magnetism. Even with the help of my sister Wanda, it is still an amazing achievement.

The sky flashed, and the black sun disappeared, just like the black half of the Yin-Yang fish was hidden by the death knell, leaving only the white half of the lightless prison, leaving the red sun in the sky.

Now maybe the name of this place can be changed. Instead of calling it the Lightless Prison, it can be called the Bright Light Prison or something.

Speaking of which, isn't it a little too bright here? It was so dazzling that it made Deathstroke, who was used to darkness, feel a little uncomfortable.

"Okay, now just wait for a while. The hell lord has a special connection with his own hell. We raided the beast's hometown and completely changed the properties here. It should also be implicated."

Deathstroke looked around and saw that there was nothing on this barren land, so he took out a set of tables and chairs from his pocket, and also took some snacks that Modu bought from the Imperial Capital:

"I don't know if it will vomit blood, but it will definitely come back to investigate. As long as I seize the opportunity to block the space, I can hold it here and give me a chance to activate the props."

The two sisters nodded repeatedly, and then both stretched out their little hands to the beautiful pastries.

Another advantage of working with Deathstroke is that there is no shortage of food and drink.

Watching them eat, Su Ming nodded with satisfaction. Human beings have a very interesting characteristic, that is, they tend to relax subconsciously when eating, and therefore feel simple peace of mind.

This is probably something engraved in DNA. In ancient times, primitive people knew that having food meant they could survive, and they would instinctively feel joy if they could survive. This has developed to this day. Because of the abundance of material things, it has gradually evolved into people being happy when they eat good things, but the essence has not changed.

The death knell served snacks not to keep the two sisters full, but to help them adjust their mentality. After all, no one knows what the specific situation of the resurrected beast is. Facing an ancient god and having to fight and win, it is not safe to be overly nervous. Conducive to performance.

Fortunately for Polaris, she doesn't know about the mysterious side and has no idea what the ancient gods are. Plus, she has been happy recently after experiencing the world of black robes.

The key is Scarlet Witch, because she understands the concept of what the ancient gods of the earth are, so she will inevitably overthink it.

We will need to rely on her chaos magic to capture the beast that comes home to investigate, so feeding her some snacks first to calm her mood is a better option.

Watching beautiful girls eating and drinking tea really makes people feel good, but Su Ming was not idle either. He drank tea and waited while chatting with the lieutenant:

"What's going on now? How many pieces do we have on the New York chessboard we vacated?"

The adjutant's projection floated on the table. She raised her hand to hold up a map, then zoomed in and marked the place where the battle took place with flashing red dots. It looked like these red dots were densely packed, like on a snack. of sesame seeds.

"An unknown demonic army has joined the battlefield. In view of the threat posed by their magical flames, the superheroes can only maintain a balance of power for the time being. They have too many concerns and do not want to destroy the city or affect civilians in the battle. This has led to many people I can’t do anything with my full strength.”

Deathstroke nodded and looked at the golden-red sun in the sky: "It was expected. If in the universe or on an alien planet, Carol would be able to wipe out all the enemy forces with one punch after entering the binary form, but now the battlefield is Earth, there’s no way she can even explode the earth.”

Carol is also in New York. After all, she is the director of the Tianjian Bureau. It is her job to deal with alien invasions. It is normal for her to show up at this time, but just from her expression, she can tell that she is feeling aggrieved.

Not only Carol, many people are in a similar situation. They are restrained when fighting on earth. After all, no one wants to be charged with the annihilation of mankind.

"There are currently no fatalities in the Spider Legion, but some Spider-Man were injured and have been urgently admitted." The adjutant cut the screen again to show the situation in Times Square: "But I just discovered Batman and Luther. The former is still wearing Hellbat armor, and his purpose is currently unknown.”

"Oh? Show me..."

Su Ming became a little interested. He had long discovered that Luthor had been looking for something in Marvel. Now, has Batman also started?

What are they looking for? Still doing it secretly behind your back?

If the adjutant's surveillance hadn't been upgraded with magical means, they might have avoided him again today.

The deputy cut the video and played the scene of Batman's "stealing the chicken" and how the truly dark man had the dark elves in his hands.

"Fear gas, although I know that Batman used to like to play with smoke bombs and flash bombs. After all, he studied under the League of Assassins..." Su Ming touched his chin and brushed the short hair with his fingertips. Beard: "But directly using fear gas to kill aliens seems like this mental journey is a bit far."

Fear gas, like laughing gas, can kill people. Different effects can be achieved by slightly adjusting the formula ratio and drug concentration.

People without strong willpower will die suddenly due to liver and gallbladder destruction within a few seconds of being poisoned, but if the willpower is strong enough, it is not a problem to withstand the injection of the highest concentration of fear venom.

It's quite idealistic to think about it this way.

"Batman killed aliens, so it shouldn't be considered murder, right?" The deputy was also a little curious, because she had never seen such a violent side of bat, twisting off other people's heads with bare hands.

"Aliens don't count as humans, so it doesn't matter." Su Ming smiled, shook his head and said, "You can't tell anything from this video, but obviously Luther and he should have a similar plan. I don't have any at the moment. For clues, keep an eye on them.”

"Are you wary of Luther doing something bad again?" The adjutant nodded, and she wrote down the instructions and ran them.

"No, Luthor can't even defeat Superman, so it's not a big deal. The key is Batman. He alone is more dangerous than Sithorne and Seth combined, and I still don't know his cure for the clown virus." Okay, okay, but please don’t come back to the Laughing Bat again, I’ve had enough.”

The Supreme Mage rolled his eyes, obviously someone who didn't like nostalgia.

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