The Death Knell

Chapter 3631 The beast returns to its nest

Next, the adjutant reported on the work step by step, including the Celestial Spear Bureau's response to the dimensional invasion, the battlefield of Utopia, and what happened around the world.

Things went well. Deathstroke's android army and the Imperial Guard suffered some casualties, but the loss of several million troops was nothing. At least they had cleared the landing sites in other areas and destroyed the teleportation devices.

If the strategic goal is achieved, then all sacrifices will be worth it.

I just wonder if New York is the only 'live bait' left in the world. Can the enemy see that this is a trap?

But then I thought about it, it doesn't matter if it should be seen. Although I don't understand why the aliens are so persistent in invading New York, it is obvious that they all like that city very much, and they like it for no reason.

"Inform Master Black at the Sanctuary of New York to be prepared. I will try my best to destroy the first generation of demons and evil gods in the attached dimension, but the legs are on each other's bodies. These guys see New York like bees seeing flowers. I can't guarantee they won't parachute into New York City."

Deathstroke put down his tea cup and sighed. Although there are many precautions, it is difficult to guard against domestic thieves. The reason why these invading forces can silently arrange teleportation points all over the world must be because there is a traitor among mankind. .

Not everyone can withstand the temptation of the snake crown and rewards for completing tasks. Who doesn’t want to be the protagonist of a systematic novel?

Pick up a weird hat, put it on and get the old man in your mind, complete the system's tasks and gain great strength. Anyone who has such an adventure will keep it secret from others.

The adjutant is not idle enough to monitor the entire population of nearly 10 billion on the earth. He still has to keep track of him every minute and every second. The computing power is not so wasteful...

It's enough to monitor people with superpowers and international celebrities. Ordinary people were obviously not within the scope of monitoring in the past.

And this loophole was taken advantage of by Seth, who could quickly turn ordinary people into extraordinary people. It was still the same snake crown trick.

It once threatened Deathstroke, saying that one day it would come back, and it seemed that it really kept its word. However, Su Ming felt that Viper most likely did not tell Sithorn that Deathstroke, the Supreme Mage, existed on Earth.

The relationship between the two of them is not the kind of good comrades who rely on each other. In the past, they just wanted to eat each other but couldn't, and they formed an alliance under external pressure.

Maybe this can be exploited?

"Alright, Sheriff, is there anything else you want to order?"

The adjutant recorded a lot of things. She touched the long silver hair on her shoulders and said with a smile.

"You should have captured some of the teleportation devices used by the dark elves, right? Arrange reverse engineering. I'm a little curious about what technology can take the mysterious path. And the new demon army, I want to know whose subordinates they are."

In this way, all the things that should be arranged were arranged, and there was not much new information exchanged. Su Ming quickly began the process of drinking tea and waiting.

In hell, the concept of time is very vague. After all, there is nothing but fire and flames, let alone a reference for judging time in the main dimension.

In short, when the three of them sat around the small table and drank a pot of green tea, and were about to take the second brew, space fluctuations came.

The sky was like a ball that had been flattened by some external force. It dented downwards, and then a small hole opened at the point of stress, and then black smoke flowed in from there like a fluid.

At first it was just ticking, but in the blink of an eye it turned into a roaring waterfall. There seemed to be something solid in the black mud, and there was a heavy falling sound, but if you looked carefully, it seemed there was nothing.

Wanda put down the uneaten peach cake and looked at the death knell with big eyes.

The man nodded to her, indicating that the beast was indeed back. Although it was particularly good at hiding as it was good at the concept of shadow, its energy response and the sense of oppression as an ancient god would not lie.

So the witch suddenly raised her hands according to the predetermined plan, and in an instant, red light shot straight into the sky from her hands.

The hell space that originally seemed to be a round sky was instantly coated with a red light film, and it disappeared in an instant, which meant that chaos magic had locked this space, at least until Wanda changed her mind.

At this moment, dark claws appeared in the shadows of the three people, and they launched an attack like a backstab.

The beast's ambition is quite big. It attacks three people at the same time without any hesitation.

As expected of an old man who has been dead for so many years and then resurrected. He is so honest. Under normal circumstances, shouldn't we discuss the conditions first? If Sithorn can give it, Emperor Weishan can do it, so why bother to take sides in such a hurry?

What's more, the benefit Sithorn gave it was probably resurrection, right? Now that you have obtained all these benefits, why should you continue to work for the Great Demon Shadow? Su Ming would not reject the idea of ​​directly taking his living body to join Emperor Weishan, abandoning the dark side and joining the bright side.

Is there a possibility that Deathstroke secretly 'decorated' its home, so it became angry?

But things can be discussed. From the beginning to the end, it has been living in obscurity underground since the first generation of God War. It has no deep hatred against anyone, so why should it commit suicide now?

Alas, it’s too simple. Does this mean that you don’t know how valuable the concept of ‘Trinity’ is in Marvel? Or does it think that it is the missing third person in the 'Snake Shadow Group'?

I can't figure it out, but that's normal. Su Ming is just an ordinary person. It's hard to understand what this kind of mad dog who has lived for hundreds of millions of years thinks.

But thinking about it, since someone wants to fight, the Supreme Mage will not refuse.

"It turns out this is the method of attack." Without Su Ming taking action, Cloak and Strangler were assassinated from everyone's shadow, so that their owner Deathstroke still had time to sigh: "Did the attack come from the victim's own shadow? No wonder The observers rushed into the street at the same time without any precautions, and everyone turned face down, making them look like Asgardians."

"Duang!!!" The three attacks were blocked respectively, and the blocking sounds almost overlapped.

The three spikes that stood up from the shadow immediately dissipated in mid-air when they missed a hit, as if nothing had ever happened.


Strangler, who blocked the back stab, expressed his opinion. The shadow attack this time was very interesting. The shadow behind the host was the most powerful, almost a replica of Deathstroke. The attack behind the two girls was very weak, at the level of ordinary girls.

"Using the shadow to let us hit ourselves?" Su Ming smiled. He looked down at his own shadow, then raised his head and shouted into the distance: "Little Beast! I gave your move a name, called 'The Secret of Tolerance· What do you think of the dung-picking dragon's claw hand?"

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