The Death Knell

Chapter 3637 Silly Sister

"You are not an angel at all." Jessica shook her wrist, looked at the wounds on her joints, tore a piece of cloth from her T-shirt and wrapped it in her hand, and communicated with the other party in English: "Other soldiers are not at all Without your strength, they wouldn't even be able to catch my punch."

This is true. Angels are generally lighter in weight, and their bone structure is also different from humans. After all, as a species that flaps its wings and relies on aerodynamics to fly, it cannot be too heavy.

Anyone who knows about fighting and fighting sports knows that there is a big gap in strength between lightweight players and heavyweight players. This is determined by the density and weight of muscle fibers as carbon-based organisms.

Treasure Girl's abilities come from genetic mutations caused by chemical agents. The power of flying, diving and punching is about 75 tons. You must know that this is a level that even Spider-Man and Captain America cannot forcefully connect.

Before launching the raid, she observed the invaders for a long time, made a few 'cakes', and summarized some things.

For example, the special abilities of angels are the ability to fly. Apart from that, they only have advanced technology and their own martial arts. There are currently no superpowers who use cosmic energy, and there is no trace of magicians.

Also, they are really greedy. Jessica saw these angel warriors more than once picking off the jewelry worn by the victims, not only earrings and rings, but also clothing buttons or shoe upper decorations made of fake diamonds. Use a sword to dig it out and take it away. .

In addition, unlike their delicate appearance, these angels are sinister and cunning, and extremely bloodthirsty. It seems that the more corpses they see and the more blood on their bodies, the more excited they will be.

The one in front of her was really different. Not only in appearance, she was not carrying any trophies, and her golden armor was also clean.

"You're talking nonsense! I am an angel! I am a glorious warrior from Havenheim!" Jessica's words irritated the enemy. For some reason, the other party became anxious when they heard that some humans suspected that she was not an angel.

But who knew that after hearing this, the expression on Jessica's face would become even weirder.

Because this was not the first time she had fought with angels. Those angels before had always said things like 'I will take out your heart', 'Who dares to offend the noble me', and so on.

No one mentions the word "glory", which seems not to be the style of the angel family.

"No, you're not, I've already confirmed it." Jessica watched the other party swinging his sword towards her. She didn't panic at all. She just floated up and hung at a height that was out of reach of the other party: "You don't speak like that. They don’t act like them, and they don’t even look like them, so I’m sure you’re not one of them, so who are you?”

"Shut up!" The red-haired woman in gold armor became even more anxious. She was jumping hard on the ground, trying to chop Jessica with the weapon in her hand: "I am an angel, get down and fight me head-on!"

Jessica floated here and there, and even had time to watch her teammates slaughter other angels. She was not in a hurry.

The more the red-haired woman talks, the more information she gets. Anyway, this is much easier than catching her alive and then telling her lies.


"Ah, it's Jessica, who is she fighting?"

Deathstroke and his team were behind the gutter fence on the roadside, with only a row of eyes looking at the road. Daisy noticed the combatants on this section of the road, and saw a familiar black-haired girl, and made a confused sound.

"I don't know, but it doesn't look like an angel." Wanda looked at Deathstroke and found that the latter was still expressionless and then asked: "Should we go over to help? Although Jessica and the others have the advantage, this area is located Behind enemy lines, if the enemy's large forces react, I'm afraid they will be surrounded, and we can speed up the battle."

"Let me do it." Lorna raised her hand and licked her lips. These angels in metal armor were like chocolates wrapped in tin foil to her.

But just when Polaris was about to activate her super power, Deathstroke took her hand, shook his head slowly and said:

"Don't kill this red-haired man, it's not our business here... Hela, aren't you going to express your opinion?"

"Oh, I really don't know what to say." Hela sighed. She pressed the game pause button on her handheld console, raised her head and stretched her neck: "I understand what you mean, but..."

Hela has her own little secret. After all, she is a playmate created by the God of Stories and sent back to ancient times.

She knew the red-haired woman, but apparently Deathstroke also knew that she did, but she didn't want to admit it.

"Don't say no, I didn't ask you to kill. Think about what Odin told you before he died?" Su Ming stood in the darkness and made an inviting gesture towards the light on the street outside.

"Oh? My dear sister, what did our respectable father say to you before he died?" Loki showed an interested look, and she asked Hela in a sinister way: "Did he say the eternal gun at the end? Who should it belong to? Who should sit on the throne of Asgard? Oh, Asgard is gone? That’s okay, hehehehe..."

If they were the only two here, she wouldn't talk to Hela like this, but if Deathstroke was there, she would become a lot more courageous.

The goddess of the underworld glanced at her brother, no, now her sister, and did not continue to struggle. She answered straightforwardly:

"Odin begged me to protect his children, and now, the red-haired one outside is the eldest daughter of Odin and Frigga, our sister."

"Oh?" Loki blinked, a little surprised at first, and then laughed again: "Haha, good sister, how do you know about the existence of another sister? Why did Odin never tell Thor and me about it? ?”

"Because Odin thought she was dead, Angela, their first child, was kidnapped by the Angel Queen of Havenheim, leaving only a pool of blood in the pram."

Su Ming skipped more explanation steps and urged Hela to go out from the manhole cover not far away to solve the problem:

"This led Odin to think that she had been killed, and became angry and launched a war against Havenheim. He cut off the Tenth Realm from the World Tree and exiled her to the endless void. Later, I told Odin the truth, and Odin told Hela, just think about it, if you were Odin, would you tell Thor, who is all about muscles, such a thing? If you knew, wouldn't you tell Thor? "

Loki may not necessarily believe what Hela said, but Deathstroke said the same thing, so she had no reason to doubt it.

Therefore, the smile on Loki's face disappeared. She pinched her chin and nodded slowly: "So it is indeed a wise choice. So, are there ten different countries in the Nine Realms?"

"Of course, right? For example, Shuangfei is actually three people, the Four Heavenly Kings are often five, and the Eight Demon Gods are actually nine people." Deathstroke held a cigarette in his mouth, accepted the cigarette lighting service of Xiao Bean Sprout, and vomited He took a puff of smoke and continued: "So it makes sense that the nine realms include ten kingdoms. You have been on earth for so many years and haven't you even learned this?"

"Ah, it's really troublesome. Odin always regards some people who are not dead as dead people. Well, another strange sister is still the eldest sister." Loki patted the back of his head and said as if he had a headache: " But let me tell you, if this woman is as troublesome as Badr, why don’t we just kill her here?”

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