The Death Knell

Chapter 3636 A different angel

"She looks different than the others."

Hell's Kitchen, located in the shadow of a ruin behind the enemy lines, Jessica Jones secretly looked at a group of angels in the distance, with a helpless expression on her face:

"And to be honest, I'm just a detective who dropped out of high school. Why would I get involved in something like this? At the same time, I become temporary teammates with you weirdos."

She didn't want this. Jessica just wanted to huddle in her own detective agency every day, drink as much as she wanted on the cheap drinks she bought, and then fall asleep without waking up.

It's not some alien invasion, hell demons appear on the streets and people die like crops being harvested.

"Because if you want to live, you need to kill them, but you can't do it alone." Wearing a black T-shirt with a large white skull logo printed on the chest, he carried various large firearms on his back. The six-handed man replied.

Simple principles and a slightly fragrant tone are what a tough guy is, and beautiful young girls will not get any preferential treatment from him.

There are some injuries on the man's body, but the enemies who had caused these injuries before were all dead. For him with super strong willpower, bleeding and injuries will not affect his combat effectiveness, but will only make his anger more intense...

His soul screamed at him to seek justice for the victims, to make these alien monsters pay with their blood.

The thick smoke in the sky had completely blocked out the sunlight, leaving only areas illuminated by firelight on the streets.

The residents of Hell's Kitchen resist fiercely, but even though the place is filled with various 'socially active gangs' and they have all kinds of advanced weapons, they are still no match for the professional army of angels.

The mob did not have a commander who could take charge of the overall situation, and their final fate was to be defeated one by one. Now the angels are doing this, clearing each building one by one in street fighting.

As for Jessica's other two teammates, they are like mutes. One is a vampire daywalker who is still wearing sunglasses in the dark street; the other is dressed like a Harley Party and carrying an iron chain in his hand. , a skull with a burning head.

"I never thought about killing an angel. I'm a bitter uncle. Do you think God will forgive me if I do this?" Jessica looked at the angels and heard gunfire from the other end of the street. Flying to a different place, with her back to everyone, she was ready to take action.

The Punisher took off two assault rifles and held them in his hands. He used his teeth to pull the bolts and load the guns. He sniffed hard and spit to the side. He replied expressionlessly:

"I don't know, but send them to see God first!"

After saying that, he rushed out of the bunker, picked up his rifle and fired several rounds of long bursts into the sky. Soon, several angels were caught off guard and fell to the ground.

Although it is bad news that New York has been invaded by millions of bloodthirsty angels, the good news is that they are not completely bulletproof. Their armor and weapons can block human bullets, but as long as they accurately hit the opponent's eyes or the back of the head and cervical spine, the same Can kill them.

Johnny Blaze, the new generation of Ghost Rider, rushed towards the enemy on his Ghost motorcycle. The burning vehicle and tire tracks made him look more like the culprit of arson.

While driving at high speed, the iron chain in his hand was spinning and dancing above his head like a lasso. Every time he lassoed an angel in the sky, the flames of hell would climb up the iron rope, making the other person scream in agony. Turned into a puddle of black ash.

The lower jaw on his burning skull was constantly opening and closing, as if laughing silently.

As for the Blade Warrior, he disappeared. It was as simple as that. Now that the sky is dark and the earth is dark, it is normal for him, a black-skinned half-vampire, to suddenly disappear, right?

These people have all found their targets, and Jessica is no exception, but she chose the most special one among all angels, because that woman has no wings.

Although no one present knew that these angels came from Havenheim and belonged to a branch of the Inhuman race that was separated in ancient times, when hundreds of enemies were flying in the sky, this man wearing the same golden armor of the enemy was running on the ground. That couldn't be more conspicuous.

As a detective with extraordinary insight, Treasure Girl's attention has always been on this wingless woman, looking at the heavy sword in her hand and looking at her long red hair.

Finally, she came to the conclusion that this wingless woman was the only one among all the enemies who wore eye shadow, and it was bright red eye shadow!

Yes, Jessica’s observation skills are so keen!

Being different means special. A special enemy often means that the other party knows more information. This is a very simple reason.

No one among the team members present now, including the Avengers who can be contacted by mobile phone, knows where the many enemies come from.

If you want to fight for a long time, you must at least know the other party's intelligence. Jessica finally met a woman who was suspected of being a small boss. Of course she must seize the opportunity, and as long as she lives.

Looking at the Punisher, Ghost Rider, and Blade, which of these three dark heroes seems likely to survive?

So Treasure Girl had to do it herself.

Jessica's ability is very simple, that is, she is strong, can fly, has some self-healing ability, and has a good mind. Now she needs to use her ability to fly but the other party's inability to gain a tactical advantage.

Her way of thinking was learned from Deathstroke. Although they only had a brief contact with him at the beginning, the impact that man left on her was indescribable.

Yes, the Deadpool who rescued her from the car accident was also a good fighter, but after she attended the latter's wedding and vomited so much, she felt that she had repaid the favor. If Deadpool were to do it again in the future, Invite her to dinner. If she goes again, she will be a puppy!

"Your opponent is me!"

Seeing that the wingless angel wanted to reinforce other intruders, Jessica dived from mid-air and punched the opponent in the back of the head.

Her flying speed is not fast, she can fly about a hundred kilometers per hour, it is more like floating, and she will get a headache if she flies for too long.

But those who can fly are better than those who cannot fly, and air superiority cannot be compensated by other conventional abilities.

The wingless angel was startled and immediately turned his head, surprised that a human girl wearing a black leather jacket actually had air superiority.

But this did not prevent her from making corresponding blocking postures. The heavy sword in her hand was placed in front of her, and she just blocked the attack at the moment she turned around.


The collision between the two sides can be said to have caused the ground to dent slightly. The surrounding building ruins and charred vehicle frames were constantly shaking. The two sides were evenly matched.

Jessica took a few steps back after landing, and the other party also took a few steps back after completing the parry. The two women looked at each other in the air, and there seemed to be an electric sound in the air as their eyes met.

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