The Death Knell

Chapter 3635 The True Avenger

"Okay, the good-hearted people who are causing trouble have left. Let's talk about your affairs." Su Ming moved his neck and looked at Hela who was holding the game console: "You said you, the majestic goddess of the underworld, will not stay here." Why are you playing games in Daisy’s apartment and running out to crawl into human sewers?”

But Hela, who was so mesmerized by the game, didn’t even raise her head. She opened her small mouth with black lipstick and gave the answer:

"You think I don't want to stay at home, drink soda and play games? It's not your female Thor who insists on dragging us out and saying to help where the fighting is fiercest. I said don't worry about it. You must have a plan, but she You must join in the fun."

"Is that so? Daisy?" Deathstroke looked at the female Thor who lowered her head and drew circles on the ground with her toes. She looked embarrassed.

But because the line of sight was blocked, the circle was not round at all.

"I just want to help the Avengers. After all, I am quite capable, so I should shoulder more social responsibilities." She said this first, then thought about it and whispered: "Besides, I have been I’ve never killed a chicken before, so my hands are a little itchy.”

The idea of ​​killing chickens comes from the trip Su Ming took her and Star-Lord to the capital of the Shi'ar Empire. After the massacre of the Guards, Deathstroke said that killing aliens was no different from killing chickens.

It seems that Daisy didn't remember anything else but killing chickens. She doesn't usually kill people, so she obviously came here with the same mentality as hunting.

"That's because you don't know how much the dark elves and trolls hate Thor. If you appear on the battlefield, you will 100% immediately become a target." Su Ming touched her head speechlessly. He could understand a warrior. Out of instinctive 'fitness needs', but if the female Thor wants to enter the scene to harvest people's heads, the time should not be now...

Those two races actually hate Thor, but at the same time, if Daisy appears with a Meow Hammer and a red cloak, don't expect the trolls to have the intelligence to tell the difference between men and women. They only know the red cloak and flying. Accompanied by thunder and lightning, that is Thor.

As for why they hate Thor, it's easy to explain, because Thor, the God of Thunder, is a god and he didn't do anything human in the past.

They hate Odin and the Asgardians most, but now that Odin is dead and Asgard has crashed, these hatreds will naturally be inherited by Thor, the eldest son and a typical Asgardian.

"Is that so? The invaders hate Thor especially, don't they?" Daisy hit her palm with her fist as if understanding, then tilted her head and looked at Loki and said, "Why didn't you remind me of this? Do you want to see me enter?" Were you beaten up after the battlefield?"

The evil-smiling black-haired woman spread her hands and her expression instantly became innocent:

"You didn't ask me before. How can I think about things as thoroughly as the Supreme Mage? Isn't it normal for me to omit a few things? Besides, I like you very much. How could I want to see you being beaten by others? Even if it is If you were beaten by others, I would never laugh if I saw you, hehehehehe."

Everyone knew what kind of person Loki was. Daisy rolled her eyes. She shook her head and no longer dwelled on the issue.

But she has secretly decided that if Loki wants to eat cakes for nothing in the future, there is no way!

On the dark bottom of the sea, there is a ruined palace.

Everything seems to be shrouded in darkness and mystery. Humans living on the ground have never known much about the seabed, and danger lurks here, especially now.

Among these ruined buildings, a huge army is gathering. They look a bit like a combination of snakes and fish, with fine scales and eyes that are so big that they are deformed.

There are webs between the fingers and toes of the strange creatures, and some vague shadows of humanoids can be seen on their faces, but their blue skin shows that they are obviously another race.

This place is located in the deep sea, without a trace of light. The deep water is like ink, and there are not many fish. It is a place where human underwater detectors have never been.

But the mud at the bottom of the sea is filled with discarded human garbage. Things like beer bottles and cans arrived first, reminding everyone here that they share a planet with another race.

The ruin-like streets are filled with murloc soldiers. They are fully armed. Although the armor they wear is covered with marine specialties such as barnacles and looks very old, the weapons in their hands are brand new and all of them are Energy driven.

They gathered on the street, occasionally blowing bubbles and looking at each other. This was probably the way fish communicated, because the sea was still silent.

Walking along the ruined streets of the city, you can see a crumbling palace. Just looking at the scale, you can feel how majestic it once was, but now, its former glory has disappeared with the passage of time.

There was no light in the palace, not to mention the luminous pearls used for lighting, not even a luminous monkfish, but there was a figure sitting on the magnificent throne in the throne room.

This man had pointed ears and wore a long black vest, exposing his strong arms and chest.

However, when he touched the sapphire ring on his head, he pointed at the orchid, as if he was feeling sorry for himself.

When a fishman who also wore a headband swam into the hall and informed their king that the team was ready and the war machine could launch a global tsunami at any time, the figure on the throne finally made some movement.

He bounced up as if he had been electrocuted, and said to himself excitedly in a high-pitched voice like a eunuch:

"How many years, how many years have passed! I finally waited for this day of revenge! Deathstroke is no longer mine. You and those damn people on the ground will feel the anger of the sea! Uh-huh!"

As if by mistake, his words ended with a girly particle, which instantly destroyed the conspiracy-like mood and made people feel funny.

But he himself didn't notice anything, because he had become accustomed to it and it had become natural. Even the messenger who was kneeling under the imperial steps did not smile, because the hatred of the Atlanteans was so serious!

Picking up the snake-headed double fork leaning against the throne, the long vest he was wearing fluttered with the water like a skirt. The mentally twisted king himself shot out of the palace like a torpedo and came to the streets that had been turned into ruins.

He glanced at the endless aberrant army and looked at the various colored rings on everyone's forehead. He knew that all the people, like him, had gained strength from the great snake god.

The power to take revenge.

Although everyone's mentality must be different, and they have more or less hatred for land people, there is no doubt that everyone has the same mission from the gods, which is to march towards the land with a tsunami.

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