The Death Knell

Chapter 3634 Gem and Jade Identification

"This is not Cytorak's ruby, Slade."

Just when Su Ming read the list and arranged for the adjutant to have Midnight Express prepare the shipment, the Scarlet Witch gave her own appraisal results.

She first looked at the team of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who were eavesdropping, and then at Loki, who was watching her sister playing games not far away, and continued:

"Although this thing looks very similar to Seratok's token in terms of appearance, light and shadow effects, energy attributes, etc., I am very sure that this is not a necklace, but a headband. This is a transformed Seth snake crown. .”

Cytorak has mastered many concepts. After all, he has the Crimson Universe, a multiverse that is not entirely multidimensional, but its most famous attributes are 'Crimson' and 'Assimilation'. Among almost all the magic spells related to him, There will always be the word 'red'.

But apart from the color of the gemstone, this jewelry has no trace of anything.

After speaking, Wanda also unfolded the entire gold chain and gestured above her head. It can be seen that the length of the chain is not enough at all, and there is no open lock. When people try to wear it as a necklace, it It will just get stuck in the forehead...

People's attention is attracted by conspicuous gems, but in fact, the most critical and threatening thing happens to be this thin gold chain.

Although it is very thin and beautiful, if you think about it carefully, doesn't anyone find that it looks like a snake?

Or a greedy snake connected end to end.

You must know that the Ouroboros, the circle full of scales, etc. are all symbols of the snake god Seth. .

It is easy to put this thing on, but difficult to take it off. Once you are tempted by Seth, you will inevitably fall into the abyss of the 'Sea of ​​Snakes' forever.

"Haha, Sithorne's chaos magic turned the snake crown into a ring. I thought you would have discovered it earlier." Loki spoke in a frivolous tone. As the God of Mischief, she was almost the first person he saw. At a glance, the essence of this thing was discovered.

But she was evil-minded and did not say anything. Instead, she wanted to see if someone would wear it and stand on the opposite side of the death knell in this incident. This is called watching the excitement and it is not too big a deal. After all, people have been having fun since ancient times. Well.

"Have you ever worn this thing?" Su Ming ignored Loki's confusion and asked the squirrel girl who was eating fruit.

"I tried it, chew chew chew..." Doreen chewed faster, then swallowed the nuts in her mouth, hugged tightly the full bag of things Deathstroke gave her, and replied: " It talked to me, but I didn’t agree, so I took it off without any difficulty.”

After hearing this statement, Loki looked at Squirrel Girl with interest: "It seems that you are really different."

"No, I just thought my head was too big to wear this necklace." The girl with big front teeth rolled her eyes. She felt very comfortable getting along with Loki.

"Okay, the new snake crown is disguised as a gem necklace, and Seth has definitely put more than one of these things into the main dimension." Deathstroke took the headband handed back by Wanda and looked at it carefully: " Adjutant, search for similar things around the world, whether it’s jewelry of unknown origin or a talking toilet, find it for me.”

The adjutant's projection 'Breen' immediately floated next to Deathstroke. She nodded to the people present as a greeting, and then asked Deathstroke:

"Chief, there are nearly 10 billion people on the earth. I may need to use some special means to make people cooperate unconsciously."

To put it bluntly, it is to use voodoo mushrooms on a large scale to turn people into obedient good people. However, the adjutant's original authority does not allow her to launch a large-scale brainwashing of humans without Deathstroke's knowledge.

"Go ahead, I authorize you to use some unconventional means. After all, Batman uses fear gas, and I have to keep pace with the times." Su Ming nodded, took out a pack of cigarettes, and threw it to Ke through the air. Erson talked to him: "Boy in the suit, why didn't your S.H.I.E.L.D. team follow Fury and go to the sewers of New York?"

"The director has a plan, and we don't know the full plan." Coulson replied with a smile. He doesn't smoke or drink. It's not that he doesn't know it. As an agent, he knows a little bit about everything, but unless he needs to perform in front of others, , otherwise he personally does not have this hobby: "We just follow orders, and that's what workers do."

Coulson's weakness is Captain America's peripheral products. As for other materialistic desires, they are almost zero.

Su Ming looked at Shockwave Girl behind Coulson, and Skye secretly gave him a look containing complicated emotions.

That's because although Deathstroke didn't accompany him personally, Kamathaj still arranged for people to take Skye to the hidden canyon in the Himalayas to find her relatives. In that alien settlement, she met her mother Jia Ying, and even Met his father, Dr. Hyde.

She originally thought she was an orphan without a father or mother, but Deathstroke easily reunited her family and confirmed her identity as an Inhuman.

Although Jia Ying's mind is full of extreme thoughts and Hyde's mental state is not normal, they are Skye's parents after all.

She also knew that her original name was Daisy, but since she had the same name as the female Thor, it was better to continue using the pseudonym Skye.

Regardless, she thought she owed Deathstroke a favor.

"You should not get involved in this matter. You must know that the problems in the magic world are always very complicated. Fury has no mysterious information at all. When will he die?"

Just like in the past, Su Ming told a brief joke, shook his head slowly, turned around and looked at the place where he started at Marvel, looking at the familiar equipment made of red bricks and brass:

"Help me give Fury a message. Don't try to pull him into your arms when you see the power. It will be too late when he discovers that there is an evil god behind the power. It's better to give you a holiday recently."

Colson didn't mind and nodded with a smile: "I will convey it. Speaking of a vacation, I have been longing for it for a long time. The last vacation was the year before last. It was so short that I even thought the vacation was an illusion afterwards. .”

He was also a straightforward person. He made a wisecrack to lighten the atmosphere, nodded to the Deathstroke group, and walked aside to make a phone call.

After simply repeating Deathstroke's words to Fury on the other side, Lu Dan was silent for a few seconds, and then ordered the team to evacuate New York, seemingly guessing that Deathstroke was kindly reminding them to evacuate.

Apart from anything else, Colson's organizational skills are really good, and his relationship with the players is like a family. Especially when he left, a large group of people looked like a big family going on vacation together.

So happy and beautiful, but there is an extra duck that is out of place. The duck is still very silent and seems to be thinking about something.

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