The Death Knell

Chapter 3641 Deep Sea Undercurrent

"I understand, but I need Neptune's trident."

Arthur, who was staring at the sea, made his request and explained it in detail:

"When underwater, the trident can convert my life force into vibrations like a tuning fork, which spreads along the sea water. If I want to summon fish all over the world, I need it."

When it comes to naval battles, Arthur does know a lot about it. Even if Su Ming didn't say it directly, he also realized that he needed to use an army of sea creatures to deal with the relatively small number of Atlanteans.

How many people were there in Atlantis? Hundreds of thousands of people can stand up to the sky.

But how many fish are there in the sea? This is a question that no one can put an exact number on, because the answer is countless.

Although this battle sounded like it was against his own countrymen, which made Arthur a little sad.

But after thinking that this was a parallel world and that Atlantis here had completely gone astray, he suddenly felt a strange sense of responsibility.

It seems that if he cannot completely clean up these crazy sea tribes, he will be ashamed of this blue world...

"Wanda, get a trident with the function of diffusing sonic vibrations, and add some fish affinity effects. It's best to set it up exclusively for Arthur."

Neptune's Trident is in the Atlantean Temple in DC. It is protected by both magic and physics. It is a bit troublesome to get it.

Just let Wanda use chaos magic to shape it.

In order to make it easier for her to imagine what that thing should look like, Su Ming also took out a spider totem from his pocket and used his lightsaber to cut out a small trident as an example.

The Scarlet Witch took the little toy, looked at it and immediately began to cast a spell. With a flash of red light, it turned into a shining golden trident, even sharper and more beautiful than the original one.

"Here you go, it's a bit heavy." After the thing was formed, Wanda couldn't carry it by herself. Polaris used magnetism to help her sister, making the weapon float into Arthur's hand.

Just like Sun Wukong holding the golden cudgel, Neptune used the new fork to perform several tricks on the spot. Listening to the whistling wind, he nodded with satisfaction:

"Thank you, madam, your ability is very powerful, a bit like a silver witch."

Wanda smiled, and then looked at Deathstroke with a puzzled look. Su Ming did not explain, but just shrugged, because the Silver Witch was unrelated to the current task.

"She is the Scarlet Witch, and this is her sister Polaris. They are both my children." Deathstroke introduced him as a means of interruption, and then patted Arthur on the shoulder: "This is the Sea King of another world, a human being. The most reliable connection with the Atlanteans.”

Sure enough, when Arthur heard this, he forgot his curiosity about Wanda's abilities. Instead, he blushed and scratched his head honestly:

"Hey, I'm actually not as good as you say. Slade, you are exaggerating. Well, let's start taking action, starting from here."

After saying that, Arthur picked up the trident weighing hundreds of kilograms, broke the glass of the observation deck, and jumped into the sea.


A few seconds later, a perfect splash appeared on the sea. Strangle immediately took out a small sign and wrote a high score of 9.8 on it.

Arthur is really good at diving. Whether jumping from a pier or a fishing boat, he can enter the water in the most manly way.

"It's great, you know so many interesting people." Lorna is obviously a little envious of Deathstroke's interpersonal relationships. She also wants such interesting friends. However, there are only so many mutants on Utopia Island, and there are even fewer interesting ones. .

"You are still young, Lorna. As you go to more places, you will make more friends. Don't worry." Su Ming patted her head with a smile and took off the cloak behind her: "Let's go. Go down to the sea and find where Namor is."

A few seconds later, the three of them also entered the dim sea. Although the surroundings were still shallow water, the dark sky today obviously affected the color of the sea water.

An icy chill came from the deep sea in the distance. At this time, Arthur had summoned many sea creatures and had begun to fight against the distorted undersea people.

Although the combat effectiveness of a single fish is almost negligible, no Atlantean can ignore the threat posed by their former neighbors.

Crabs are digging out their eyes, lobsters are digging out their nostrils, electric eels bite their butts and discharge electricity, and even ordinary sea fish use scales and dorsal fins to cut their skin.

All kinds of tragedies have happened to these mutated sea soldiers, not to mention that Arthur seems to have summoned something big. In the distance, there is a squid as big as a mountain, and it is also rushing towards the battlefield.

The blood of various colors soon dyed the sea area black, which was the dirty color of all colors mixed together.

Seeing that Arthur was able to hold the battle line, and the three of them sitting on the cloak with magic to provide underwater breathing ability were relatively relaxed, Su Ming nodded:

"Okay, Lorna, start preparing. Use magnetic force to influence the moon to change the direction of the earth's tides."

"It should work, let me try."

Lorna pulled Wanda's hand and began to exert her power. Her hair was floating in the water like seaweed, and her facial expression became ferocious.

Even though it is daytime and the moon is not visible in the hemisphere where North America is located, magnetism is everywhere and she can sense the connection between the earth and the moon.

This connection cannot be seen or touched, but thoughts can be used to manipulate this power.


She gritted her back teeth and let out a low roar, and the blood in her nostrils dispersed in the sea water. However, this time the power was already effective. It is theoretically possible to use the moon to change the tides and use the tides to fight tsunamis. .

She rubbed her nose while soaking in the water and smiled at Deathstroke. Being protected by magic and able to breathe underwater, she nodded and answered:

"Successful, but I can't reduce the total amount of seawater. I can only use the geomagnetic field to gather the seawater containing sodium ions into one place as much as possible. Australia may be submerged soon."

"It doesn't matter, they sacrificed for the earth." Su Ming comforted the girl and patted the back of her hand: "If we have to sacrifice Canada or the United Kingdom next time, I hope you will not hesitate."

"I understand that this is for the greater good, so that more people can be saved." After Lorna's bipolar disorder recovered without medicine, her willpower appeared to be very strong: "The seawater will gradually move away from the coasts of all continents. area, regroup and go to the deep sea, where our battlefield should be."

"That's right, Wanda, contact your master Monaco and ask about the spell used to locate Namor. We are looking for that madman again today."

Deathstroke looked at the swollen sea and was about to deliver the meal.

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