The Death Knell

Chapter 3642: Zero Yuan Purchase of Seafood

Decades ago, Monaco used a set of searching magic to find Namor, and it should be the same now.

When Wanda contacted him through magic, the bearded mage didn't even know about the global flood, because he was now enjoying the god-level services of an alien massage chair at Karma Taj.

It is a bit difficult for the Himalayas to be flooded in a short period of time.

Su Ming roughly mentioned that the object of his suspicion was Namor. Monaco, who was once a member of the invasion team with Neptune, was a little hesitant. He sighed:

"Slade, are you thinking wrong? After all, Namor is not the only Atlanteans. They may also be descendants of U-devil or something.

"Have you ever seen me make a mistake, old man?"

Su Ming spread his hands speechlessly. The water in the distance was almost too turbid to see any fighting scenes. He and the two women were idle:

"The U-Devil's motive has always been to occupy the earth and rule mankind with Hydra's methods. But the current situation is that this is a great flood that wants to exterminate mankind. After thinking about it, only Namor among the sea tribe can Hate me so much."

"Oh, I can't really blame you. It's Master Merlin's fault. It's his fault for not being good at his craftsmanship. I've long said that magicians don't operate on people."

Monaco sighed, took out the beard wax and applied it on himself, adjusting his complicated mood.

There are not many members of the invasion team alive now, only Captain and Bucky are left, plus himself, Damn Dugan, Holloway, and Namor.

Others either died in battle or died of aging and disease. The mage would occasionally go to the cemetery to visit his former comrades and recall the time when they fought against Hydra together...

But it seems that Namor is dead today. Knowing that 40K Earth now belongs to Deathstroke, why do you think you would touch it? !

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, teach Wanda your set of missing person spells, and then you can continue squatting in Kama Taj. Once something invades the main dimension from the mysterious side, notify immediately Master Gu Yi who is shopping at the foot of the mountain."

Su Ming didn't have any good impression of Namor, and even had some incompatibility with him, because psychology experts didn't like rude people.

It's not that people like Baolang who always spit out sweet things, such straightforward people are good, but Namor's behavior as if everyone owes him money despite not having much ability is disgusting.

Monaco began to teach Wanda that magic on the spot. Although it was a type of voodoo, it was also feasible to use omnipotent chaos magic to drive voodoo spells, so the process was very fast.

After teaching it once and watching Wanda imitate it again, Monaco nodded and looked at Deathstroke with a somewhat unwilling expression:

"Slade, do you think there is a possibility that Namor just wants to go to the dock to get a few French fries?"

Su Ming rolled his eyes on the spot, pursed his lips and signaled Wanda to cut off the magic communication: "Unless my name is French fries, you haven't seen it. Millions of people have drowned on the earth now. That's it. First of all. I’m done with it, I’m busy.”

The communication was cut off. He looked at Wanda, and the Scarlet Witch was also looking at him. The searching spell needed a medium, but she had just tried sea water. No, Monaco's method of finding people back then didn't work.

"Is it because there is a lack of media? Let's grab some tongues later and ask the other party where Namor's palace is. Even if he is not at home, it will be fine if we can find some items he usually uses." Su Ming saw her thoughts, The next step was arranged directly.

In the distance, there is a steady stream of mutated sea people swimming from the deep sea. They no longer look as handsome as the Atlanteans in the past. Now they look more like some kind of aquatic orcs with the heads of sea snakes.

If their skin wasn't light blue, it would be hard to recognize them.

These undersea armies are fighting against the aquatic animal army led by Arthur. After leaving the turbid sea, Deathstroke enjoyed the wonderful scenes of sharks eating people, octopuses eating human faces, etc. Marine life is really interesting.

"I'm already a little afraid of fish." Lorna felt emotional after seeing this. She held her face in her hands and said, "I will always walk around the seafood section when I go to the supermarket from now on."

"Haha, it's not that exaggerated. These fish are driven by Arthur's life force and become so fierce and fearless of death. Normal fish are not considered beasts and can be eaten."

Deathstroke was picking his targets in the dark water from a distance. He found these mutated Haitians, all of whom were wearing sapphire rings.

What a big move. Could it be that Seth has been holding on to this big move at the bottom of the sea since he was harmed by Deathstroke last time?

So, the snake god arranged the infiltration back-up on the earth, so the trolls, dark elves, and angels were instigated by the big demon shadow?

The two of them also have a very clear division of labor. This is a combination of internal and external, and they want to treat both the symptoms and the root causes of the earth.

"These enemies all look the same, but their shell ornaments are quite beautiful." Wanda focused on the traditional ornaments of Atlantis. Colorful shells were once their specialty.

Obviously as long as you do business with humans and sell these handmade products, you can make a good living, but Namor did not lead his tribe to take this path.

"Take it if you like it, right? Force choke!"

Su Ming followed her gaze and saw that there was a Haitian with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks a hundred meters away. He raised his hand, broke the man's neck, and instantly dragged him back to him with the force of the force.

He took off the other party's shell earrings and necklace, grabbed Wanda's little hand, and slapped these accessories into her hand:

"Okay, it's all yours. Is there anything you like? That Haitian over there has a red coral dagger on his belt. Do you want it?"

Just like choosing products in a supermarket, Deathstroke, who was hiding behind a school of fish, generously let the two girls choose, saying that they could take them and it would be fun to take the enemy's things.

"You didn't mean to catch him alive, why did you strangle him to death?" Wanda was speechless with the jewelry in her hand. She looked at the dead fishman in Deathstroke's hand, and his head tilted to one side softly. , the tongue is so droopy.

She had just snatched something from a dead person, and she didn't know whether she would wear it in the future.

"I want it, I want that dagger." Lorna didn't care so much. When she saw her sister had a gift, she wanted one herself.

As for whether it was a dead person's thing, it didn't matter, she was very open-minded.

Sometimes people have serious double standards. Many people feel awkward and taboo when using the clothes or items of the deceased.

But when you get the deceased's money and spend it, you won't think about anything and will just be happy.

Are these two things essentially different? No.

So it is better to live more realistically, be happier, and seize every opportunity to make yourself smile more.

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