The Death Knell

Chapter 3643 Clues

In fact, the sea clan that died before was just an accident.

Su Ming saw that they looked like sea snakes, and thought that the other person's neck should be a bit flexible like a snake, right?

Unexpectedly, with just a slight hook, the enemy died. This can only be attributed to the opponent's neck not being strong enough.

But the second time, he would not use too much force. He gently grabbed the sea tribe member who had a red coral dagger on his waist, took the energy rifle from his hand, and then gave him a big mouthful of strangulation.

Yes, although the memory of a freshly-dead corpse can be read, as for seafood, it is a 'fresh' thing to eat. Strangler is also a gourmet now, and there are so many undersea people to choose from, so it will naturally want to eat them alive. Well.


Strangler made a very ordinary comment, then spat out the sapphire ring, copying the information in the enemy's mind to the host.

"Arthur, I'm going to find the mastermind behind the scenes! Can you withstand it?"

He used cosmic energy to shake the sea water and shouted to the distant Sea King.

Arthur rode a killer whale and fought in and out of the enemy group. The trident in his hand danced vigorously, stabbing the enemy and blocking various attacks directed at him. He only took the time to attack the death knell. Bian gave a thumbs up...

The coral dagger was given to Lorna. Seeing her holding it in her hand and looking at it with satisfaction, Su Ming was also very satisfied:

"Adjutant, look at the coordinates in my mind and teleport us there."

With a flash of blue light, the three of them arrived at an underwater ruin. It looked like the lost Atlantis, which still maintained its appearance when it was sunk by the gods.

Most of the buildings are in pieces or have collapsed over the long years at the bottom of the sea, and aside from the usual land debris, not a single seaweed can be seen around them.

The thick mud on the seabed covered a lot of wreckage, but it could not hide the traces of human existence on the earth. Su Ming also saw a lot of things with Wilson's corporate labels, such as empty drink bottles or plastic bags.

"I finally understand. If Namor lived in a place like this, he would see things related to me falling from the sky every day, so his heart would become even more twisted."

Does Namor know about the relationship between Deathstroke and Wilson Enterprises? uncertain.

But the half-and-half black and yellow background colors of these trademarks are enough to irritate a mental patient.

"There is also a Captain America figure here." The flying carpet transformed by the magic floating cloak moved forward slowly. When passing by a place, Wanda also used magic to fish out a toy figure from the mud at the bottom of the sea. After wiping the dirt on it, she found that it was Classic 'Captain takes Bucky for a ride on his motorcycle' style: "It's just a little damaged, Bucky is missing an arm."

Bucky, who was sitting in the sidecar of a tricycle, was missing an arm and the submachine gun in his hand was also missing. This is probably why the figure was discarded.

"It doesn't matter. Use 'Clean Up' to clean it up and sell it to Coulson." Su Ming smiled and looked at the palace in the distance, or the relatively complete large building, and gave a note: " Just tell him that this is a war-damaged version specially made for Iraq, and he will definitely be willing to collect it."

"Hehe." Polaris laughed. She found it very interesting. Deathstroke always had some fun ideas.

But there are not many other valuable things. Although there are abandoned Wilson refrigerators, TV sets, and even sailboats, they are all extremely damaged.

Just wandering and observing all the way, the three of them soon arrived in front of the palace gate. Damage could be seen everywhere on the mottled stone steps, and it looked like no one had repaired them at all.

It's far worse than Arthur's Atlantis. Although the one there was also destroyed, at least it has been repaired recently.

The cloak did not stop, and directly led the three people to swim into the palace gate and into a darker space.

There was no carpet, no lighting, and except for the lonely throne in the hall, there was nothing in this hall.

"Ah, this is too tragic. Does Namor really have no life of his own?" Su Ming was a little speechless. He walked to the throne and scratched the armrest with his lightsaber, trying to collect some of Namor's skin scraps or something. of.

But no, who knows what Namor has become now, he may not even have his skin anymore.

"Look for the things he used. If this throne doesn't work, does that count?" Lorna pointed to the top of the palace dome for Deathstroke to see.

The large circular vault is still complete. Although the murals on the vault have long since disappeared, Lorna is not talking about archaeological discoveries.

Instead, there is a small bubble at the highest point of the vault.

The location where everyone is now is in an abyss 7,000 meters deep under the sea. Without the protection provided by the magic floating cloak and Wanda's magic, everyone would be squashed by the huge water pressure.

Isn't it strange that in a palace at this depth there is a small bubble under the dome of the ceiling?

Su Ming raised his head and glanced, then smiled and took out some chocolate frogs to reward Polaris, patted her head and said, "That's right, this is indeed a discovery related to Namor."

Namor is half-Atlantean. He has human blood. He is the only one who can log on to the land without wearing "water-based armor" and breathe air directly. Other ordinary Atlanteans cannot.

The scientific name of the hydrated armor is unknown. Su Ming made it up, referring to the standard armor of the Atlantis army.

It looks like a high-collared vest with a mezzanine inside, filled with seawater. It can connect to the respiratory system of people on the seabed through a water circulation system, allowing them to leave the water for short periods of time on land.

The deformed sea tribes we met just now were all wearing similar vests. It seemed that they really wanted to counterattack the land.

Speaking of breathing air directly, Namor's cousin Namoria can do it too.

However, that woman had worked for the CIA for decades. After retiring, she settled in California and lived a completely human life. She only needed to take a bath in sea water every day. It was impossible for her to return to the deep sea where there was no hair.

Su Ming guessed that the inconspicuous little bubble under the ceiling was probably the breath Namor exhaled when he secretly went ashore once and returned to the underwater palace, or it was a little bit brought down from the gap in the armor. gas.

No matter what, it's most likely related to him. After all, this empty haunted house is his home.

Even if it's the breath exhaled by other fishmen, it should be Namor's cronies, so it's okay to find it and let Strangler eat his brain again.

"Cloak, get that bubble off." Deathstroke handed Cloak a small empty test tube and motioned it to swim up and do something: "After taking it off, give it to Wanda to cast a spell. I'll dig out Namor's throne first and bring it back. collect."

Regardless of whether this broken stone chair has collectible value or not, Su Ming cannot leave it empty on this trip.

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