The Death Knell

Chapter 3645 Soul Possession

"Death knell!!!"

As soon as they met, Namor burst out with great enthusiasm and screamed at the top of his lungs, like a dying duck.

This is how you should be with acquaintances, and you should be more enthusiastic when you meet, especially on the battlefield.

However, the women were screaming miserably, but the movements of his hands were not slow. He pulled the double forks that looked like two long snakes entangled together and thrust them towards Su Ming.

With his feet lightly stepping on the water, he broke out of the water. The two small wings at his ankles flapped at a high frequency. He dragged the waves on the water towards his enemy. "

"Yes, that's the smell." Deathstroke didn't panic at all when facing the incoming sharp weapon. Instead, he smiled and raised his fingers: "First shout my name, and then face your fate."

Namor's combat power level in the past was about 50-50 on par with Steve, but he seems to be in good spirits today and must have received some upgrades.

You can tell just from the snake crown he wears on his head. The sapphire is big and round, and it also exudes a faint strange light. If the snake crowns of other underwater people are youth versions, then his should be PLUS after all. Version. .

His flying speed has become faster, now reaching the level of sub-light speed. It cannot be seen in other aspects for the time being, but the two-pronged fork in his hand should be an artifact.

After all, you can get rewards by completing tasks for the snake god Seth. Su Ming, who has read so many system texts in his previous life, does not think it is a rare thing to carry a weapon with him. This routine is so familiar that he has long been numb. .

Besides, there are differences between artifacts. The more mysterious things are, the more powerful they are. For example, Su Ming’s magic floating cloak has been used for many years, but now, no one even knows its specific origin. The story doesn't make sense, not even itself.

What a mystery.

Looking at Namor's two-pronged fork, anyone with eyes can see it at first glance, and then use their toenails to think about it, and they will know that it is the creation of the snake god Set. Is there any mystery in this?

It is most likely the most valuable level among artifacts. It has no legends or stories. It is far inferior to the double snake staff used by the Greek god Hermes to represent medicine.

It was easy to deal with the miscellaneous soldiers with Polar Star and Scarlet Witch, so Su Ming wanted to play with acquaintances for a while.

I won't kill Namor immediately, but I want to see his potential, push him hard, and see if he can go crazy and invite Seth down when he is at the end of his rope.

If possible, that would be the best. Just use the Ultimate Eraser on Seth, which would save a lot of trouble.

While thinking about all of this, Deathstroke just turned sideways and dodged the incoming attack. After all, the difference between sublight speed and superlight speed was quite big, not to mention that Namor looked like he was lost when he saw his enemy. Without reason, there are no routines in the way of playing.

It gives the impression that he is possessed by Runtu, and in his eyes, the death knell is a yun.

He jumped up and poked, but how could he hit it? If Su Ming could be hit so easily, he would have died long ago.

"Hey, I'm hiding." Not only did they dodge, the two passed each other, but Su Ming also said some strange words: "Your moves are not masculine enough. Is it because of kidney deficiency? Or is there something else that is difficult to explain? For example, ..."

As he spoke, he turned around and glanced at Namor's crotch vaguely.

This tone and look deeply hurt the soul of the King of the Seven Seas, like tearing open a bloody wound and exposing it to the sun.

"Yeah! Deathstroke! I want you to die!"

Namor, who was holding the long weapon pole in both hands, was so angry that his orchid fingers were trembling, his whole body was shaking like a cramp, his face was even redder, and what followed was a burst of irrational attacks.

Su Ming took out his lightsaber and fought with Namor in a counterattack manner.

After taking care of the soldiers and these underwater ships, Polaris wanted to come over to help, but Deathstroke shook his head and stopped her, wanting to try the plan first.

"Words alone can't kill me, so use some force, you useless piece of shit."

Su Ming continued to attack his opponent's spirit and will. Now that he had determined that Namor was very concerned about this, he would just seize this point and hit him hard:

"Speaking of which, I saved your life decades ago. Tsk tsk. If I had known that you were such a repaying enemy, I should have ground you into powder with a small steel and fed it to my symbiote."


The strangled little bean sprouts popped out of the host's shoulders, and it shook its head wildly to express that it didn't want to eat it.

Because although fishmeal is a kind of feed, it is used to supplement amino acids for young pigs and chickens. The life form of its symbiont is more advanced than that of domestic animals, right?

"Just saying it casually." Su Ming held a lightsaber in one hand to fight the enemy, and took the time to touch the round head of Strangler with the other hand: "You can simply understand it as spreading Namor's ashes."

"Hey." Strangler nodded with satisfaction, indicating that it was pretty much the same.

The host and symbiote can communicate silently through neural links. This performance is purely for Namor to hear.

But Namor didn't answer. He could only scream. He seemed to be caught up in his own anger and didn't hear what Deathstroke said.

His attacks are getting faster and faster, but they are becoming more and more unorganized. If he was trying to kill the old master with random punches before, now he is just like a drunken gorilla dancing around with branches.

"If Deadpool sees this kind of move, he will definitely feel that he has found a soulmate." Su Ming looked at the two women surrounding him speechlessly, and he sighed: "Did I go too far? He seems to have found a soulmate. It’s completely crazy.”

From a distance of about ten meters, Lorna craned her neck to watch the excitement. After hearing this, she shook her head and said, "I'm familiar with this. It's because of bipolar disorder. I used to have this idea of ​​destroying everything in front of me. , he can’t hear what you say.”

"That's it. Alas, Namor is really not fun at all." Deathstroke was obviously a little disappointed with Namor's mental endurance. He shook his head and gave the order: "Strangle!"

According to the previous process, if the symbiote takes action, it will undoubtedly bite off the enemy's head and then start reading the memory.

These are all standardized codes of conduct, there is nothing to say.

But just when Strangler stretched out its huge tentacles, and while the host and the enemy were fighting in close quarters, he opened his big mouth full of sharp teeth and wanted to bite off Namor's head, but he was unexpectedly dodged by the opponent.

Not only did he avoid Deathstroke's attack, his manic symptoms disappeared, he retreated, and the expression on his face became gloomy.

"Supreme Mage Deathstroke, hiss..." When Namor spoke again, even his voice changed, as if there were fine scales rubbing against something like glass, or gravel flowing from a narrow place. Yes, but it should be laughter.

"Set, the snake god, great, so you can still play the 'villain grandpa's soul seizing body' trick?" Su Ming smiled, he shook the lightsaber in his hand, took out the Night Sword and merged it with it, Colorful lights ignited on his body: "Stop playing puppet shows and come over in your real body. Let's have a good intimacy?"

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