The Death Knell

Chapter 3646 Destroying corpses and eradicating traces

"Don't be anxious, don't be anxious, hiss, death knell." Namor, who was taken away by the snake god, tilted his head and spoke rapidly: "Our game has just begun, you will see, I will let You regret ever offending me."

After saying that, Namor had a strange expression on his face, as if he was in pain or laughing.

His head began to spin crazily like a bobblehead doll decorated in a car, and his limbs also twisted irregularly, as if he had no bones.

Immediately, his body began to swell, and bulges appeared under his skin, as if there were living things swimming rapidly inside his body, and the hissing in his mouth turned into laughter.

"Hahahahahahahahaha, power, power is coming! Thank you, my God! Me"


But before Namor could finish his words, he exploded on the spot. Flesh and blood were scattered in all directions like a storm, and a large number of snakes of all kinds poured out of his remains, like emerging from a fountain.

They were entrenched on Namor's corpse, swimming with a greasy and gloomy light, but in an instant, only the skeleton of the legs was left on the corpse, which looked extremely pale under the dark sky.

These snakes dispersed, they swam to swallow the head rings on each corpse, then climbed onto the lumps of flesh floating on the water, stared at Deathstroke and others with their evil vertical pupils, and then transformed one by one. The pus floated on the sea and disappeared.

Including the two-headed snake fork, it also turned into light and shadow after a while of twisting, as if it had transformed from a material form into some kind of energy...

The battle ended, in a less than ideal way, with a steady drizzle falling from the sky.

The death knell hung on the sea, silent.

"Are you okay, Slade?" Wanda flew over and held Deathstroke's arm: "Has the clue been cut off?"

She seemed a little worried, not that she couldn't deal with the enemy, but that Deathstroke would be disappointed.

"It's okay, you can even say this is good news." Su Ming just smiled, put away his weapon, and patted the girl on the shoulder: "Set wants to play a game with me, but he doesn't know that I'm from the DC universe. I like playing games the most.”

"Be honest, my sister, look at me, this is the God of Deception asking you a question."

When Deathstroke encountered the incident of Seth's possession, Loki was interrogating the captured red-haired woman in the ruins of a building in Hell's Kitchen.

Because the sewers were completely flooded and the floods had not yet receded, the interrogation was held in an abandoned apartment on the third floor.

The death knell moved very quickly this time. The flood caused by the tsunami was only three or four meters high, which was the extent of flooding the second floor.

The past resident here might have been an otaku. The room was filled with figures of various cute Japanese girls. On the wall were posters of various beauties who were so poor that they had no clothes to wear. A large amount of fast food garbage was piled up in every part of the room.

Including the corpse of the resident, it was obvious that when the angels passed by, the beauties with wings did not show any favor to the deceased because he had special love for the beauties, and even dug out all the shiny parts of the hands. .

Daisy walked over the pool of blood with the hammer, picked up the figures in the cabinet and rearranged them, shaking her head regretfully.

These beautiful girl dolls have the logo of the Japanese branch of the Wilson Group on their feet, indicating that they are all genuine. If they are in good condition, they should be very valuable.

These angels didn't understand anything, so they took off all the shiny decorations on the figures, including the gold and silver paint. It was a waste of money.


The red-haired woman, Angela, obviously didn't intend to cooperate with her hands tied to the heating pipe behind her back, and she even spat in Loki's face.

The bloodshot saliva went straight through Loki's head and landed on the ground not far away. At this time, Loki's true body, or maybe it was the true body, walked out of the darkness behind Angela.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, how stupid, how blind." Loki shook his head with an evil smile. She walked slowly with her hands behind her back, and another illusion twisted and floated away: "You can't even figure out who I am, how can you have the courage? Come to invade the earth? I guess the person behind you didn’t tell you the story of the Supreme Mage’s Deathstroke, right?”

"Hmph! Bah!" Angela turned her head and spat again. She also sniffed hard. This was probably not just a saliva attack.

She had put up a desperate resistance before, but facing the attack from Hela and Daisy, she was still too far behind. Within a few rounds, she was hit in the temple by Thor's knee with an oversized chest, and fell to the ground unconscious.

When she woke up again, she was tied up here, and her teammates were even more miserable. The tattered corpses were floating on the street, floating with the flow of sewage.

But Loki, who was attacked by the phlegm this time, was still a disembodied projection. After a wave of fluctuations, he disappeared in place. Another Loki came from the door and said calmly:

"It seems that angels have not taught you what politeness and honor are for so many years. Now you look up to me like a weakling, but can only attack me with saliva. It is really shameful. But I can understand. I heard that angels They are all greedy creatures, and they will never understand what glory is."

After hearing this topic, Angela seemed to start thinking. There was no expression on her lowered face, but after a moment she said:

"Do you really know what glory is? You're a bastard."

The corner of Loki's mouth twitched a few times. If he hadn't thought about bringing Angela back to his mother Frigga to claim credit, it would not be good if she was in tatters. She must give her eldest sister some punishment and let her taste the pain of flesh and blood.


Hela, who was playing a handheld game console, had received professional training and would not smile under normal circumstances, but when she heard Loki being called a rat, she smiled because she resonated with him.

"Yes, I don't quite understand what's so good about glory. You should talk to Thor about this topic, because all he can think about is glory and fighting." Loki calmed down. She squatted in front of the captive and looked at him. Eyes: "But I know another thing, that is, only the living are qualified to talk about glory. Otherwise, your past stories will be completely lost in history and will never be mentioned again."

"Well, that's right." Waiter Gwen, who was arranging the figures on the side, turned around and added. She jumped to the captive and touched the woman's head: "For example, if your angel clan invades the earth, you are definitely seeking death. Do you know why? Because there is a death knell on this earth, and I don’t even know what the future will be like.”

Angela raised her head and looked at Waiter Gwen with hatred in her eyes, as if she wanted to spit on her.

But Gwen was already prepared. She was a mercenary after all. She never fought unprepared. She took out a mask from her pocket on the spot and put it on Angela first.

In this way, even if she spits randomly, she will eventually have to suck it back by herself.

After seeing that the opponent's attack was countered, Jessica nodded with satisfaction, approached the prisoner, and then persuaded:

"You should also know that angels don't care about glory at all, and you seem to be born with the idea of ​​pursuing glory. Isn't this enough for you to believe that you are an Asgardian? Some things are brought with blood, Such as the inheritance of belligerence and excess energy.”

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