The Death Knell

Chapter 3647 Happy Sea King

A group of people gathered around a captive, but the purpose was different. What Loki wanted was a story. She wanted to know the angels' next plan so that she could manifest herself in front of the death knell.

Gwen's motives are relatively simple. She just wants to help Angela and Asgard's relatives get to know each other, so that the story can take a familiar track.

As for Jessica, it was more out of gossip mentality. As a detective, what she wanted more was the truth. For example, what is happening in Havenheim, what is the nature of angels, and why Angela is like this.

As for the others, they didn't care much about the development of the matter. Daisy was visiting the figures of the deceased, Squirrel Girl was pestering the trio of dark heroes to make random inquiries, and Hela was playing the game console, but no one was idle.

The three interrogators said something to each other, which made Angela a little shaken, because even if it was a blind method, some of the words still hit the point.

Angela actually always knew that she was different from the angels, but she didn't know what she was.

After Havenheim was stripped from the World Tree, she has been floating in the void. She has been isolated in the country all year round and developed on her own. She has no chance to see other species in the universe.

But now, looking at the three women Hela, Daisy, and Loki, and seeing their fairy palace-style clothes, Angela felt a throbbing in her blood, as if there was some connection between the two parties.

In fact, no one really connected with her was present...

Daisy is an Earthling, she only became Thor after Deathstroke got her the Meowth Hammer, and she has no trace of Asgardian blood.

Not to mention Loki is a frost giant, he just looks like the Aesir in appearance and dress.

Hela's true identity is Leah, a girl created by Loki, the god of stories in a certain timeline, and sent to the underworld by Odin in a certain past. She was born from a story and has no blood relationship with anyone.

If we really counted, maybe Gin and Sif might have some kind of relationship with Angela.

"Well, let me say something." Squirrel Girl kept rubbing his beard with her chubby little hands. Blade Warrior was a little uneasy. He avoided it while raising his hand to indicate that he wanted to speak, and raised a very constructive topic: "If you just ask Queen Frigga to come and meet with her, wouldn't it be possible to explain the matter clearly?"

Even though Blade Warrior looks like a boring gourd, carrying a katana like a muscular warrior, he actually has a pretty good brain.

He is not a top-notch smart person, but he can make the right decisions at critical moments. This is called "just enough".

The three Loki girls exchanged glances with each other, and then looked at Angela, who was seriously shaken. They felt that this method was feasible. After all, Frigga was the witness to her daughter's disappearance and had information that no one else knew.

"Adjutant, please teleport my mother here."

Loki straightened up, smoothed his long black hair coolly, raised his head towards the ceiling and said this with a smile.


There was no movement for a long time, and the ash accumulated on the lampshade hanging from the ceiling for who knows how long was about to fall into her open mouth.

The adjutant seemed not to hear, let alone the teleporter coming over, there was no reaction at all.

Loki also guessed why. It must be that Deathstroke didn't give her any authorization at all, not even the permission to communicate.

She rolled her eyes, rubbed her chin, and said to Daisy: "It's better you do it. Deathstroke seems to believe you more."

Daisy, who probably guessed some reasons, smiled and cleared her throat, nodded reservedly to everyone, and tentatively shouted out the window:


"I am here."

The projection of the doll girl immediately appeared in front of her, with her hands folded on her lower abdomen and a decent and affectionate smile on her face. There was no delay in signal transmission.

"How's the cleanup going?"

Su Ming took the two sisters back to the offshore waters of New York, and found Arthur riding a killer whale and posing in the sea. At this time, the water had gradually cleared up, and the bodies of people on the seabed had really sunk to the bottom of the sea.

"Look! Haha, I killed them all. Not only New York, but also marine life all over the world told me similar good news."

Arthur smiled and patted his chest. The power of life allowed him to speak in the water by vibrating the sea water. He began to talk about his views again:

"These Trench Clan-like creatures are definitely not Atlanteans. They are too stupid. They often touch their own headbands in a daze. I was like, eh! I stabbed the dazed person to death."

He also made several gestures with the trident to explain how he exerted his power.

The seabed in the offshore area is relatively easy to see, and all kinds of garbage are piled up. But since this is not his own world, Arthur has nothing to say.

His hair was floating in the sea, and his blond hair looked like black seaweed. When he activated the power of life, strange luminous patterns appeared like tattoos on his bare upper body.

"They are indeed the Atlanteans of my earth." Su Ming used cosmic energy to vibrate space for underwater communication. He looked at the tattered corpses on the seabed, especially the fish that were eating meat, and decided to It's no time to eat fish: "But thanks, Arthur, you helped me a lot."

"You're welcome, brother. You've helped me, so I should help you. Do you need me to do anything else?" Arthur didn't take credit at all. He just smiled and scratched the back of his head, looking very happy.

"Well, there is nothing going on in the sea for the time being. Why don't I take you to TVA for a while? Xiao Dai and Harley are over there. I can also ask the adjutant to teleport Mei La here. You two haven't traveled together for a long time. Bar?"

Su Ming thought for a moment, and just in case, it was better not to send Arthur back yet, lest there would be another problem in the sea.

And now that Namor is dead, I guess I have to help my little cousin Namoria to take the position of King of the Sea. It would be better to let Arthur, who is also the King of the Sea, help to talk to him, lest that woman also follow Namor's crazy path.

"Oh? So they came to your earth to play. Why can't I see anyone in the Hall of Justice?" Arthur looked surprised, as if he had just learned about this: "Then let's go over and have a look. You don’t need to accompany me, just go about your own business.”

"Okay, after I kill these enemies who invaded the earth, let's drink together and call Batman together."

Deathstroke smiled and patted Arthur's strong shoulder, smiling and preparing to let the adjutant teleport.

"Well, forget it about drinking with Batman, because Superman told me that Bruce drinks, but Batman doesn't drink. I still don't understand what that means. Isn't he the same person? Haha, Clark Interesting."

Neptune obviously didn't understand what split personality was, so he told it as a joke.

"Haha, yes, Superman is very interesting. You reminded me that Superman can be used in the current situation. Let's see you later."

Namor was eaten by many venomous snakes, and the clue seemed to be lost, but Arthur inadvertently provided a new idea. Su Ming thought he could try it.

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