The Death Knell

Chapter 3648 Fine-tuning the situation

"Welcome to Earth 40K, my Earth, Clark." Standing on the roof of the Empire State Building, Deathstroke opened his warm arms and greeted Superman, who had just teleported over and was slightly confused about the direction, and started to do something Introduction: "This is the Scarlet Witch, this is the North Star, girls, this is the god on earth, Superman, the English abbreviation of the code name is SM."

Clark, who was wearing a plaid shirt, looked helpless. His hands were covered in black engine oil, and there was a wrench stuffed in his shirt pocket.

"I'm repairing a tractor on a farm in Kansas, Slade, you asked me if I wanted to come here, and you teleported me before I even answered. How did you do that?"

Superman's expression was a little helpless. He looked at the flooded streets and noticed the alien army everywhere. His ears twitched slightly:

"Also, please stop telling jokes about gods on earth. Bruce's statement was born in certain specific circumstances and periods. It is a misunderstanding. I have never considered myself a god. I am just an ordinary person with some abilities. Finally, the code abbreviation is unnecessary, right? You are creating a misunderstanding."

That period was the Super Bat War, where Batman suspected that Superman had no humanity and started a sweet civil war against Superman. At the same time, famous memes such as "Will You Bleed" and "My Mom's Name is Martha" were born.

As for how Superman was able to teleport him directly here before he even agreed?

It's simple, because Deathstroke went to Clark's home farm and left something in the barn, such as an inconspicuous small carved wooden stick, which was placed next to the bug that Batman left behind at some point.

Using a spider web to initiate teleportation does not require the consent of the person involved, as long as there is a totem nearby. Just like a spider does not need to ask for the opinions of flies or mosquitoes when hunting, it only needs to let them hit the web. .

But Deathstroke won't explain how he did it, just like Batman never explains it to Superman.

He just smiled and patted Superman on the shoulder, tilted his head towards the two women behind him and said, "Look, what a humble character. This is rare among Americans, and he still speaks English, so we can infer from this. ..."

"He is an alien." Wanda's eyes became sharp. She followed Deathstroke in the past and received a lot of 'lessons', so that now she can give the answer immediately.

"Very good, you learned how to answer questions." Su Ming immediately rewarded Wanda with a piece of chocolate frog and touched her head: "We will continue to work hard in the future and strive to get a private detective license. To be honest, 40K's various superhero groups Here, the proportion of people who are detectives by profession is too low."

Wanda was eating the head of the chocolate frog, with sweet brown liquid on her lips. She smiled happily and nodded her head up and down.

Superman, on the other hand, had a little self-doubt. He sometimes clasped his hands on his chest and sometimes touched his face, as if he felt uncomfortable.

Is it so easy to find out that I am a Kryptonian?

However, with a heart of gold, he quickly gave up delving into this issue, and instead said to Deathstroke: "Wait a moment, I'll be back as soon as I can."

After saying that, he tugged on the chest of his shirt, and the buttons flew around, revealing the 'blue autumn coat' with a large S letter painted on it, and then it flew into the sky in an instant.

Although it is not his own world, Superman cannot stand idly by as he watches so many ordinary citizens face threats to their lives.

Deathstroke said that this was his world, but he didn't seem to care about the lives of these ordinary people. Superman knew that he had to do something. A real superhero cannot be a mercenary and only helps when he sees the benefits.

Be empathetic to the suffering of others at all times and be able to stand up for justice for anyone at any time.

The red and blue figure flew between the high-rise buildings in New York and appeared on every battlefield. Superman's speed was so fast that it even seemed like he was participating in dozens of battles at the same time.

The invaders, who had gained a temporary advantage over the heroes due to the sudden attack of the flood, were similarly caught off guard. They were defeated almost instantly and were crushed in all directions.

Superman's principle of not killing only applies to humans. He will kill aliens. Once Superman wants to kill someone, his power will be very terrifying.

"Strange, why can he move on the surface at super-light speed without affecting the surrounding buildings and trapped people?" Wanda was a little curious about this. There are many people in the 40K universe who can fly at super-light speed, such as Carol. For example, Lan Qi, Daqun, etc., and even recently I heard that Iron Man is researching a super-light speed suit.

She saw Superman smashing a group of dark elves with one punch, and the street where the elves were standing turned into a sinkhole, but the people who were rescued not far away were unscathed. This is not reasonable at all.

"Because Superman has an ability called a biological force field, which Carol and the others don't have. Therefore, there are very few restrictions on the rational Superman to exert his strength on the earth, but others can't."

Even if Wanda didn't specifically say what she was confused about, Deathstroke knew that she wanted to ask this:

"Superman can lift a plane because he has a biological force field; I can lift a plane because I have a magic floating cloak. If it were anyone else, trying to lift a large passenger plane in flight would only cause the aircraft to disintegrate in mid-air, which would be a stab with both hands. The kind that clicks when you enter the cabin.”

Biological force field refers to a kind of invisible and intangible living substance that exists around any living thing. It can transmit biological life information and the interaction between living things and other living things or objects, and plays a decisive role in biological life. .

It is generally believed that the biological field is the material extension of living biological organisms, which can transmit material induction or interaction between living organisms or between living organisms and other objects. It is a kind of information material belonging to life and is also the basic material for biological evolution.

Just like Arthur's life force, it should also be a kind of biological force field, except that his force field ability is to talk to fish.

The biofield was promoted in "Neon Genesis Evangelion" and is called the 'Absolute Field' (.Field). Its function is to isolate most physical attacks and weaken mental damage like a shield. It also has powerful attack power, but its Effectiveness changes with changes in driver psychology.

If we talk about the principles more specifically, it involves quantum mechanics. Su Ming himself is not a scientist. He is the boss of scientists, so he only has a general understanding of it and how to use it.

"As expected, magic is more convenient." Wanda didn't understand much, but as a mage, she didn't want to know about quantum theory, because magic is a way of using power that distorts reality and does not require logic.

"It's convenient when you use it, but it's sour when you pay off the debt." Su Ming smiled as he watched Superman affect the battlefield situation, patiently waiting for what step his opponent would take in his turn.

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