The Death Knell

Chapter 3649 Encrypted Call

Just as Su Ming expected, when the situation at the New York landing site tilted towards the human side, it was impossible for the invaders to have no reaction.

Otherwise, once these portals in New York are closed, their invasion will be declared a complete failure. If nothing else, the Great Demon Shadow will not let them go.

They also don't know that Deathstroke continues to add fuel to New York in order to turn this city into a trap, attracting as many enemies as possible and trap them here, so that they will not be easily knocked out of the earth. Woolen cloth.

Just as Superman was shaking his fist to bring hope to the citizens of New York, a new enemy appeared.

It was a huge flame, with a face similar to that of Dormammu. The difference was that Dormammu was a collection of energy in the dark space, and the fire in front of him was so bright that it looked like a Halloween pumpkin. The eyes and mouth were blood red.

This flame stretched itself into a mask-like rectangle and slowly rose into the sky. When it appeared, the remaining seawater on the nearby streets evaporated instantly and turned into a white mist, which quickly spread and enveloped Covered most of the city.

The vision became hazy and blurred, leaving it hanging in mid-air, releasing its own heat and majesty.

The powerful heat caused the human survivors who were relatively close to it to scream in agony. Their skin blistered, their orifices smoked, and the tears in their eyes boiled before they could even flow out. .

Su Ming took a deep breath. The smell of steamed white meat and seafood was wafting in the air. He looked at the enemies that had emerged, smiled slightly, and said to Wanda, who was holding up a magic shield to help isolate several people from the heat:

"It seems that the demons on the streets have attracted their king. This is an ancient god who has descended into the main dimension. Yes, it's a good start."

"I don't know him. Has there ever been such an ancient god on earth?" Standing on the rooftop of the Empire State Building, the field of vision is very bright. Even though it is more than ten kilometers away and filled with steam, you can still clearly see the mask-like face: "It seems... related to Dormammu?"

"It looks a bit like a Halloween pumpkin. Do you think Dormammu also looks like this?" Lorna didn't know what to say, but she just thought of this.

She had never seen any hell lord before today. Even if she knew that the magic world existed, she didn't know that the mysterious side was so complicated.

Just remembering the names is a headache, not to mention remembering the powers of these demon gods so that you can know whose power you want to borrow when you want to cast a spell. After borrowing, you must also consider how to use the demon gods' weaknesses to default on the debt.

Is it too difficult to learn magic?

"Well, it's almost the same, except that Dormammu is the black and red light version, and this is the red and white light version."

Wanda held her sister's arm, looked at the mighty flames in the sky, and further explained:

"The earth used to belong to them. The ancient gods acted recklessly in the main dimension and modified everything in the world. But I don't know this ancient god. He was probably a guy who died and was resurrected. He seems to be very powerful."

Su Ming watched Superman flying towards the demon, and then being blown away to the sky by a breath of magical flames, falling into the sea while smoking, and shook his head with a smile.

Superman on Earth 0 has very average magic resistance, which is why I came to him instead of Superboy-Prime.

Dachao has more weaknesses, but as long as there is sunlight, he is durable enough, so that he can drag more enemies with magical abilities into the trap...

"This guy's name is Xuthl, codenamed 'The God of Evil Death'. He is the first fire born somewhere. Just think of it as a hellfire demon. It has nothing to do with Dormammu." The relationship is just a face-off."

This is an unpopular character among unpopular characters. Deathstroke knows the origin of its name. It does not come from comics such as "Doctor Strange" or "Marvel's Mysterious Manual", but from "Conan the Barbarian".

Yes, Xuter roasted and ate Conan's girl, and then was chased into hell by the legendary barbarian and chopped to death with an 'ordinary' iron sword made of star iron.

"Okay, then how should we deal with him?" Wanda looked at the first-generation demon in the distance, not too nervous: "Should we use the Eraser to hit him again?"

"No, let the bullets fly for a while." Deathstroke shook his head. Only the first enemy that can be regarded as an ancient demon landed. The God Eater has not come yet, and the other first-generation demons have not come, so it is not time to launch the trap. .

He put his hand into his pocket and took out a piece of candy, then threw it behind him without looking at it.


Although the sound was very slight, it was obviously not the sound of the candy falling to the ground, but that it was caught in someone's hand.

A black shadow, like a human-shaped bat, walked out of the shadow of the stairwell leading to the rooftop, and walked step by step towards the mercenaries watching the scenery on the edge of the rooftop.

He didn't say why he was here, and Deathstroke didn't ask, just like he wouldn't ask how Deathstroke found him.

"Explain your plan."

Batman only speaks questions on rare occasions, and most of the time he asks questions because of emotional fluctuations. Most of the time, he only uses declarative sentences.

Now it seems that he is in good condition. Even though wearing the Hell Bat Armor is burning his life force every moment, Batman still has a clear mind.

"Like the demon gods that appear in the city now, there are tens of thousands or even millions of similar existences, they are wandering outside our sight." Su Ming touched a cigarette, took a puff and turned around: "I know you may not use my dark plan, because you still have a bottom line, but my style is to eliminate the roots."

Batman, who was holding the candy, didn't say anything. He stood there with his hands hanging down, his cape falling to the ground like a waterfall: "You brought Clark in."

"That's right, because you and Luthor are looking for something in my world without telling me, so I can only find Superman to chain you up." Deathstroke spit out the smoke from his mouth and looked at Batman's chest with a smile. The burning hell bat logo in front of him: "Speaking of which, it would be more fun for you and Luthor to prove who loves Superman more, hehehe..."

After hearing this answer, Batman still kept his poker face. He basically wouldn't let anyone see his emotions. No one except the Joker could see what he was thinking.

Bat has gotten the answer he wanted, and Deathstroke has completed the exchange of information.

Next, one of the dark men turned around and walked towards the darkness again, while the other continued to stand on the rooftop, looking at the foggy scenery in the city.

The streets are like passages shrouded in mist, and the skyscrapers among them are like beautiful mountains. This troubled New York City may usher in another new life after today.

Just like the 40K multiverse.

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