The Death Knell

Chapter 3650 Mother and daughter recognize each other

"It's so hot. It's so hot all of a sudden."

Loki is the most afraid of heat. Although he was okay when facing the fire giant Surtur in Muspelheim, maybe he has lived on the earth for too long. After his strange glowing face appeared in the sky, , and kept wiping his sweat:

"Mother, should we change places and continue chatting? Look, there's not even any fruit here. It really doesn't suit your status."

Just as Blade suggested, they found Queen Frigga, who really had a way to make Angela recognize herself.

First he pointed out the birthmark, then he shed blood to recognize his relative, then he held her in his arms and told stories about the past, and then he burst into tears first.

In short, after a series of touching conversations with no scientific basis, Angela quickly accepted the reality that she was an Asgardian and not an angel.

She had completely believed Frigga's story. It was the Queen of Angels who escaped from Heimdall's surveillance, escaped from Odin's gaze, and evaded the guards of the Golden Palace for thousands of meters before sneaking into the Queen of Heaven's palace and stealing. For her as a baby.

Maybe she didn't feel anything was wrong here, maybe she felt it but was more willing to believe her mother. Anyway, she had been untied at this time, hugging the queen and crying bitterly.

"What identity do I have..." Frigga, who was holding Angela in her arms, stood up. She gently patted the hem of her skirt, and the dignified aura of her motherly world instantly unfolded: "I am just a person living in the world now. An ordinary person on earth, a survival show host.”

Loki sniffed, and even though she was far away from where the strange face was, she still released a water magic to protect everyone present from the high temperature:

"I understand, we are still relying on someone else for now. When this matter passes, I will talk to Deathstroke about repairing the Golden Palace. If we give money, it should be able to greatly speed up the progress of the project."

"But spending money can't speed up the growth of World Tree."

Daisy poured a basin of cold water on it. Although she was not an Asgardian, she still held the Meowth Hammer after all. Deathstroke often told her stories about the World Tree:

"Without that tree, there would be no Asgard supported by it, unless you are willing to live in the underworld of Hela, Heim, because that is hell."

Hela, who continued to play the game console on the side, did not raise her head: "Go, you can go, my dimension is not locked, Queen of Heaven, you can live with Loki in my palace, just help me feed Fenrir. thing."

Daisy raises the dog Cosmo, and Hela is also considered a dog owner. She raises a giant wolf.

Although Tyr, the god of war, usually stays in the underworld of Heim to take care of the family business, the food in the main dimension is so delicious, Loki can bring some local specialties to Fenrir, such as Wilson burgers or something.

The black-haired Loki's mouth moved, but in the end nothing came out, he just blew out some rough breath from his nostrils.

Yes, the World Tree is still being nourished by people sent by Deathstroke to use the flesh and blood of zombies. It is still unknown when it will sprout.

But if you want to use the time gem to ripen an ancient demon god, no one can afford the price.

"I think it's still a little hot, but it's not unbearable... Hey, why are you going?" Squirrel Girl hugged her big tail and twisted the sweat down like a towel, and then wiped the sweat with it.

Suddenly she found that Ghost Rider was already clinging to the edge of the window, looking like he was about to jump off the building, so she asked this question.

The burning skeleton turned to look at her, opened and closed its mouth several times, and seemed to say something silently, then jumped off and landed on the soaked motorcycle, dragging the flames with it with a bang. The trajectory goes in the direction of the enemy.

"What did she tell you? Was she going to fight the bad guys?"

Waiter Gwen came closer to Doreen and reached out to touch her mouse-eared headband. She had always been curious about how it felt.

Now it turns out to be small, soft and cute.

Squirrel Girl tilted her head and thought for a moment, then punched the palm of her hand with her small fist, then took out some nuts given to her by Deathstroke and stuffed them into her mouth to replenish the nutrients her brain needed for thinking, and replied in a positive tone with a chewing sound:

"Chew Chew...I understand! Ghost Rider just asked me to read his lips!"

After hearing this, Waitress Gwen showed a blank black face with a question mark, and she clasped her head with her index finger:

"Then have you ever noticed that he actually has no lips at all?"

"Ah, that's a problem."

As if struck by lightning, Squirrel Girl's little face wrinkled up and all the melon seeds in her hand fell off. Then she touched her front teeth with her thumb and fell into deep thought...


The Punisher, who had always wanted to kill Angela and make her pay with blood, let out a cold snort. He knew that with so many people in the Immortal Palace present, there was obviously no chance of success if he did it.

After seeing the scene in front of him, he was even more convinced that these people were all mentally ill, so he decided not to accompany him today and would find another opportunity to assassinate Angela in the future.

So, he turned and left without saying hello to anyone.

As soon as he left, Jessica breathed a sigh of relief. If Blade is a symbol of coldness on the outside and hotness on the inside, then the Punisher is simply a symbol of coldness on the outside. He is a pure mental patient, a killing machine driven by all kinds of hatred.

It was better to go, much more relaxed, and the atmosphere was much better.

Daisy obviously had similar thoughts. When she saw the Punisher leaving, she secretly hung the hammer she had been holding on her belt and breathed out:

"I finally understand why Deathstroke specifically told us to be careful of the Punisher. The aura of a psychopath is indeed different from that of ordinary people. I'm really worried that he will attack our prisoners."

"He wanted to do that, but he never found the opportunity." Hela said this coldly. She actually listened to what Deathstroke said when he said goodbye, and she was always on guard: "Leave him alone. , if he wants to go against us, Deathstroke will deal with him."

"Well, it's really possible." Gwen spread her hands. She was not surprised by this. Mercenaries and crazy vigilantes never got along very well: "Actually, my personal opinion is that the Punisher is not as good as Deadpool."

As they were talking, suddenly a figure with a body burning with flames crashed through the outer wall of the building and landed among several people. It attacked everyone with a large number of broken bricks, and even ruthlessly smashed the hands placed on it. That wall.

When Daisy thought that everyone's activities behind enemy lines had been discovered, and subconsciously raised Mjolnir to kill the weirdo rising on the floor, Waiter Gwen quickly stopped her:

"Don't do it, Female Thor, this is a good guy. Although I don't know why DC's Superman appears in the Marvel Universe and which crossover issue this is from, he is really a good guy... He's just a little darker. ,I guess so."

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