The Death Knell

Chapter 3652 Dark Combination

In fact, the person who really didn't need the adjutant's explanation was Deathstroke. When he heard the name Black Rainbow Bridge, he knew what it was.

"Demons and ancient gods may want to exterminate mankind, but they will not destroy the earth, so there is no need to worry about Black Rainbow's bombing..." Su Ming took a sip of wine, moistened his throat a little, and then started to use his hands on He imitated playing the accordion on his chest: "Besides, I know some ponies, and no one knows rainbows better than them, so don't worry."

"You mean My Little Pony? But that's a cartoon, right?" Lorna finally found something she could understand, and she suddenly seemed to come alive.

"Sometimes the reality of other worlds will be presented in the form of two-dimensional stories in our world." Su Ming originally wanted to talk about dreams and the relationship between matter and energy, but he thought that even if he did, Polaris wouldn't be able to listen. I understand, so I skipped it: "Harry and I have been to Equestria for a temporary stay, and I have a deal with the princess."

Polaris suddenly showed a look of longing: "It's great. Equestria is also very good. Maybe I can go there and make friends."

"Of course, when you have enough fun in the world of black robes and want to go to Equestria, just tell the adjutant. You can stay in my house, which is not far from the apple orchard."

Deathstroke also smiled and talked about the vacation. Thinking of the ponies always made people feel happy.

This time the person who didn't understand was Wanda. In the past, she either followed Magneto to kill people everywhere, or she was hiding with the Brotherhood. She had no chance to watch cartoons.

Her head turned around, as if she was looking for something under the fog in the city, but after using magic to enhance her vision and seeing the battles between superheroes and invaders in other places, she could only admit that there was nothing yet. Something big happened.

The spiders are still fighting with the main force of trolls near Times Square, but compared to the tall creatures with thick skin and thick flesh, and the continuous emergence of flame element creatures, their physical fitness is slightly weaker. After all, It gets colder and hotter in the city, and many Spider-Mans start to sneeze.

Thanks to Takuya-kun's huge robot, it can protect everyone from the wind and rain, but the situation is still very passive.

The Avengers' battlefield in Manhattan was in a similar situation, but with Carol and Lanqi, as well as powerful helpers such as the Hulk, they were able to stabilize the front against the large army of dark elves.

Hawkeye also brought a young girl with him who also used a bow and arrow. She seemed to be his apprentice?

The greatest pressure should be on Daisy's group behind the enemy. The girls in Hell's Kitchen faced all kinds of intruders almost at the same time, and Xuter appeared closest to them, and the angel army almost completely surrounded them.

But with Squirrel Girl and Gwen at their side, Sithorne would probably be defeated by the squirrel even if he came in person.

So the situation over there only looks precarious, but in fact it is as stable as a mountain.

Hela was just addicted to the game and didn't take much action. If she wanted to, it would be very easy to raise an undead army in New York today. After all, there are plenty of raw materials.

As for other places in New York, there are also some people who spontaneously fight against the invaders on a small scale. There is nothing to say, such as Daredevil, Moon Knight, Luke Cage and other street-level heroes.

In addition, there are a large number of mercenaries who are spontaneously resisting the invasion. They are all trash friends of Deadpool, the kind that Su Ming can't even name.

In short, there are more flowers blooming in the city now, and the sounds of guns and cannons, the representative weapons of mankind, can be heard everywhere, but the three largest battlefields are still the places that need the most attention.

"The Avengers performed well today. I never gave them a chance to practice before. I thought they would be like a wax gun, but I didn't expect it to be okay." It only took a second to scan the entire city. Su Ming told Wanda in a good mood, and praised the direction of the Avengers battlefield from a distance: "I just don't know how prepared the US military is. Have they made any new inventions recently?"

Iron Man was too conspicuous. He was flying around in the sky and became a target for enemies. Anyway, when Su Ming saw him, he would think of "I love inventions".

"Thunderbolt General Ross is coming from a secret base in Canada with Venom agents and Sentinel robots. The straight-line distance from New York is still 300 kilometers." The adjutant projected a large map of North America and marked the opponent's route: " In addition, the SHIELD agent team did not take a vacation, they were sent by Fury to an ancient Mayan city in Central America."

"Well, has Venom been caught by the military? I thought it would live a happy life with some human being." Su Ming shook his head slowly. Anyway, he had already reminded Fury, and then they left It doesn't matter where New York goes, the symbiote is more worthy of concern.

At this time, small black bean sprouts sprouted from his shoulders, and he shook his head, probably feeling sorry for his fellow racers.

"Not only has the venom changed, but now Carnage and Serum have also been secretly born. Sheriff, there are also many unnamed symbiotes looking for hosts in the United States, and no danger has been found yet." The adjutant added, she was busy Cleaning up traces of snake crests around the world.

The fact that the symbiote occasionally eats a few Americans is not a danger signal, it is just instinct. After all, even pet dogs occasionally eat humans.

Anyway, as long as Gnar doesn't show up, other symbiotes will be in vain to fight against Deathstroke. As long as they don't threaten Deathstroke, they can be considered to be in no danger.

"Hey." That's it. Strangler said that it is now super powerful, probably stronger than the God of Symbiote. Even if it is strong because the host is stronger, it is the combination of both parties that should be called Strangler.

"Huh? Is Batman already in place? He can actually cooperate with Ghost Rider?" At this moment, Su Ming saw a surprising scene.

He had taken Deathstroke's candy from the Empire State Building before, and now he appeared dozens of blocks away. Batman was still sitting on the back seat of Ghost Rider's motorcycle, expressionlessly hugging the skeleton's waist, and looking towards him. Hutter launches a charge in the sky.

Is this your plan? Batman, just like Deathstroke first found Barry as a vehicle when he arrived in DC, did you also choose to find a vehicle first...

I saw the Ghost Rider swinging the flaming iron chain in his hand, gathering momentum and throwing it towards the Demon God high in the sky. He actually tied up the insubstantial flame.

Then he jumped off the motorcycle and grabbed the chain, nodded to Batman, who took over the motorcycle and drove directly along the narrow chain into the sky!


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