The Death Knell

Chapter 3653 Getting better

The Hellbat Armor is capable of flying and has a pair of retractable wings on its back, but don't ask Batman why he doesn't fly, because the answer will only be that sentence.

As for whether the Ghost Rider made eye contact with the Bat, and did he ask the latter to 'count the sins in his heart'? That's not clear. Anyway, the relationship between the two people seems to have improved by leaps and bounds in a short period of time...

Not just anyone can ride an evil motorcycle, either a beautiful woman or a devil.

So Su Ming guessed that Batman should have taken the latter route and spent a lot of money.

Different from the previous generation of Ghost Rider, although today's "Johnny Explosion" is a stunt motorcycle rider who is somewhat famous in Las Vegas, that kind of job will not create a rich man.

Johnny was very poor, although not as poor as Peter's family, but he only lived in a trailer, and the only entertainment he could afford was a can of beer sometimes.

As for whether Ghost Rider is under Johnny's control or whether they are the same person, it's hard to say. Anyway, it's not bad. Batman is best at dealing with guys with split personalities.

In short, the bat rode the flaming motorcycle, climbed up the burning chain, and crashed into the huge flaming face in the sky. You can see him making a punching motion.

It was like a volcano erupting sideways. As a wave of air exploded, a large amount of fire rain fell from the sky.

Xuter let out a scream, staggered and fell from the air, turning into a sea of ​​fire with eyes and mouths in the city.

"Incredible, how did he hit a ball of fire with his fist?" Wanda found it difficult to understand again, because the batman he saw before was obviously an ordinary person and had no fluctuations in magical energy at all.

To hit a demon with bare hands, which has no physical entity but only the concept of elements, is simply an act that subverts the three concepts.

"Batman has a lot of good things in his hands. He always has props that are suitable for use, so I guess it's x metal." Su Ming drank the beer in the can, flattened it and put it away, and stood up: " It is the origin of the world and has various wonderful uses. It seems that he has discovered another use that is different from mine."

It wasn't enough to knock the opponent to the ground. Batman then fell into the sea of ​​fire and hit the ground with a violent hammer.

The Hell Bat Armor is worthy of being a piece of equipment capable of countering all members of the Zhenglian. Its power is so high that punching is like an earthquake. Su Ming, who was on the Empire State Building, could feel the vibrations coming from the soles of his feet.

Moreover, the bat seems to have discovered the opponent's weakness, and is punching the opponent's eyes, and even stepping on it and kicking it, as if this is a personal grudge.

For a moment, Xuter's screams were endless, and it seemed that it had no power to fight back at all. Even the younger brothers around it, those small fire demons who had arrived in the main dimension before, were obviously stunned.

"Is he your friend?" The fog gradually dissipated, and Lorna was also staring in that direction, because the huge demon almost burned down half of Hell's Kitchen when it crashed.

"Not really, just acquaintances."

Deathstroke took off the cloak behind him and motioned for the two women to come up:

"There are not many mental illnesses that can't be Batman's friend. I'm not that crazy. But don't worry about these details. As long as Batman doesn't lose control, it won't be a big problem. He shot down Shuttle, and there may be another one next. More first-generation demons are pouring into the main dimension, let’s go to the battlefield on the Avengers side.”

"Hi, beauty, do you want to date?"

Even though he was a target of fire and being chased and slashed by hundreds of angels, Tony still teased his enemies eloquently, as if he had completely forgotten about Cassandra:

"Look at you, you have a pretty face. After we win, how about I take you for a cup of coffee?"

However, the beautiful angel flapped her white wings and slashed towards his head with a sword.

Why Tony became the target of concentrated fire is actually easy to understand. Just think about his armor painting, which is golden and red.

When angels see gold and silver, they are like wild dogs who see a pool of hot shit in winter and want to bury their heads in it.

Although everyone on earth knows that gold paint has nothing to do with gold, the angels don't know that in their eyes, Tony is the most valuable target, a flying golden man.

If nothing else, they had probably already thought about how to divide the golden and red armor after watching Tony die.

As for the second targeted target, it was naturally Carol and Kamala Khan. The reason was the same. The double star logo on the chest of one uniform was golden, and the golden lightning logo on the chest of the other uniform.

Although the threat that Lan Qi brought to the enemy was similar to that of Carol, the black navy lieutenant had no angels wanting to deal with him. On the contrary, when they saw the black man, they would show disgust.

Ranked third is Steve, for no other reason than that he wears a good watch, a relic of the godfather.

He accidentally pulled off his godfather's arm at the funeral, and the wrist of that arm was wearing this watch. Later, Gin gave the watch to him, saying that he wanted to keep it as a souvenir.

Steve wears it wherever he goes. Even though the gemstone and diamond-encrusted watch does not match the military style, it is a souvenir.

So today this watch attracted him enemies again. In addition to gold and silver things, angels are also very interested in gems and the like.

But the largest gem in the watch was the size of half a grain of rice, so he was ranked third, and the angels just bumped into his shield again and again.

"I don't know if it's my imagination, but it seems like the alien angels are not attacking me."

Listening to Tony and the angels saying all kinds of dirty things on the communication channel, Natasha, who was wearing a black tights and a golden widow's sting on her wrist, seemed a little puzzled. She even raised her hand to deliberately show that she also had golden stings. element.

They now occupied a small vantage point, which was a hill of scrap car wreckage piled up in a square due to a series of car accidents.

This metal hill was not high, probably only at eye level with the standing troll, but it was enough.

But the angels didn't seem to see her, so much so that while she was holding an assault rifle and firing continuously, she could still chat with the master and apprentice Hawkeye beside her.

"Stop, Black Widow, I don't want you to draw the enemy over and fight us in close combat. There are too many to handle."

Clint let go of the bow string, and an angel flying between the buildings not far away fell to the ground. He quickly pulled out an arrow from the quiver behind his back and put it on the bow:

"It's good like this now. Captain and the others can hold on anyway. We have to use these ignored times to kill as many enemies as possible."

"Coward, you still have good martial arts skills, it's all wasted." Mao Mei also put on a new magazine while Hawkeye drew the bow and prepared it. There was a teasing tone in her tone: "But we still focus on the streets. Let the dark elves and trolls go up, and give up the angels to Iron Man."

"I think so too, he seems to like them." Although he said this, Clint still shot another birdman: "How many bullets do you have left?"

"Three magazines, 96 bullets. If you include Widow Sting's ammunition, there are still 122 rounds." Natasha hung a magic pattern cloth bag on her waist, but she was lying when she opened her mouth: "What about you? How many arrows are left? ?How many arrows does your little girlfriend have?"

"This joke is not funny, Nat. Kate is a child." Hawkeye glared at Black Widow, obviously lacking a sense of humor. He once again raised his bow and arrows: "I have six arrows left, she has four, what do you have next?" What’s the plan?”

"Yes, what do you think about asking Tony to give each of us a steel suit?" Black Widow did come up with a good idea.

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