The Death Knell

Chapter 3654 A gift from heaven


For unknown reasons, Natasha, who was not cared for by the angels, was joking with her colleague Hawkeye when she suddenly felt eyes staring at her somewhere.

This is the sensitivity of being a spy. After all, if she didn't even have this ability, she wouldn't be able to become the Black Widow, the strongest among the sisters.

While firing into the sky as cover, she secretly glanced to the side with her peripheral vision, and vaguely saw a familiar figure in the shadow of a ruined building.

She immediately relaxed. As long as her boss is behind her, she has no worries no matter what enemy she faces.

"Don't worry about the suit, we can't put it on."

Hawkeye didn't notice Deathstroke's prying eyes. He focused more on the enemy and was distracted from taking care of the female apprentice beside him. At the same time, he joked with Black Widow:

"Tony's suit is designed for people who are five feet tall. Maybe Wolverine can try it, but I'm 6 feet 3 inches tall and can't fit in it."

Six feet and three inches is 1.91 meters in metric units, and five feet as mentioned before is 1.52 meters.

"No wonder when Tony attended the military hearing, he said that his suit was actually a prosthetic leg and could not be handed over. It turned out that he was really disabled, haha." Natasha also talked about Tony's height joke. It's one of the running jokes within the Avengers.

When everyone joins the Avengers, they are always required to provide a piece of general information that is not very important, such as height, weight, and hobbies. It is considered for external publicity needs...

In the official data, Iron Man’s registered height is 2.10 meters

Yes, the main function of his steel suit is actually the inner height increase. From the humble MK1 to today's MK76, many functions have been deleted or added to the suit, but the inner height increase design has never changed.

Tony, who took off his suit, claimed to be 1.74 meters tall, but since Avengers are all superheroes, it couldn't be easier to judge a person's height.

Anyway, according to Hawkeye, an archer's sensitivity to distance and height, Tony's barefoot height was only 1.64 meters at most. This guy had falsely reported a large number.

As we all know, unless the steel suit is made of the latest nano-deformable metal, the old version has a fixed size. The cavity inside the suit cannot accommodate anyone over 1.8 meters tall.

War Machine Rhodes is a special case. The suit with the stars and stripes printed on it was originally made by Tony specifically for his friends.

"Shut up! Damn it! You two know I'm on the channel, right?!"

While the two were talking and laughing, Tony's furious voice came to their ears. While flying around like a headless fly in the sky with the angels who were chasing him, he retorted fiercely:

"My height is 174 centimeters, not counting shoes! No matter what you say, I only recognize this number! Also, next time you two will never touch my collection of Skywalker whiskey! It's over between us! That's it! Because you slandered me as being as tall as Wolverine!"

"Actually, my little uncle is only 1.5 meters tall. You are still a little taller than him." Natasha said with a smile.

"Well, that's right." Hawkeye shot an arrow, confirming Black Widow's judgment.

Then Tony became even more angry and talked a lot of nonsense. Height is actually not important for a man's charm. What is important is wisdom. His aura is very high, and the soul observed in the quantum state is also very tall. , these are all things that no one understands.

But the Fulian Communications public channel was suddenly filled with a happy atmosphere.

But just as they were enjoying themselves in the difficult battle, black lights one after another lit up all over the city.

The light was only as thick as a finger at first, but in an instant it turned into a giant beam of light that penetrated the sky and the earth. In addition to leaving a complex 'crop circle'-like scorch mark on the corresponding ground, they also brought new things. of enemies.

These new enemies look all kinds of strange, and almost all of them have exceeded human imagination, but they are all the same as the previous Xuter, with similar or stronger terrifying momentum.

The light pillars were still lighting up one after another, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand. The dense light fell on the ground like rain and fell into all parts of the city. At this time, a large number of demons were sent in one after another. battlefield.

Disease, decay, darkness, decline, madness, indifference, bloodthirsty, greed, and countless other evil thoughts were all thrust into the main dimension at once.

In addition to the immediate serious threats to the superheroes on the frontal battlefield, Deathstroke also received a warning from Monaco from Karma Taj, because so many first-generation demons entered the main dimension at the same time, far exceeding the protection of the earth. To the extent that the magic circle can withstand it, it is already crumbling at this time.

"Is this Sithorne's big deal? Mixing all the concepts and attributes of the first generation demons together as a conceptual chaos bomb." Su Ming was still calm, because he was not a mage, and if there was a problem with the magic circle, he couldn't fix it: "Let Master Gu Yi go home and think of a solution. Emperor Weishan doesn't know how it is going. I will hold off these demons until the God Eater enters the scene."

After communicating with Monaco through the adjutant, Deathstroke cut off the communication. The host of the Strangler Gang grew a black and yellow mask, and the red one-eyed goggles suddenly lit up.

"Maybe I can do something." Wanda took a few deep breaths, her chest rising and falling violently: "Maybe I can go to the Sanctuary of New York to help."

"No, don't cast the spell yet. Sithorn should be watching this battlefield. Once you are exposed to his sight, it will be difficult for me to hide you anymore. I'm afraid I have to send you to another universe."

Deathstroke rejected Wanda's suggestion. It didn't matter if he cast spells casually in hell, but this was the main dimension. Wanda's power from Sithorn was still too conspicuous. If used in person, it would not be stealing, but robbing. Once exposed, it would be very difficult. Run away.

"Then what can I do?" Wanda nodded obediently, but she was a little unwilling.

"Put yourself on some makeup first, then take this rifle and follow me." Deathstroke took off his cloak and let the two women ride on it. At the same time, he handed Wanda a Gauss rifle with half-fruited women on it.

"I'll do it." Polaris had some skills in disguise. After pulling his sister onto the flying carpet, he took out a powder from his pocket and applied it to Wanda's face.

No special technical skills are needed, just draw her as a black person.

"Batman's attack on Xuter may have caused Sithorne to overestimate the strength of New York's resistance, so he threw out all his old acquaintances at once, but so far I haven't seen the leaders of several other forces. "Death Knell paused in the shadow of the building, watching the city turn into an apocalyptic scene in an instant.

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There were lightning and thunder in the sky, the space in many places was broken like glass, and all kinds of filth seeped out from the surface. The concept of chaos was affecting the material world.

Superheroes can't stand it for long. Even Batman will inevitably choose to turn in when faced with this situation.

Yes, just as Su Ming had guessed, the bat that Xu Teer was stomping on not long ago was gone now, and all the people could be seen. The Ghost Rider could only be seen running away holding on to his motorcycle.

And Xuter rolled himself up from the big hole in the ground like an omelette, looked up to the sky, and let out a crazy roar.

But it's useless no matter how loud you shout, Batman never says goodbye.

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