The Death Knell

Chapter 3655 Plan I

However, not everyone is incapable of fighting against the first-generation demon army. At least Takuya-kun's Leopardton has no problem.

Giant robots are originally designed to deal with giant targets. If the enemy is too small, it will be difficult to defeat them.

On the other hand, although the current first-generation demons are uglier and more deformed than the last, their sizes are generally around 100 meters, which is exactly in line with the height range of monsters.

Therefore, the spider army can now retreat in an orderly manner, and just let the four hundred aunts take the rear first.

As for Hell's Kitchen, the situation is better, because now Squirrel Girl is chasing the first-generation demons that have landed in the air, slapping her mouth fiercely, and summoning countless squirrels to start chewing the enemy's sexy parts.

Squirrel Girl's summoning ability is very interesting. She can open a passage to another world, where there are only squirrels and endless squirrels.

These little animals with fangs are not afraid of death, are extremely numerous, and have good teeth, so to a certain extent, Squirrel Girl can even be used to restrain the robot army and the undead army.

From a distance, you can see Squirrel Girl climbing up the enemy's body along the legs of a huge demon, jumping in front of the opponent, turning around and slapping the opponent's face with her big furry tail. Her airborne time is almost as if she can Just like flying, as long as she keeps whipping, she can keep doing unlimited combos in the air.

Another ancient demon next to her wanted to attack her, but she just twisted her butt sharply, so the second demon's giant sword struck the first demon's face, cutting off half of the former's head on the spot.

Doreen just smiled slightly and said something witty about cutting watermelon, then jumped up and slapped the second demon in the face with her tail, and at the same time put all the blame for the destruction of the supermarket on the latter...

Deathstroke, who was waiting for Wanda to put on makeup, was still watching the excitement through the adjutant's live broadcast on the eyepiece, when suddenly a person flew past him and hit the ruins nearby, splashing a large amount of dust.

"Cough cough cough cough"

The masonry shook a few times, and an arm covered with a shield stretched out from below, followed by a gray-faced head.

"Captain, how's the injury?" Deathstroke issued a gloomy greeting, using a voice that sounded like someone possessed by a hell demon: "How could you think of using a shield to receive the demon's attack?"

Steve staggered up from the garbage pile and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth:

"It wants to hurt Bucky Deathstroke, I'm fine, I can spend the whole day with it."

With that said, he was about to rush out and return to the street battlefield, because everyone in the Avengers was now in a hard fight.

"Yes, spend whatever you want, but you can only deal with one. There are tens of thousands of first-generation demons in the city now. The only difference between them and the dimension demons is that they don't have their own dimensions, but their physical fitness and fighting skills are almost the same."

"We will not retreat until all citizens in the city have evacuated." Steve paused, but immediately made up his mind and rushed towards the Hulk who was fighting an ancient demon: "We are revenge. We must avenge all invaders, Avengers, assemble!”

Holding his shield high like the Stars and Stripes, he shouted slogans and rushed into the chaotic streets.

Su Ming, who was behind the mask, shrugged and did not persuade his godson. Anyway, Steve would have a 50-50 fight with anyone, so there was no danger for the time being.

Besides, when the first generation of demons entered the scene, the armies of angels and dark elves immediately got out of the way. They either flew high into the sky to escape, or they simply withdrew a few blocks, leaving the landing site they had previously occupied. More powerful ancient gods.

Only the army of the Hanhan Trolls had not yet realized what had happened. Many of their people were even involved in the ancient demon's attack, died suddenly on the spot, and were later eaten.

The first generation of demons all used the devouring method. They would eat anything.

This is also good news. After all, the density of enemies in the unit space is relatively reduced, and they are all large enemies.

Moreover, these first-generation demons were very simple, and they started eating from the largest ones.

Su Ming knows this feeling. For example, when he has a piece of cake, he will think about it first. Should he eat the strawberries on the cake first or save the strawberries for last?

To be honest, it's hard to choose. I can only say that he prefers to save the good things in the bowl until the end. This is the margin of the strong.

But the competition among the demons was very fierce back then. Who dared to keep the good things and not eat them? Why don't you eat big prey as soon as you catch it, and absorb the energy contained in digesting the prey to become stronger, so as not to be snatched away by other demons?

The worst thing is that the prey is not willing to eat, but instead one of them is killed first, and the courier is sent to other demons.

Today's New York is like a self-select supermarket. Demons come here to buy things for free. Of course, they have to pick the big ones first. The meaty creatures are the trolls.

Although these trolls are a bit smelly and dirty, with moss or pustules all over their bodies.

But after all, it is a body made of flesh and blood, and it even has an ignorant soul that can be eaten as jelly beans.

It seems that the ancient gods don't know that the troll family is Sithorn's younger brother, but they probably would pretend to be confused even if they knew. After all, satisfying the appetite after resurrection is the most important thing.

Su Ming had previously told Monaco that he would hold back all enemies in the city, but he had not taken a step until now.

"Adjutant, send an army of 100 million androids into New York in batches to stabilize each neighborhood. Even if you are delivering food, you have to hold back these ancient gods." Su Ming saw that Wanda's makeup was almost done, and threw her another one. She was asked to put on a big black robe, and at the same time she was arranging things for the adjutant: "Now we will launch the second step of Plan I. Are all the preparations in place?"

"The teleport is being activated, please check." The adjutant replied softly, but with an uncontrollable smirk on her lips, she sent three large packages to the Sheriff through the spider web, hiding in the shadows.

There are three large capsule-like survival capsules with three people inside. You can see them by wiping the glass on the lid. They are Howard, Maria, and Cassandra.

Of course, these three are all P and S versions of the androids. The manufacturing cost is slightly more than the cannon fodder androids by tens of dollars. They are on the same level as the fake Reed and fake Obama used before. After all, if you want to act, the hardware It's still a bit demanding.

"Oh, you do this first, and then do that, whispering"

With a chuckle, he reached out and pressed three switches to release the bionic people, then activated them and assigned tasks to the actors.

Androids were born to be tools. No matter what orders were given to them, they would carry them out and fulfill Deathstroke's expectations.

The so-called i plan is a good show designed by Deathstroke to help Tony grow up.

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