The Death Knell

Chapter 3656 The fastest on the street

The battle was very difficult. Tony's palm cannon and chest cannon could hardly effectively damage the giant monster in front of him, but Hulk's attack seemed more effective.

But at this time the Hulk was completely out of control. Several attacks from the opponent severely injured him, which brought with it crazy anger and the strength that grew stronger with anger.

It's a pity that the disadvantage is that now that the Hulk doesn't recognize his relatives, the Avengers have no way to cooperate with him. It's good if they don't get attacked by him.

Looking up at the angels who had ascended into the sky, Tony sighed with regret. He flew around the battlefield in the auxiliary position, and then kept thinking about how to destroy the enemy.

It is indeed touching to persist like the captain, but the enemies are obviously not human, so it is impossible to win by moving them.

He must find a way to allow everyone to effectively kill these monsters. This is what a scientist should do.

"It is inevitable to choose energy attacks. Physical attacks are obviously very ineffective." He used the palm cannon with both hands to give the other ancient god who was fighting Carol a set of scrapings, and said to himself at the same time: " But where do I go to find energy? The properties of energy also need to be considered. Electricity and fire are definitely not acceptable. Do I have to use the properties of space?"

"What are you muttering about?" Carol's opponent is a monster that looks like an upright elk. She is wrestling with the horns on the opponent's head: "Find a way quickly! I can't give my best in New York, like this It won’t last long!”

"Immediately, immediately, damn, give me some time." Tony contacted Jarvis and asked the AI ​​steward to airdrop the 'Veronica' pendant from orbit: "We must have a way to defeat these things that are like coming out of a horror storybook. When it comes to things, we should pay attention to methodology! The difference between humans and monkeys is that they can make tools!"

But as soon as these words came out, Carol had no reaction, and the ancient demon she was fighting laughed out loud.

As soon as it flicked its head, Captain Marvel was released and flew hundreds of meters away. He finally managed to stabilize himself in the air. The devil turned to the flying little iron man and said in standard London English:

"I am aqquoonkagua, Prince of Hell, Black Maw of Disaster. Your words have aroused my interest, little flying monkey..."

"What? You can talk?" Tony didn't even know that he was dealing with ancient demons. He thought he was just dealing with some unintelligent monsters.

His new discovery almost dislocated his jaw.

"Hahahaha, our life form comes from the 'Creator', which is far superior to you inferior products made by the gods. The language you use is what we have used; the history you know is written by us. The planet you live on once belonged to us!"

The devil with antlers laughed. He was not even in a hurry to kill people and eat them. Instead, he wanted to make these humans despair and make their souls more delicious.

It should not be weak, because when he faced the Avengers, several other ancient gods who had vaguely surrounded everyone retreated vigilantly, obviously looking for other prey.

"Oh, the previous tenant, right?" Tony is worthy of being Iron Man. He just took a deep breath and quickly calmed down, without any change in his tone: "Then we know each other, you can leave, because the earth Now it’s for us humans.”

"Arrogance, this is the biggest difference between you humans and monkeys."

The devil tilted his head and answered. He put his red-haired arm on the ruins of a skyscraper and chatted as if he was relaxed:

"It is because of your ignorance and arrogance that you lack the respect you deserve for me. I can understand it. However, I am different from these guys who have come back from the dead. I was sealed in the main dimension in the past and have always been there. Watching you, and a hundred million years ago, I wanted to taste your new taste, hahahaha."

As it spoke, it raised its palm, which was the size of a basketball court, and pointed at its mouth with fingers as long as a subway car, signaling Tony to fly in so that it could taste the original flavor of the food first.

If it doesn't taste good, the remaining monkeys in tights need to be cooked more carefully.

"Humanity doesn't have a history of 100 million years, you illiterate." Tony would not die. He was delaying time just to wait for the airdrop. At this time, the plug-in fell from the sky. He immediately raised the altitude and completed the integration in the air!

Veronica is actually the code name of the space station for the set of orbital equipment that was delivered. What was actually delivered was the 'Inverse Phenomenon Mecha' that Tony recently developed.

It's not a suit or armor anymore, it's directly a mecha. It's a set of giant mecha that Tony built by imitating the remains of the Arctic Celestials to deal with giant enemies.

Wearing a suit, Tony transforms into a pilot. He only needs to sit inside the mecha, and then he can fight the behemoth anywhere!

Although this mecha is only over 60 meters tall, the material used is just Kree alloy purchased from Star-Lord and reverse-engineered formula, and its surface is plated with a layer of vibrating gold.

Maybe it's not strong enough, but now I can only make do with it.

The demon didn't move. He just watched the iron man complete the integration with eyes as if he were watching the fun, as if he were looking at another toy, and kept talking about the previous topic:

"That's just the history you humans think. In fact, humans appeared much earlier than you think. Stop struggling and come to my mouth."

"Okay, guess what?" The mecha landed firmly on the ground, and Tony's voice came from inside the Gundam: "I have no interest in history at all, and the origin of mankind has nothing to do with me. I hate biology. Now you want to eat me? No way, let’s see if you can block my three-million-ton punch!”

After that, he clenched his fists, and the vector nozzles behind him and on the soles of his feet spurted blue flames, and hit the opponent's head with a flying fist similar to Astro Boy's.

It's not that he doesn't want to make weapons, but he doesn't have suitable materials that can meet the ultra-high rigidity and toughness requirements of 'melee weapons for mechas', so he might as well make do with fists.

The Avengers members on the ground raised their necks and looked at the giant iron man's attack, but Carol and Lan Qi were obviously not optimistic about it, because for them, the output of three million tons was just ordinary. .

But Iron Man still got on, and then Iron Man fell.

Even people didn't see clearly what Aquiloncagua did. They only saw the huge robot explode into fireworks in an instant. Fortunately, Tony escaped quickly enough, but he was still blown hundreds of meters away by the explosion and fell to the ground. Entering the ruins of a building in the distance.

He was bleeding from all his orifices, stars were shooting out of his eyes, and the roaring in his ears made him unable to stand up at all.

But he barely managed to see it, and he saw his parents and Cassian, who happened to be hiding in this shabby house, and this made Tony's mind go blank.


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