The Death Knell

Chapter 3661 Fishing for French Fries

Several members of the Avengers, except for Carol and Lanqi, who were still entangled with the Hulk, rushed to Tony's location, perhaps wanting to rush over to save people.

Just now they heard Tony's screams on the communication channel, as if he was slaughtering a pig, and thought something bad might have happened.

There are many people in the Avengers, but not all of them are here. For example, War Machine Colonel Rhodes is currently protecting military leaders at the Pentagon; Falcon Sam is sent to major hospitals to help transfer patients; His Majesty the Leopard King is simply not in the United States.

Black rainbow portals have appeared all over the world before, and Wakanda is no exception. Of course, the Black Panther must take care of his own family first.

Even though most of the Avengers heroes are Americans, New York is so big. In order to save as many civilians as possible, Steve dispersed the people from the beginning and arranged to go to various places in the city. Those who stayed around here were actually just to attract the enemy's attention. The target of force.

He uses himself as a target because he is the only one in the Avengers who holds a shield.

Now Captain and Bucky were running towards Iron Man. Deathstroke took the sisters out of the shadows and came to where Steve and the others were standing before, watching Carol and the Hulk fight.

Captain Marvel is quite restrained. She tries not to destroy the surrounding buildings, let alone hurt her teammates, but the Hulk is completely different. .

Bruce Banner's personality was squeezed into no corner of his soul. At this time, the Hulk kept roaring and jumping around like Donkey Kong. He demolished one building with one punch and another with his kick. To put it simply, demolishing a building means crazy demolition of a home.

He became taller and stronger, and a pair of arms seemed to be growing behind his shoulder blades, which now looked like two big bulges.

The injuries he suffered during the previous fight against the intruder made him angry, but it seemed that he was too angry. He completely disowned his relatives and took action with the intention of killing Carol and Lan Qi.

"Oh? Is this going to evolve into a four-armed Hulk?" Deathstroke just looked at it. He was not in a hurry. Anyway, there is still some drama over there. After all, there are still two androids alive, and the strangulation tentacles are still there. A small black speaker was placed around the host's mouth so that he could shout: "Carol, what are you playing at? Hit his head and knock him out."

The blonde girl who was flying around and entangled with the Hulk rolled her eyes and took a moment to glance at the death knell standing on the roof of the abandoned car not far away. After dodging a attack, she shouted:

"That's easy to say! If I use too little force, he will become stronger due to injuries without passing out; if I use too much force, he may die directly! Even New York City can't be saved!"

"It's okay, you use Shenglong Fist. The upward direction of the force will most likely not affect the city. Anyway, at worst, I will replace Hulk with a machine head afterwards." Deathstroke encouraged the woman to take action. He also gave a thumbs up to indicate that he was optimistic about her: "Stop delaying, otherwise when the captain attacks the ancient gods, all of you will suffer."

Carol was still a little hesitant, but Lan Qi was not. A soldier from the Marine Corps was never the kind of person to hesitate.

And he is a little smarter than Carol, because he can't think of the reason why Deathstroke wants to kill Hulk, so there is a high probability that this is really a way to save people.

Lan Qi, who was wearing a blue tights, circled behind the Hulk from the air. He clenched his fists on both sides of his waist, and then his body ignited with white cosmic energy. This time he was planning to take action for real.

As a copycat version of Superman, Lan Qi's abilities are very comprehensive. In addition to not having a biological force field, he can also use the energy of the universe to use all the abilities that Superman knows.

He is a little stronger than Carol in his usual state. Of course, once Team Shock enters the dual-star form, Lan Qi cannot compare. He is good, but his upper limit is not as high as Carol.

In short, Su Ming looked at him with gratified eyes. He first charged up power in the air, then dived and accurately hit the Hulk who was chasing Carol with the Shenglong Fist. This punch hit the green monster hard. On the chin.


Along with the loud noise, the surrounding space shook. The shock wave spread like a tactical missile explosion, and all the surrounding building ruins hundreds of meters in radius collapsed instantly.

After the ground shook for a while, Hulk spiraled into the sky dragging a trail of smoke under his feet, and flew toward the Atlantic Ocean with his mouth and eyes crookedly.

Deathstroke applauded like the third generation of the Jin family on the spot, and nodded to Lan Qi: "Good fight. After receiving this punch, it seems that Hulk should be able to fly to low-Earth orbit. It should be enough."

"Thank you for your applause, Deathstroke." Lan Qi smiled, but quickly straightened his expression, and turned to fly to the captain: "But now is not the time to chat."

He was flying very fast, but when he passed by, Deathstroke grabbed his neck and held him down.

Under the puzzled gaze of the black man with a question mark face, Deathstroke pointed in another direction: "I think you are concerned and confused. Now there is only one monster named Guagua on the captain's side, and there are tens of thousands of similar monsters in New York City. , why do you go to the enemy that is already dealt with, instead of dealing with other monsters that are devouring the people?"

Only then did Lan Qi come back to his senses and immediately entered into reflection.

Yes, his concern for Iron Man caused him to ignore the key to the problem. There were countless monsters throughout New York City. They were constantly destroying various buildings and digging out the survivors like honey from a beehive.

There are flames and explosions, rotten odor and death everywhere. With my own skills, I should deal with other monsters instead of following the captain and others to join in the fun.

Although Tony screamed miserably just now, someone had already gone to help him. He should go to the other survivors, those who needed superhero help more.

"I understand. Thank you for reminding me. Can you let me go first? Sir." He fell to the ground and twisted to turn in another direction.

"You're welcome, I just did some trivial work." A chuckle came from under the mask of the death knell, just like the joy of the ghost in the darkness at midnight: "Go quickly, the citizens are still waiting for you There’s rescue.”

Lan Qi suddenly felt a mission on his shoulders. Although he was not familiar with Deathstroke, he felt that this suggestion was correct.

Then superheroes should do the right thing.

He nodded solemnly towards the death knell, then stepped on the dilapidated street, and soared into the sky in the center of the big pit that he had just punched!

Seeing Lan Qi flying away, Carol, who also listened to Deathstroke's instructions, also wanted to find another monster to challenge, but before she could fly away, Deathstroke used the symbiote to capture her again.

"What are you doing? I have to save people too." She pinched the strangulation tentacle around her neck unhappily.

Deathstroke wordlessly pulled out the Avengers communicator from her ear, squeezed it open with two fingers, and replaced the girl with a real communicator that could communicate with the adjutant. Then he said:

"Save me, I lied to Lan Qi. Think about it with your head. First there is a flood in the city, and people will subconsciously go to higher places and hide indoors; then high temperatures will hit, turning the sea water into boiling Water vapor filled every building; then a lot of ancient gods with various evil concepts arrived, and they were frantically "fishing for French fries" to eat. Do you think that in this environment, there are ancient gods? Are there any survivors in nearby buildings?"

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