The Death Knell

Chapter 3662 A neat family

"Ah? I see..." Carol patted her head, with an annoyed look on her face: "Am I already late?"

Deathstroke was right. These tens of thousands of teleportation points of ancient gods are distributed throughout New York. Wherever they are, there will be no survivors nearby.

He asked Lan Qi to fight with the ancient god, saying that he wanted him to save people, but Deathstroke misled him and sent him away as an excuse.

"Don't worry. People who should be evacuated, such as employees of Wilson Enterprises, family members of superheroes, well-known kind-hearted people, etc., I immediately asked the adjutant to use teleportation to evacuate them all. I really have to wait until you think of it. The day lilies are getting cold due to this."

Deathstroke patted her shoulder, motioned for her to stand with the sisters, and then slowly walked in the opposite direction to where Tony was.

Looking at the big hole made by Lan Qi, the flat abandoned vehicles not far away, and the wreckage of the tragically dead people who were affected by the shock wave and hung everywhere like mushy tamales, Carol sighed, but suddenly her eyes Open wide.

"Wait! If you removed everyone's family members, what happened to the parents and girlfriend Tony saw not long ago?"

"Shh!" Deathstroke put his finger on her mouth, silencing her and then gently pinched her cheek: "I have an arrangement, even if you find out, don't tell it, otherwise I will let Mary spank you. .”

"Are you a primary school teacher? Are you suing your parents..."

The woman rolled her eyes, showing a speechless expression, and at the same time she mourned for Tony in her heart.

While there's no telling what Deathstroke's plan is to play, it's clearly not going to be pleasant for the person being played. .

"You know in your heart that I will use everything to achieve my goals, including interpersonal relationships." Seeing that Carol was timid, Deathstroke patted her on the back: "Let's go, find a place to hide for a while, originally I wanted to I went to Tony's place to have a look, but the red-haired croak's behavior inadvertently accelerated the progress of my plan, so I don't have to show up, I just need to watch the show while waiting for the God Eater to arrive."

"God Eater? What is that?" Carol followed the death knell meekly into the dark corner. The sky was covered with dark clouds, the sewage on the street was flowing into the big pit here, and dark scenes could be seen everywhere.

"A demon that feeds on demons. The good news is that it only eats demons. And today, when Gaia has long since died, it is a little pet that belongs exclusively to Emperor Weishan."


"Get up! Get up! Tony!"

Howard pulled Iron Man's arm, trying to pull his son out of the puddle of flesh and blood.

But even though the steel suit was replaced with deformable nano-metal, the weight is still there. As an ordinary person, how could Howard be able to pull hundreds of kilograms?

"Kashan! No! You can't die!"

Tony didn't seem to hear anything. He cupped his hands into a small bowl and just scooped up the remaining minced meat on the ground in vain.

Even though he was still wearing a golden mask, he could still imagine how painful he was. After the misunderstanding was eliminated, the love from the past would come in like a tide and occupy his heart.

Maybe there is guilt, maybe there is regret, but with Tony's character, he will definitely make up for the regret, that is, get back together with Cassandra.

Everything was fine originally, but today, this dream was shattered, Cassian died, and the wedding that Tony had imagined countless times in his dreams has now turned into nothing.

Hatred sprouted in his heart. On the one hand, he hated the monster enemies on the street. On the other hand, he hated himself for not being strong enough.

If the output of the suit can be several megatons, if you have unlimited energy, if you can use the concept of space at will, if...

There are too many ifs. If I do even one, maybe today's result will not be like this.

Tony has begun to regret the time he wasted in the past. Maybe he should use his limited life for scientific research instead of messing around with his friends.

But thinking of his friends, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he grabbed his father's arm with his backhand:

"Old man, if I go to beg Deathstroke, can he help me rescue Cassian? I once heard the Druid Master, the observer sent by Karma Taj to the Avengers, say that Deathstroke has the Time Stone in his hand, which can reverse the situation. Time flows.”

"What nonsense are you talking about?!"

Howard held his son with one hand and his wife with the other. He also held the space shock wave generator that could harm the enemy:

"The dead cannot be resurrected. Don't you even understand this? I have known Deathstroke for many years and know more than you do. He may be able to help you find Cassian's body, but the soul is not under his control. You You will only get an empty shell of flesh and blood!”

"Yes, kid, let's find a way to get out of here first." Maria also hugged Tony and touched the smooth top of his battle suit: "We are also sad about Kashan, so both parents will stay with you. Yes, we love you, kid.”

Tony turned to look at the pool of blood again. He didn't know how powerful the monster outside was, but not even a single bone could be seen in the flesh. This made Tony even more sad, because even the ashes might not be burned out.

However, he calmed down with the help of Jarvis's voice in the suit. He hugged his parents and nodded:

"I understand, I will avenge her, I am Iron Man, I am an Avenger!"

"Very good, this looks like my son!" Howard's hair was messy and there was dirt on his face, but he patted his son's arm very happily, and the family hugged each other tightly with tears in their eyes.

Tony took a deep breath and tried to contact the captain and the others outside, but the communication equipment seemed to be completely broken, leaving only hissing noises.

"Lost contact?"

He sniffed sharply and looked out at the street through the holes in the building. At this time, the monster was covering his palms and jumping around. He didn't seem to notice the three of them for the time being, so he said to his father:

"I will launch some smoke bombs, and then take the opportunity to fly you out from here. You hold on to me. I will try to fly as slowly as possible, but not too slowly, because I will be discovered by the enemy."

"Okay, no matter what the outcome is, you are a child that makes me proud." Howard agreed directly. He looked at Tony's mask and showed a happy smile: "Promise me, even if your mother and I encounter misfortune, You must continue to work hard to fight for humanity, just like a saying I heard these days, with great power comes great responsibility."

"Don't say anything unlucky, old man."

Tony didn't dare to think about that. He almost collapsed just because Cassian was killed. If his parents...

"We'll talk about the future when we go out. Are you ready? I'm going to start."

As he spoke, the rocket launcher nest on the shoulder of his suit rose, and many smoke grenades were fired from it, shrouding the entire wreckage and nearby blocks in smoke.

Then he hugged his parents tightly and flew into the sky!

Then what? There is nothing more. When the smoke blocks the enemy's sight, it is equivalent to reminding the opponent of something in disguise.

When he crashed through the ceiling of more than ten floors and rushed out of the smoke with his parents in his arms, before he had time to observe the situation on the battlefield around him, a giant red palm with a missing finger came over.

Like swatting flies in flight, Tony and his family were neatly swatted several kilometers away, leaving a big hole in the ground.

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