The Death Knell

Chapter 3663 Dark Warrior

"Oh, it's right here. It's very comfortable. Adjutant, please give me a slow-motion close-up." Deadpool drilled his nostrils with his hands that were on his buttocks. The fabric at the nose of the mask was as wet as a cat or dog. The voice said: "Look at this slow motion, what do you see?"

With a crooked smile, he asked several people at the table questions. As a qualified mercenary, sometimes he needs to leave the audience space to think for themselves...

The current scene is the moment when Tony and the android parents were knocked far away and a big hole was made on the ground.

Dust and road debris slowly flew up, and the android's body had deformed. Red blood droplets hung in the air like small planets in slow motion.

The real Howard was holding the wine glass in his hand. He didn't see anything, he just felt that his android died quite heroically.

Being killed by a demon is much better than being killed in a car accident like Deathstroke?

Kassandra's parents were only responsible for accompanying the vomiting today and had no say. However, Kassandra looked at the slow-motion video and then looked at Maria next to her. After turning her head a few times, she really let her Found the difference.

"Aunt Maria's android wears a necklace, but she herself doesn't have this accessory." She said this as if she was playing a game of 'spot the difference'.

Deadpool nodded crazily, and then began to applaud. He also looked at Kashan with admiration:

"They say one-eyed people are smart, and it's true. You have good eyesight. By the way, if someone asks me who I support Tony being with, is it you or Pepper Potts? I'm actually on Spider-Man's side, that's My buddy, I’m sorry. Let’s get back to the point, the key to the plan is this necklace, which is the core of my cousin’s plan.”

"Ahem! I don't quite understand."

Maria herself glared at Deadpool. She didn't want her son Tony to become crooked. Then she got closer to the projection and took a closer look. After using various wonderful potions provided by Deathstroke, Tony, who was originally much younger than Howard, She looked to be in her thirties at this time, and her face was so smooth that it almost reflected the reflection in the video:

"This is just an ordinary necklace. I have seen many jewelry. This is not even a brand, and the design is ordinary."

Maria, who was born into a wealthy Italian family, was very knowledgeable about jewelry, but she didn't see how valuable it was.

Howard also looked carefully at the jewelry worn by the androids. He touched his beard and came up with a hypothesis: "Is it a magic prop? I know that Kama Taj has many weird things, but the androids probably don't know how to equip them." ? They have little combat effectiveness. If the magic items are left on the battlefield, recycling them will become troublesome."

Wade made a tut-tsk sound in his mouth, shook his head from side to side, and began to mutter in a tone of hatred:

"Wrong, you are still a scientist and don't even have this knowledge. This is a pearl necklace! Even a person with a strong willpower like steel, when he sees his mother dying wearing a pearl necklace, the white beans When the bean falls into a pool of blood and bounces slightly, this person will work hard in the endless grief and become a dark knight with endless power, or a soldier? In short, Tony will not need to wear any armor by then, just say "I am" Iron Man' can solve any problem."

"Um, is there any direct logical connection between the pearl necklace and his son becoming stronger?" Howard looked like a dead fish. He felt that talking to mental patients was too tiring. Deadpool's thinking was not just a leap in thinking, it was simply a process of thinking. A cosmic jump.

It feels like I can’t keep up with the pace of the topic at all.

"Ah hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, my little bee is still so humorous, but yes, a dead mother and a pearl necklace can definitely make a person stronger, haha!"

While they were talking here, a woman with a red and blue ponytail staggered over. She held a red-haired girl wearing only leaves in her left hand, and a serious female warrior with a serious face in her right hand. , she hung on the two of them as if she was laughing so hard that she couldn't bear it, and moved over. Her soft little hands were raised on the women's shoulders, as a greeting:

"Hey, Wade, and everyone, do you mind if my girlfriends and I come to watch a family comedy video too?"

Howard scratched his head, looked at the woman who could sense her madness just by hearing her voice, and then looked at Deadpool who suddenly became a little timid, and asked tentatively:

"Your new wife?"


Wade screamed, he walked around the round table and came behind Howard, covering the man's mouth:

"Others say I talk a lot, but people in your family never speak to the point. You can't make this kind of joke. They are my cousin's women. I only have respect for them. Really, I just got married. I don’t want to be cut into pieces and thrown into an alien toilet!”


Because he covered it too hard, Howard's vomit spurted far away from Deadpool's fingers, forming an orange fountain.

Yes, although Howard has good resistance to Deadpool, he is just an ordinary person who has been injected with several serums. His willpower is far inferior to Deathstroke, and he cannot bear such close contact with Wade.

Especially as a smart man, he has a very good memory and can easily recall where this bitch has touched his hands before.

"Wow, you are so disgusting, so disgusting."

Instead, Deadpool raked him away. He immediately took his hand back, wiped it on the tablecloth, turned his head and said to no one else:

"You guys have all seen it. According to the old saying, Howard is a donkey dung man. He looks very talented, but in the end he sprays some sticky stuff into people's palms! Forget it, who knows where the Mexicans are? Help is needed here.”

"Hehehehehe, this is really a nice place, you guys are very interesting." Harley smiled and looked around, as if looking for a place to sit: "Sisters, should we sit here and chat for a while? Going skiing?”

"I should go back to Earth 0. I'm a little worried after leaving there for too long, especially after knowing that Greer, the daughter of Darkseid, has returned to him." Diana didn't think there was anything funny about this. She just thought these people were crazy.

"Why are you so disappointed, Xiao Dai, you have to broaden your horizons. The fact that Little Bee is still here on 40k Earth means that there is something he wants to get here. Instead of going back to quarrel with your mother, why not stay here?" Help him get that thing here.”

Harry put his arm around Diana's waist, put his head on her arm, raised his face and attacked her with cute eyes.

Wonder Woman took a deep breath. She looked at the traces of vomit in various colors on the table, showing some helplessness:

"The key is that I don't know what he is looking for or what problems he is facing. He didn't tell me anything."

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