The Death Knell

Chapter 3668 Lure the snake out of its hole

Su Ming's voice was not loud, but it was enough. Before he finished speaking, a red and blue figure appeared beside him.

On the other side, there was the bald Luther who looked helpless and reluctant.

I don’t know what they said before Luthor pulled Superman into the Statue of Liberty. It was probably because Luthor didn’t want Superman to die blindly, that is, he didn’t want to be a human shield for others on a strange earth.

But now that Su Ming took the initiative to call him, Superman came, of course, as expected.

"Help me hold this demon down, and I'll strangle it and eat it alive." Deathstroke made the request without explaining anything.

Superman knows that now is not the time to say anything, now he just needs to work together:

"Okay! I'll hold down my left hand. Lex, you hold down your right hand."

"Stupid, you are still so stupid." Luther had a different opinion. He flew to the side of the monster's body: "This monster has a spine and can only bend forward. We should turn it over and face down. Then By holding it down with both hands, you avoid wrestling with the opponent’s abdominal muscles.”

Although this pig-headed monster is as slender as a corn stalk, and it is unclear whether it has waist and abdominal strength, Luther thinks his plan is better...

"Whatever you want, do it." Deathstroke only wanted the result and didn't care much about the process: "Hurry up, he's about to get up."

"Oh, don't even think about it as long as I'm here." After Luther ceased to be a human being, he basically didn't fight anyone, but this didn't mean that his fighting ability was poor.

As a new species created by Perpetua himself, his combat effectiveness at this time is much stronger than that of the Martians.

Wearing armor, he first came to the enemy, grabbed the huge body with both hands and began to exert force. With the help of Superman exerting force on the other side of the enemy's body at the same time, the monster that was struggling to get up was lifted again. A horse is lying down.

At this time, Polaris could relax a little. She tied the monster's legs with metal chains, and even took the time to wipe her nose with the back of her hand.

Thanks to the fact that Squirrel Girl's side is full of flesh-and-blood demons, there is no way to catch elemental monsters if they don't have entities.

Superman and Luthor each held down one of the pig-headed monster's wrists. Although it looked like a man standing on an eight-lane viaduct trying to hold down the ground, Superman was Superman after all. He had nothing to fear when comparing strength. people.

Deathstroke took the opportunity to land on the demon's head, and the strangulation flowed out from the cracks in his armor like black mud, and then gathered into a huge black bean sprout, biting the back of the enemy's head.

I don’t know what species this monster is, but its scream sounds a bit like a donkey. If it were another symbiote, the air vibration caused by the scream would cause them abnormal pain, but strangulation is different. .

It is probably the only symbiote that is not afraid of fire or shock.

When the other party screamed, it had already begun to eat tofu? Or watermelon pulp? Anyway, this monster's brain is quite red.

It eats as much juice as possible and devours it voraciously. It is because of this eating appearance that it looks like it is eating well.

I hope this performance can be seen by some bystanders and make them move their index fingers, if that monster has an index finger.

The hair-raising chewing sound echoed in the center of the almost flattened battlefield. Not only Daisy and the others were shocked, but even the other first-generation demons who were still unable to get up on the ice seemed to have recalled being killed. The era dominated by the Devouring Law.

They come to the main dimension to eat, at least that's what Sithorn said beforehand, but now that there are humans who can eat them in the main dimension, things are different.

The rain in the sky seemed to have stopped for a few seconds. After seeing their pig-headed counterparts being devoured by humans, they suddenly fell into panic.

But on the ice, especially on a rainy day, the more panicked they are, the more they can't get up. They want to activate their own abilities, but the cold and magnetic anomalies greatly limit them, let alone mobilizing their abilities. The blood flowing in the body is uncontrolled.

They were pushing each other, trying to get others to help them evacuate, or simply trying to roll away.

But in the end, all he could do was watch the black tentacles suck out the brains of the unlucky guy, with a satisfied smile on his face, and his crescent-shaped eyes narrowed into a line.

"Isn't that enough?" Death Knell, whose body was burning with colorful light, rose into the sky again, choosing the next target: "Let's get another one over, and Lorna will do it. This is the one who fought against the female Thor and Hela."

This demon doesn't have any distinctive features, it just has red skin, goat horns, and a crab-like multi-legged lower body. Who knows what this creature was in the past.

But it doesn't matter, as long as it has a head, you can eat it by strangulation.

"Clark, Lex, help me." Strangler had retrieved a lot of dark evil memories, and Su Ming needed to take a breath and digest the impact of this information.


As long as the enemy is not human, Superman actually has no moral obsession. He released the wrist of the headless corpse and flew in the direction of the suspended chain hoop.

"Really, I just came here to attend someone else's wedding. Why am I acting like a nosy superhero now?" Luther was a little speechless, but as he said this, his body was honest and flew towards the enemy's head. The other hand worked with Superman to turn the second enemy over and pin him to the ground.


Deathstroke once again asked the symbiote to eat. The meal just now was not satisfying enough. This time he should conjure two more tentacles to serve as his arms and hands. After eating, he should try shaking his fingers a few times.

In fact, it would be okay to let Zhuo Su hold down the enemy by himself, or ask Polar Star to help him get a set of restraints, or even Su Ming could use the Force to hold down the enemy.

But he still called Superman and Luthor. After all, some onlookers would feel more at ease only when Superman, who had been in the limelight before, appeared.

Anyway, the steps now are very simple. Loki replenishes the ice from time to time, Lorna is responsible for luring people over, and Deathstroke cooperates with Superman and Baldhead to kill these demons one by one at the speed of an assembly line.

It's not that they didn't resist, but they were still a bit weak in front of the lightsaber in Deathstroke's hand. The space cutting alone was not something these old antiques could compete with, plus there was also the Ice Box and Lorna's superpowers. .

I don’t know how many were killed. After Daisy and Hela came over to help suppress the demon, Deathstroke basically just focused on how to make the eating scene attractive by strangulation.

The ruined streets are now filled with blood, and the blood of these demons has a pungent stench, almost all of it is a black viscous liquid, like melted asphalt.

But just after Deathstroke hooked the last demon in Squirrel Girl's hand and killed it, the sky suddenly darkened, and a huge black shadow fell from the sky, floating lightly in front of Deathstroke.

The other party’s English was poor, but at least he could understand it. This creature, which looked like a ball of bloody slime, expressed his thoughts:

"Don't let him eat it yet, give me a taste."

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