The Death Knell

Chapter 3669 Guests are in place


Apparently the God Eater said it was too late. Strangler had already bitten it down and sucked it up like jelly. It looked at the new giant monster with its small crescent-shaped eyes, showing an expression of unwillingness to give in.

The God Eater looks like a real monster. Even though it is known that it is the creation of O Shutu and Gaia, its style has nothing to do with those two.

Ao Shutu's style is easy to understand. No matter what her acting style is, Dongxing Goddess always wears a feather shawl when she appears. Her whole person is radiant, her chin will be slightly raised at an angle, and her voice is beautiful but beautiful. Without losing majesty.

What she pursues, after all, is 'order'. The order of the earth is her top priority. After all, this is her old nest, and birds often have a strong sense of homing.

Gaia, who died a long time ago in order to save the earth, has a style similar to that of Poison Ivy, which is the style of nature. She likes to wear leaf leaves, put apples and other fruits in her hair, and walks around naked most of the time. Walk away and so on.

According to records, Gaia took the initiative to split itself into two concepts: the "Red General" and the "Green General". One represents animals and the other represents plants. It maintained the ecological development of the earth, while it itself died. .

Some people say that one of Odin's wives and Thor's biological mother, Queen Gaia, was actually the reincarnation of the ancient god Gaia...

But Su Ming didn't see it that way, because Gaia was too weak and couldn't even defeat Frigga. She could only rank second in Odin's harem. How does this look like the reincarnation of the ancient god?

And given that Gaia in the 40K universe was secretly killed by Loki, it is even more impossible. Loki does have many conspiracies, but as a spellcaster, he has inherent shortcomings when it comes to dealing with the ancient gods.

In short, God Eater has nothing in common with his two mothers. If pressed, Su Ming would think that he is a bit like the sand monk in the quicksand river who dug oil at the bottom of the river, because He comes across as slimy.

His shape is uncertain, looking like a ball of mud or a ball of black smoke, but it has a roughly human shape, with the outline of what appear to be limbs and a head, and it looks ethereal.

But there is a real big mouth on his face, which is densely covered with multiple layers of teeth like a shark, and his tongue is like a long straw in the style of a butterfly, covered with sharp barbs.

When speaking, this long tongue is like a clown toy that can blow air, straightening and curling for a while.

There are no clothes on his body, and he probably doesn't need that kind of thing, but there are many accessories hanging on his body, the most conspicuous one is a large series of skulls around his neck.

Some of these skeletons looked like sheep, some looked like horses, and some looked nothing like anything at all. They were species that Su Ming had never seen before.

They were all ancient demons eaten by the God Eater in the past. The white-gnawed skulls were left behind and strung together as souvenirs. Maybe they could be chewed a few times for a while when they were hungry.

It is a real demon. This was what the two goddesses had in mind when they created it. The God Killer is more evil, more cruel, more cunning, and more edible than other demons. Then they created such a monster specifically to deal with enemies. living weapons.

Back then, he was able to chase and kill millions of demons by himself. All the ancient gods who had eaten the same kind were within his hunting range. He was even able to chase Sithorn and Set out of the main dimension. You can imagine this thing. How professional.

"Ah, you're too late." Deathstroke floated up and came to the ferocious but illusory face of the God Eater: "Let me introduce myself first. I am the Supreme Mage Deathstroke, the spokesperson of the Eastern Star Goddess in the material world. We I need your help now."

谷/span\u003e "Mother's spokesperson? A hairless ape? Not a bird?"

The God Eater's eyes were always looking at the corpse on the ground, and his tone was very strange. His English level was just enough for people to understand, but not completely understandable. It was mixed with old English vocabulary.

"Times have changed, Devourer of Gods. The earth now belongs to us humans. You have been away for too long, and you may not know many things." Deathstroke gestured to Superman and Luthor, indicating that they would take the others with them first. People step aside.

The situation here is not like what they saw.

"I follow the mission given to me by my mother, to eat all the demons in the multidimensional world, and to hunt down the prey until the end of the universe, even if they escape into the void." The huge figure of the God Eater shook slightly, and its face suddenly moved to the back of its head. From his position, he looked at the city he was in: "So until the original mission is completed, unless mother takes back her life, I will not respond to any of your prayers."

His speech became more and more fluent.

"Sithorn and Seth are here too, don't you want to eat them?"

Deathstroke rubbed his hands and threw out a bait in a seductive tone, because this was the best ingredient.

The God Eater paused for a moment after hearing these words, but did not pay attention to the Supreme Mage. Instead, he looked up directly at the sky. His shapeless body squirmed a few times, as if taking a deep breath, and let out an astonishing roar. Voice:

"Show up, my pathetic old enemies, the eternal hunt will end today! Either I will eat you, or you will eat me!"

As his voice fell, there was only a "kucha" between heaven and earth. The space cracked like a mirror, and two figures, one red and one green, slowly fell from the background of the void in the distance.

The green one is easy to recognize. It is Seth, an old acquaintance. If the humanoid body is upright, the height from the soles of the feet to the shoulders is about two meters, and further upward, the length of the neck is also two meters.

He wasn't honest when he was floating in the air, his long neck was dangling like a water plant, and the snake head on his neck looked a bit cute.

As for the other one, being able to stand side by side with Seth is enough to illustrate his identity.

Sithorn looks like an ordinary white-haired human, except that his skin is too pale and his whole body is covered in black smoke. Occasionally, red light will flash through the smoke, making him look full of evil.

I don't know why, but at the first glance when I saw this guy, I could feel that he was not a good person. It was almost like the feeling Luthor gave after putting on the Batman uniform.

"Why do I suddenly feel that you are thinking about something rude?" Luther, who was hiding, asked in the communication channel as if he noticed Deathstroke's glance.

"I didn't, I just suddenly felt something." Su Ming shook his head and chuckled under his mask: "Haha, get ready, the next moment is the moment to witness the miracle." Provide you with the best Quick American comic Death Knell update, Chapter 3669 The guests are in place and you can read it for free.

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