The Death Knell

Chapter 3670 Activate Trap Card

Sithorn's true form actually does not look like a human being. His true form appears in the comics Su Ming read in his previous life.

It is very similar to the ghost next door, except that it wears a blue cloak and has two particularly sharp claws. The skin on its face is cracked like Darkseid. In short, it is both mysterious and ferocious.

He also has a pair of blood-red eyes that can emit light like a searchlight. As for his true identity, Su Ming is not sure, because there is no official statement.

O Shutu is a bird, Seth is a snake, Gaia is the earth, Sithorn looks like this, Su Ming suspects he might be a bat?

It’s a wild guess, because when I think of darkness, it’s very easy to think of bats, an occupational disease from the DC universe.

In short, Sithorne is also a typical person who doesn't talk much. When he saw God Eater, an old acquaintance, he had no intention of reminiscing. He just laughed and waved his hand.

The Black Rainbow Bridge once again launched a large-scale teleportation. With the traitor arrangement previously arranged by the snake god Set, troops in New York City can now be easily mobilized.

Like dark elves, angels and trolls, Sithorne doesn't look down on these mortal armies. He just sent all the first-generation demons in the main dimension to this Hell's Kitchen.

There are all kinds of monsters, the total number is about 100,000, and they are not just three floors inside and three floors outside, but they are all in the sky and on the ground. They almost form a wall like the origin wall next door...

Each of these demons looked at the God Eater with eager eyes, some were cursing, and some were swallowing their saliva.

A large part of these first-generation demons were once eaten by the God Eater. Now Sithorn has spent energy to resurrect them. He has captured part of the energy generated by the collision of different parallel worlds in the multiverse, and now they can all be resurrected. Spent on resurrecting the helper.

The God Eater's tactics back then were also very simple. For example, if he could fight a hundred demons by himself, he would pick one out and beat it to death, eating it while beating it.

When others hit him, he just carried it. After digesting the food, he instantly gained new strength, new abilities, and could repair his body.

Then he grabbed the second one, beat it to death, stuffed it into his mouth, and repeated it endlessly, until the first generation demons were frightened out of their wits.

Therefore, the number of enemies is not a problem for him. It doesn't matter if there are ten thousand or one hundred thousand. Anyway, the same process is repeated.

But when Sithorn and Seth were present, he had to deal with them first, even if he had to fight them back. Otherwise, the output of these two would be too high, and he would be unable to handle other foods.

After so many years, the Great Demon Shadow's tactical thinking became clear, that is, everyone swarmed forward, and when the God Eater was eating an unlucky guy, he and Seth would make a sneak attack.

It can't be considered a sneak attack, it's more like setting up an ambush.

There are too many first-generation demons in this area, and the space has become extremely unstable. The sound of cracking and shattering is endless, and fragments of material reality are constantly falling off around them, revealing more and more void background.

The energy emitted by different ancient gods is also different. They carry various dangerous and deadly concepts and are being emitted invisibly at this time.

There was no communication between the two sides. The demons immediately rushed towards the God Eater, wanting to eat his flesh and blood, exacerbating the hatred of the past. The God Eater also rushed towards the nearest enemy, revealing its fangs that glowed with cold light.

But at this time, Su Ming had already escaped with others.

While all the enemies' attention was focused on the God Eater, it was very easy for a small human to slip away. Not only himself, but also most of the humans currently in the city were directly teleported to New Jersey by the adjutant. Somewhere, on the former site of Xavier Academy for Gifted Youngsters.

They've moved, and there's just a big hole left here.

From here, if your eyesight is good enough, you can probably see New York City, which is about 200 kilometers away. Of course, through the adjutant's broadcast, you can also see Sithorne and the others becoming furious after discovering the truth.

When the first demon was about to collide with the God Eater, its sharp claws penetrated the enemy's body, not the kind that penetrated flesh and blood, but another kind that didn't touch anything. pass through.

It's like a cloud of fog, a cloud of water vapor, or a phantom.

In short, the God Eater does not exist, and the Great Shadow and Seth fell into the trap.

Deathstroke knew in advance that they were waiting for the God Eater to come out first, and the God Eater was waiting for them to come out first, and both sides planned to set people up behind their backs.

So Su Ming's previous conversation with Loki actually hinted at this, using illusions to create a fake God Eater, making the Great Demon Shadow and Sithorn think they saw their enemy appear first, and misunderstood that it was Attracted by 'mukbang'.

Otherwise, he could talk to anyone about these analyses, he could discuss it with Jessica, he could discuss it with Lorna, why would he choose to communicate with Loki?

Only Loki can understand the implication of Deathstroke. This is the prerogative of smart people. Even though Luthor is present, he basically has no intelligence about Marvel. He cannot analyze these things.

In addition, why did Deathstroke let Strangler eat the heads of those first-generation demons, but not their flesh and blood?

Of course, it was to read the images and styles of the God Eaters in the minds of these ancient gods. With this information, Su Ming secretly contacted Loki through strangulation and asked him to construct an illusion based on the images in his mind.

Loki's illusions are among the best in the multiverse. Except for a few demon gods, no one can see through the illusory reality.

Although Loki's illusions during the God of Story period should be at their peak, after all, that was an old Loki, but now, as long as the Ice Box is in hand, he can also borrow part of Angboda's power to strengthen his own. Ice mist illusion.

The result was that Sithorne and Seth were successfully deceived. The real God Eater is still hiding in the dark, gaining a tactical advantage.

"Now, Lieutenant, teleport Deadpool to me."

Su Ming waved his arm, as if deciding which Pokemon should come on stage, and issued a new order.


Wade appeared with the blue light, a cucumber in his mouth, and shouted his entrance lines, just like the electric mouse would shout "Pica Q" when he appeared on the stage.

"Wade, use your plot continuity gem. At the same time, Wanda, use chaos magic to imagine turning the entire New York City into this thing." Deathstroke quickly gave the order, using the symbiote to change the thoughts in his mind about ' All the information of the totality was sent into the girl's mind.

It would be unrealistic to rely solely on chaos magic to deal with and trap Sithorne, but as long as there are plot continuity gems, things can become very reasonable.

Deadpool will not drop his chain at the critical moment. Although his pants have not yet reached his waist, revealing the dirty black strawberry pants underneath, this is even more convenient for him to take out the Infinity Stones.

"Use it, five hundred yuan!"

As he said this, he buttoned the back of his butt with his backhand and took out the gem like a magic trick. There was still a piece of rotten and pus-filled skin on it. To provide you with the fastest update of the American comic Deathstroke, Chapter 3670 Activate Trap Card is free to read.

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