The Death Knell

Chapter 3677 Each shows his ability

Deathstroke's timing was perfect, as Set devoured the second demon, which slid halfway down his esophagus into his neck.

Not all the first-generation demons have giant-sized bodies, at least the two prey chosen by the snake god this time are not big.

Maybe it was because the concentrated essence was the essence, or maybe it was because no one would detect the sneak attack on a small target, but no matter what, the prey still became a big ball stuck in the esophagus in the center of his neck.

Right in the middle, neither swallowed nor spit out, the snake god didn't even react when Diana launched her attack.

Bringing Dai here is more reliable than bringing Superman, because in terms of magic resistance and understanding of mysterious affairs, she is second to none in the Justice League.

It's a pity that Bobo didn't come this time, otherwise he could have brought him with him, and at least he could have a talk show or be responsible for praise or something.

The composition of Deathstroke's team this time is pretty good, but they lack someone who can both praise and complain. Even Harley and Gwen know a little bit about it, but the former's way of complimenting is often to laugh weirdly or go crazy, and the latter's way of making complaints is Gentle style for little girls. .

None of them have the dark flavor of Bobo.

In the ten-thousandth of a second of thinking about the death knell in mid-air, Seth came to his senses. Although there was still a ball of food stuck in the center of his neck, he subconsciously wanted to turn his head and bite the approaching woman.

Polaris had made a meritorious service at this time, and she absolutely did her best to complete the tasks assigned to her by Deathstroke.

Just as Su Ming had guessed in advance, the snake crown was fixed on Seth's head. Fixing this golden hat was equivalent to fixing his head and fangs.

Because his steps were very steady and his head couldn't move, his long neck swayed like a skipping rope, which looked a little funny.

But at this time, Squirrel Girl also grabbed his left hand, opened her mouth and bit it, her fat body like an anchor, holding the enemy in place.

Squirrel Girl's mouth is the most powerful, so it's normal for her to use her mouth to immobilize the enemy.

The next step was the death knell's leaping strike. The sword light on the lightsaber rose with the storm, and with a terrifying scream, it struck the snake god's neck.


Bubbly blood spurted out from the fracture, like a fountain with huge water pressure, soaring into the sky.

The long neck covered with green scales was like an out-of-control water pipe, and began to move randomly as the blood spurted out, but the huge snake head remained motionless in the air even with the crown fixed in mid-air.

That's what it looks like, his expression is pained.

"Have you killed it?" Diana grabbed the arm of the headless corpse. Her whole body was almost stained red with blood. Snake blood is red and smells fishy.

"Something's wrong, it's too easy." Su Ming denied her statement and shook his head slightly after landing: "What we have to deal with is Seth, one of the four ancient gods of the Marvel multiverse. He can't be killed so easily. dead."

Just as he said, Seth, who was hacked to death, turned into a giant snake in a few breaths. His arms and legs disappeared instantly, and his body fell limply to the ground.

"What's going on?" Diana immediately hung the lasso around her waist, pulled out her sword, shield and Deathstroke and warned back to back: "Why did he suddenly turn into a dead snake?"

"It's a substitute magic. The beheaded snake will not die instantly. This gives him the opportunity to replace his own existence with a poisonous snake in the sea of ​​snakes."

Wanda followed the cloak and landed on the top of the building. After taking a look at the headless snake corpse on the ground, she immediately gave the answer:

"The structure of the light ball you gave me is originally easy to get in and difficult to get out. Although he can't escape from here, he can still summon the snakes in the Sea of ​​Snakes dimension to die for him."

"What is the Sea of ​​Snakes? Kiss the little bee." Harley also jumped off the flying carpet with a hammer. She stared at the snake head hanging in the air, and after asking the death knell, she said: "This snake is not completely dead yet." It’s dead, it has a thought bubble on its head, and it wants to bite us after Polaris puts it down.”

Seeing that there were a lot of people in the team who didn't understand, Deathstroke, while wary of the surroundings, motioned to Gwen to explain.

Anyway, girls know this kind of basic setting problem.

"Harley and Wonder Woman...their presence here already makes me feel awkward." Gwen sighed. As a huge Marvel fan, she spends more than 300 days a year having intense interactions with DC fans online. She, who is on the line, naturally has a certain understanding of her neighbor: "Really, Deathstroke, what do you want to change your universe into?"

"Who told you to say this? I have the final say in my universe. If you don't like it, just watch the MCU movie universe." Deathstroke asked Strangler to use a spring boxing glove, hit the girl on the head, and said the death sentence. Discourse.

"Tch, I'm not a movie fan. Only people who are new to the game can watch the MCU, okay? Listen up, I'm going to tell you about it, cough cough!"

As expected, Gwen's servant turned into the Crooked Dragon King and fell into the trap of Deathstroke's provoking method, which is also a strange circle called the Marvel Fans' Chain of Contempt.

Generally speaking, in her circle, comic fans look down on animation fans, animation fans look down on movie fans, movie fans look down on game fans, and game fans look down on themselves who have been turned into krypton gold sows by game operators...

"The Sea of ​​Snakes, to use a term that you DC people can understand, can be regarded as a swimming pool the size of Limbo. There is no water in the pool, and it is full of all kinds of snakes."

"You also know about Limbo. It's a good example. I already understand." Diana smiled. She thought that Gwen was a bit cute. Maybe it was because she was dressed more like a warrior with her double swords and a large amount of weapons on her back: "But If this is the case, Slade, the snake god you want to kill is equivalent to having infinite substitutes, what should we do?"

Su Ming was not panicked. It could even be said that he had always been calm. No matter what situation he encountered, only by thinking calmly could he solve the problem.

As for the question in front of you, you can get the answer even if you think about it with your toenails.

"We can completely hide the Sea of ​​Serpents in the inner dimension so that Seth can't contact it."

"Is this... is this something that humans can do?" After hearing this, others may not have reacted because they didn't understand, but Wanda showed a look of surprise: "Even Emperor Weishan can't do anything to snakes. Can we really attack Zhihai? And before killing all the demons here, we'd better not open the barrier and go out, as it will let the enemy escape."

"Oh, you don't need me to go there in person. Just send one of Kama Taj's mages who knows where the Sea of ​​Snakes is."

Deathstroke laughed. It would be really difficult to completely wipe out the Sea of ​​Serpents and eliminate a huge dimension close to the material world.

But if you want to hide it and cut off the communication and connection between Seth and it, it is not difficult at all:

"Carol, are you on the public channel? I need your help."

"I'm, please tell me, next to the giant pit where New York City was moved. The battle is almost over, and I happen to be free."

A woman's voice came from her ears, and it sounded like she was a little excited.

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