The Death Knell

Chapter 3678 Launching a Dragon-Tiger Fight

"I want to borrow your cat."

No matter how positive Carol was and what kind of complicated journey she had gone through in her heart, Deathstroke didn't ask her to join the team, but asked her to borrow the orange cat.

The idea is actually very simple. There is a very mysterious space in the belly of a creature like the Yuan Devouring Beast. This space is almost infinite, and the things stored in it are completely isolated from the outside world, as if they have entered another dimension.

Su Ming and his party will not leave New York for the time being, lest they let the enemy go, but he still has someone he can use outside, or is there a cat he can use?

Just send a few to lead the way and let the element-devouring beasts find a way to stuff the 'Sea of ​​Snakes' dimension into their belly, or they can enter the dimension of the Sea of ​​Snakes and eat all the snakes in that dimension.

Cats can restrain snakes. The Yuan Devouring Beast looks like a cat, so it can probably be regarded as a cat, right?

Anyway, those things don't need to be stored in its stomach for long, as long as it is long enough for Su Ming to lock Seth's position for the second time and not give it a chance to activate the substitute magic.

"Ah, I want to borrow Qiuer, okay, he has always missed you." Carol was a little disappointed. In fact, she also wanted to follow Deathstroke's team instead of staying next to the New York sinkhole with smooth mirror-like inner walls. , clean up the enemy's remaining miscellaneous soldiers. .

Regardless of whether she wants to admit it or not, the fact will not change. The tough man in the red cape wearing underwear can actually handle everything by himself, while others are just like spectators.

For example, Spider-Man, they even found a place to get together and start chatting, taking shelter from the rain at the feet of the giant robot Leopardton.

The orange cat is Carol's pet, not Mary's, and it only appears on the farm when Captain Marvel returns to Antarctica to visit relatives.

In the past, it lived with its owner in an apartment on the Upper East Side of New York, but now Carol lives in the orbital space station at the headquarters of the Skyward Sword Bureau, and the cat should be there too. Anyway, it is a cosmic creature.

"Very well, the next step is how to bring the orange cat to the Sea of ​​Snakes. Do you know the second generation of Miss America? Her real name is America Chavez."

Deathstroke named another person, a person who seemed to appear suddenly after the multiverse convergence incident.

After the big event in which parallel worlds collided and only 40,000 Earths remained, Su Ming had long since noticed that there were many superheroes that did not exist before, appearing on his own Earth as if they were transformed into living beings.

What's interesting is that if you really look into their pasts, everyone has a corresponding origin story, their own daily work, and their own different cover identities.

It's like they've always existed in 40K, but Deathstroke didn't know it.

This is impossible. Su Ming will not doubt his memory. He is more inclined to believe that after 40K Earth became the main world of the multiverse, it was automatically perfecting itself according to a certain template.

There aren't many things that can be known at the moment, so just observe for the time being. After all, it wouldn't hurt to have more superheroes.

Su Ming knew the first Miss America, Madeleine Joyce, who was a member of the Invasion Group. Her super powers were clairvoyance and flight, super strength and immunity to toxins, but she died in childbirth in the same year after World War II.

After that, the codename of Miss America has been vacant, which is really rare in the superhero world where good codenames are up for grabs.

It is said that the girls thought that the code name Miss America was given too much meaning by Madeleine, and subsequent girls did not feel qualified to inherit the code name of the hero of the Invasion Team.

Madeline is the first widely known female superhero. She took the initiative to join the most dangerous battlefields. She wore a beautiful Stars and Stripes uniform and fought alongside her husband Speedy, who was also a superhero. She even continued to fight while pregnant. , using his bare hands at high altitude to dismantle the super nuclear missile launched towards the U.S. mainland during Hydra’s final counterattack.

Nuclear radiation mutated the child with superpowers in her belly. When the child was born, it was equivalent to giving birth to a super dirty bomb. The ensuing nuclear contamination instantly killed almost everyone in the delivery room. , including her husband, this is the truth behind her death in childbirth.

By the way, the midwife at that time who survived was the alien "Bova" with a body and a minotaur. This minotaur later also delivered Wanda.

Deathstroke recalled when he was cooking Namor before that very few members of the Invasion Team had died in the past, and their codenames often had no one to inherit them. Instead, they were placed in museums along with their photos and uniforms. inside.

But just after the "Parallel World Bumper Car" incident, the second generation of Miss America appeared as if by magic, very suddenly.

"Ami? Yes, I know her. She is Lan Qi's friend. She has also done many tasks for Tianjian Bureau. She can even be regarded as a non-staff member of Tianjian." Carol nodded and looked at the superhuman transformation in the distance. The red and blue light he created blasted the lone monster, and he was not surprised at all why Deathstroke knew about the girl's existence.

Because in her opinion, there is always a way for Deathstroke to know what he wants to know.

"Contact her and ask her to take Qiu'er to the Sea of ​​Snakes. I will draw her a picture about a somewhat complicated universal entrance to all dimensions. In the Everglades of Florida, the magician of Kama Taj will Meet her there."

America is a Latina beauty of mixed black and white descent. Her specific origin is unknown. Records that suddenly appeared now record that she is from the "Utopia Earth". She was a refugee who arrived on the 40K Earth when she was five years old and was adopted by kind people.

He debuted as a superhero at the age of eight, joined the Teen Brigade at the age of 12 and served as its leader, joined the Young Avengers at the age of 15, joined the Avengers at the age of 18, and worked for S.H.I.E.L.D. for two years, but now After breaking away from the sinister Nick Fury, she switched to the Skyward Sword Bureau at the age of twenty.

Deathstroke is very sure that before the integration of diversity, such a girl did not exist in the 40K universe, let alone her growth experience and interpersonal relationships. The Youth Brigade and the Youth Reunion simply did not exist in the past, okay?

But times have changed, and so has the world. Although Deathstroke always says that the 40K Earth belongs to him, he also knows that the universe is alive, and when autonomous changes occur within it, people either don't notice it or they can't understand it.

It feels like you have a cat, but if the cat licks a hair into its belly while eating, you won't know how many bowls of powder it has in its belly unless you give it up and Kill it and dissect it.

Anyway, Su Ming won't study these details. No matter how many hairs the cat eats, as long as it is still in his hands.

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