The Death Knell

Chapter 3681 Sowing discord

The black shadow was like a balloon. At first it just flowed out from the gaps in the ruins of the building, but as it rose in height, it seemed to have absorbed something in the space, and its size skyrocketed.

What started as a black ribbon turned into a huge pillar that seemed to support the heaven and earth in the blink of an eye. . .

The only difference is that this pillar is covered with fine scales that are larger than a tank, and there is a huge snake head on the top. Those golden eyes overlook everyone, looking through the dust that was previously stirred up, it is like a snake in the sky. There are two more blurry suns.

This is Seth's true form, a giant venomous snake.

"It's not bad, Seth is not the largest dimensional demon." Deathstroke looked at the enemy's 'second stage' form while talking to the people around him: "Here comes the trivia question again, which dimensional demon is the largest?"

Well, Waiter Gwen, who was still hiding behind everyone and holding an assault rifle in his arms, was the first to raise his hand:

"Cytorak is the largest dimensional demon, because apart from the lack of concepts such as time, order, life, etc., the Crimson Universe can be regarded as half of a multiverse, and it is essentially the Crimson Tyrant himself."

Lao Sai is the Dimension Demon God, an Outer God, the Lord of Hell, and the embodiment of a collection of cosmic concepts. He is more like a chaotic version of the "eternity" of another world, basically equivalent to the collection of space concepts in the Crimson Universe.

After answering, she eagerly waited for the reward. Wanda beside her sighed and looked a little regretful because she was too slow to raise her hand.

Deathstroke smiled and threw a box of chocolate frogs to Gwen, then nodded happily and said:

"The answer is correct. The Crimson Tyrant's body is the largest, so compared to him, Seth is a bit inferior in terms of strength and size. Now everyone is not nervous, right? We can easily deal with the snake in front of us. , because he still has a weakness, which is flesh and blood."

Squirrel Girl, Gwen, and Polaris have never dealt with enemies that are more than several thousand meters in length. Deathstroke used prize-winning quizzes to adjust the atmosphere and prevent them from panicking or other negative emotions. Instead, they changed their thinking to how to obtain information from enemies. self-interest.

Generally speaking, elemental creatures or pure embodiments of concepts are the hardest to kill, because these things often have no physical body, which means they are basically physically immune.

And having a flesh and blood body is much easier to deal with. Unless it is the infinitely proliferating amorphous flesh and blood body of the ancient series, other creatures with material existence are easy to deal with.

What's more, Su Ming is from the Chinese Dynasty. There is an old saying in the Chinese Dynasty, which is called "hit a snake seven inches away", which fully illustrates the weakness of snakes, and even extends to the tactical guiding ideology of "when attacking the enemy, you must choose its weakness".

Su Ming just looked at the transformed Seth, calculating the length of the opponent's body, and then calculated the approximate position of the 'seven inches' based on the proportion.

The first time he took action, he chose to behead. After all, if you want to kill a creature with a head, the first choice is to behead it. This is correct in more than 99% of the cases.

But the effect of beheading is obviously not very good. The head is not Seth's weakness, so this time the tactical goal must be changed to see if the ancient Chinese saying is correct.

"Damn humans, damn the Supreme Mage!" Deathstroke and his group were chatting happily on the ground, but because they disrespected their opponents too much, Seth became angry. He roared and squatted in the air, opening his bloody mouth: "I I want to eat you all, annihilate your souls, and make the universe belong to me!"

Deathstroke stood on the dilapidated street not far from the ruins and nodded repeatedly. He stood at the front of the crowd, holding a lightsaber in his hand and moving his wrist, and said casually:

"Yes, yes, you are right, I am so scared. By the way, I am a little curious. You said that you want the universe to belong to you. Have you discussed this with Sithorn? Does he know that you plan to After killing Emperor Weishan and us little mortals, do you want to kill him and monopolize the multiverse?"

"You're talking nonsense! I didn't! He won't believe your instigation!" Seth gave Deathstroke three consecutive denials on the spot. His strength was not as good as Sithorn's. When Deathstroke said this, of course he still felt a little guilty.

After all, it was completely true to his plan. He really planned to do this.

In the future, if you kill Emperor Weishan and eat them, kill the Eight Demon Gods and eat them, and find and eat foreign gods like Cytorak and the Beholder, you will become extremely powerful because of your devouring ability!

Sharing the multiverse with Sithorne?

Just share it, by then, after eating so many strong men, you will be the only true god! The big demon shadow has only one way to die and become his own food and energy!

Monopolize the multiverse and fill it with snakes and other food. Even if there are only 40k and a few affiliated secondary earths left in the multiverse, it is still a multiverse with a complete concept.

But it's not the time to kill his biggest ally yet, but he can't let Sithorne strike first, so he must firmly deny Deathstroke's frame-up that undermines unity!

Denying Deathstroke's 'accusation', he twisted in the air. Even without limbs, it could be seen that he was expressing anger.

However, as his head turned, his huge snake eyes subconsciously looked somewhere in the distance...

Su Ming's provocation was certainly not to make Seth and Sithorn fall out on the spot, because the two were aligned because of interests, and only real interests would separate them.

But the combat effectiveness level between the snake god and the big demon shadow is not on the same level.

Seth has been diving in the Sea of ​​Serpents dimension all year round, throwing his snake-crown cuckold everywhere to develop offline. He has adopted the pig-raising and devouring method of the 'virtual master god', fattening up and then eating his chosen spokesperson. .

Not to mention anything else, Sithorne's ability to 'make something out of nothing' is enough to make him stand out from the crowd. Chaos magic is really unreasonable. He can even write a book about it, leaving only "The Grasp of Darkness" ", attracted many people from later generations to actively throw themselves into his arms in pursuit of strength.

So what Su Ming said before was just to make Seth fearful. Even just a little fear of Sithorn would be enough.

Having guessed what he was thinking, he would subconsciously look in the direction where the big demon shadow was hiding, maybe because he wanted to see Sithorn's expression, or he was worried about being stabbed in the back.

There are many possibilities for the specific purpose, but what Deathstroke is waiting for is this unobvious gaze.

While the giant snake's eyes, which were as big as a football field, rolled, Deathstroke took out the Ultimate Eraser from his belt with his free hand, and pressed the trigger toward where Seth was looking.


There was a crisp sound, just like when a lighter was pressed, and all the material existence in the distant city area with a radius of more than ten kilometers disappeared instantly with this soft sound, revealing a void like white paper. color.

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