The Death Knell

Chapter 3682 Stalker

"Did you hit it?"

Diana wasn't sure what Deathstroke had in his hand, but it should be a powerful artifact that could destroy material existence.

It was like a hole had been burned into the manuscript paper, and there was nothing left in the target area, leaving only a faint burnt smell in the air.

"I don't know. Using a tool like the Ultimate Eraser to kill people won't have any real sense, but Sithorne probably avoided it."

Deathstroke put away the props and shook his head, then looked at the giant snake in front of him with a smile:

"But I think even if he missed, it should have scared him away who had been hiding in the dark. Before he thought of how to deal with me, he would have prepared some more plans. In other words, he would also take a look at what I was doing. Did you show any other abilities when killing the snake?"

Seth had fought with Su Ming through the air in the past, but he obviously did not tell Sithorn about the replacement of the Supreme Mage on Earth, which ended up cheating himself.

Now, in order to collect information on Deathstroke's combat power, the Great Demon Shadow will definitely choose to observe first, that is, to see if Seth, who has a limited strength gap with him and has a similar name, can try out Deathstroke's combat power skills. .

Unfortunately, Seth didn't have a choice yet. Now that the Sea of ​​Snakes was taken over by Deathstroke, if he fought with Deathstroke, Sithorn would have achieved his goal, and the snake god would become a straw mat for testing knives.

But if Seth didn't fight Deathstroke, the Supreme Mage would definitely kill him, but it would just be a more pleasant death.

Having no choice is the most tragic thing, but generally people who book Deathstroke’s ‘Death Package’ don’t have much choice.

It sounds slow, but in reality time only lasts a moment. When Seth saw the Supreme Mage following his gaze and demolishing the area where Sithorne was hiding, he actually knew that he had fallen into a trap.

It’s so hard to guard against! The Supreme Mage has really become more despicable with every generation since Agamotto!

But there is no way, the matter has come to this, after Sithorn realized that he had misjudged Deathstroke's strength before, he will definitely not show up immediately.

He is a conspirator. Unless he is well prepared, he prefers to hide in the dark and wait for the opportunity.

Thinking of this, Seth suddenly became angry. On the one hand, he was angry at Deathstroke's insidiousness and despicability, and on the other hand, he was angry at his own simplicity.

Why couldn't he control his gaze? Why did he insist on taking a look at Sithorn's expression after hearing the divorce plan?

But it's too late, now he has only one way to go, and that is... to run away.

It's been so many years since I was chased by Ao Shutu and the God Eater, so it's reasonable to run again today, right?

Just do what you want. The huge poisonous snake took a deep breath like a dragon, and then exhaled thick green smoke. He seemed to be possessed by the soul of a squid, using the poisonous mist that filled the entire neighborhood as a blindfold. It quickly shrunk in size and fled towards the battlefield between the God Eater and the first-generation demons.

For no other reason, after all, there are only a limited number of strong ones among the resurrected first-generation demons, but there are enough of them. As long as a few random ones who are not afraid of death can delay the death knell for a while, even if it is just for the time of pressing the "lighter", this match All are beneficial.

"Oh, this is really like licking the iron railings in the winter - the tongue is out of place." Deathstroke's vision was not affected at all. Watching the shrunken Seth drifting around the corner in the streets full of poisonous fog, he couldn't help but sigh. .

The magic floating cloak protected the team members, and they were not harmed by any poisonous gas. Although the abandoned cars and concrete nearby were sizzling and bubbling in the green mist, the comprehensive defense effect attached to the cloak was always trustworthy.

"...This kind of creature is not worthy of being called a god at all." Diana put down the sword and shield in her hand a little speechlessly, and her shoulders slumped as she stood next to Deathstroke: "Fleeing without fighting and then... Trying to divert trouble to the east is even more despicable than some of the gods of Olympus."

"Gin may support your view, but honor is the least valuable thing." Harley shook her head. She smiled and pulled out the lollipop from her mouth, stretched out her pink tongue and licked it a few times: "If you ask me, he hasn't given up yet. He just needs some cannon fodder to delay him. I hope Sithorn can take action soon."

Yes, that’s what was written in the green thought bubble just around the corner.

"It's really like a snake, too slippery to catch, alas." Squirrel Girl sighed and started to crack pine nuts again: "Then should we chase him? He ran towards the God Eater. "

"Of course I have to chase him, but I can't let the God Eater eat Seth. After all, the snake is quite fat. I want to take his body to plant trees."

Deathstroke signaled everyone to sit still on the flying carpet. Chatting while surrounded by poisonous gas was not a good choice. Even if you were not poisoned, your eyes would still look green. If you watched too much, your eyes would easily produce visual errors caused by complementary colors.

The complementary color of green is red. In optics, when two colors of light are mixed in an appropriate proportion to produce the perception of white, the two colors are called "mutually complementary colors." After seeing too much green, the naked eye will not see other colors. Things will feel a little red.

The energy color of chaos magic is also red. If you see too much green now, it will not be good if Sithorn is hiding somewhere and uses magic secretly, and someone cannot see because everything in front of them is red.

Deathstroke himself has become accustomed to the visual difference brought by the red goggles, coupled with the billions of strangled eyes, the principle of complementary colors is not very important to him, but he must think of this when considering team tactics.

"Then chase, I'll be the first to come first." Diana seemed to have begun to think about how to catch the snake's tail.

Deathstroke looked at the black sun in the sky and said leisurely: "Don't worry, let him run for more than ten kilometers first. I like chasing others the most. When I catch up with him, I will skin him and then kill him carefully." Cut him into pieces..."

Harley smiled and licked the corners of her mouth, raised her mouth and blew several kisses in the air, and said with satisfaction: "Yeah! That's great, little bee, you have one more characteristic of a serial killer. I love you!" "

Deathstroke chuckled, raised his leg and stamped on the ground. A sewer manhole cover not far away opened as if fully automatic, revealing a dark hole:

"There are plenty of opportunities for you to love me. Now, let's go underground."

When dividing the space in New York City, Wanda was asked to use the model of the aggregate. As we all know, the aggregate is a ball, so now the golden ball of light floating in the split field, in addition to the ruins of buildings on the surface, also carries The dirt beneath the city, and the sewers in the dirt.

If you walk on the ground, there will be too much poisonous gas and the environment will be bad.

If you fly too high and pursue Seth from the air, you will easily attract the attention of too many enemies.

Therefore, it is better to take advantage of the traditional advantages of the project, because returning to the sewers of New York, the death knell is as familiar as returning home.

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