The Death Knell

Chapter 3683 A mixed bag of fish and dragons

Deathstroke and his team disappeared on the ground in the thick green fog, but this made Seth, who was flying close to the ground, panicked.

Knowing that he was being hunted by the enemy, but not knowing where the enemy was, made him feel a little bit like he was being hunted, as if he had become a prey. This was a feeling he had not experienced in many years.

You said he was scared away by humans? That's impossible, and Deathstroke doesn't scare him to that point. The Ultimate Eraser is a bit scary, but it's okay as long as he's not targeted.

It's not that Seth doesn't want to fight people like Deathstroke, but his biggest concern is - 'What if I, these people and the God Eater both lose, and Sithorne emerges from the darkness and kills me first? ? ’

Yes, this was the question he was thinking about at this time, and he was also thinking about the same question when he escaped from the earth.

Why were millions of demons being chased and killed by the God Eater alone, but he never thought of uniting to resist? The key here is that there is no such thing as trust between all demons.

You see others as food, and others see you as food. You will be eaten by your enemies and by your own people. The main theme of the world at that time was to eat each other...

Now, the key is that both God Eater and Sithorn are in this golden eggshell at the same time. Things will be very complicated, and it is far from just considering the first layer.

To put it simply, it is to shoot the first bird. .

Seth's thoughts at this time are actually very simple. You don't need any special mind-reading ability to guess: 'Stop chasing me, go find Sithorn, you go and die with him, and I will give you your The corpses were all eaten! ’

He thought so, and one thing was certain, Sithorn probably thought so too.

Without the God Eater's restraint on the demons, Oshutu and the others would not have the advantage against so many ancient gods. Therefore, the simple words before the death knell actually had a great impact on Set.

He really began to consider eating his partner here, that is, Sithorn, because he found that if he could kill the God Eater and the obstructive Supreme Mage here, he could take the remaining first-generation demons with him. , there is a great chance of winning against Weishan Emperor and the Eight Demon Gods.

To put it simply, it is a human sea battle and a wheel battle. Even if Ao Shutu can fight, her energy is not unlimited.

Therefore, instead of saying that Seth is running for his life, it is better to say that he is using space to regain his tactical advantage. It’s also because he doesn’t play certain online battle games played by humans, otherwise he would know that this is actually commonly known as ‘pull’ by the majority of humans.

It's a pity that even this space is too limited. It's only the size of what humans call New York City. What is this enough for?

But it doesn't matter, as long as Deathstroke and the humans find the big demon first, that will be fine. Even if Sithorn doesn't want to fight the spokesperson of Emperor Weishan, Deathstroke will take the initiative.

And looking at Deathstroke's decisiveness before using the Ultimate Eraser, Seth knew that in the heart of that despicable human being, the threat of the Great Shadow was far greater than his own, and Deathstroke didn't even want to leave Sithorne's body.

While thinking about his next plan, the snake god flew quickly close to the ground. At this time, he became not much bigger than an earthworm. He even looked for various building ruins to dig into, just to avoid the search of the death knell.

Thinking of this, Seth smiled, because he had an advantage over Sithorn in this aspect, because snakes are best at hiding in the dark.


"He thinks snakes are best at hiding in dark places, hee hee..."

About two kilometers behind Seth, in the underground sewer, Harley, who was lying on the back of Deathstroke, held the golden eyeball artifact, borrowed the black sunlight to see the information from the thought bubble, and touched it with red lips. Send it gently into the man's ear.

Deathstroke has received very professional training, and has been involved in society for so long. He has seen all kinds of life, and he would not laugh under normal circumstances.

"Haha, I already felt a protest from Batman somewhere, because bats are the best at hiding in the dark, or to put it another way, bats don't even come out during the day."

But after listening to Seth's series of thoughts, Deathstroke couldn't help but smile and talk happily to Little Jelly Bean.

"I think so too, what about you, Xiao Dai?"

Harley happily hugged Wonder Woman beside her again. There was nothing more to say. Seth's mind was filled with those nonsense words.

"It seems that the situation here is much more stable than that on Earth 0." Diana still carried her sword and shield. Even if the cloak led everyone forward in the dark tunnel below, she still maintained a fighting state: "Because in our There is no such suitable battlefield in our universe."

She seems to be more concerned about dimensional matters, and yes, there are relatively few dimensional spaces in DC, but not every Marvel universe has such a special arena for fighting against gods.

"It's too serious! I'll kiss you!" After hearing Diana's boring reply, Harley immediately pounced on her, hung on her neck, and started sniffing at the female warrior's face like a puppy, while laughing. Smiling.

Then? Then she was tied up with the mantra lasso, and her little strength was no match for Diana.

"Set is about to arrive at the war zone. Thirty kilometers ahead is the battlefield between the God Eaters and the demons. If we get too close, we may be affected." Wanda sat with her sister and looked at Harley and Dai. She seemed a little envious of Anna's interaction, as if she also wanted Lorna to be so affectionate with her.

It's a pity that even if Polaris has been cured of her bipolar disorder, her personality is not a particularly enthusiastic one.

"It shouldn't matter, right?" Squirrel Girl shook her tail and ate nuts. In the darkness, she could only hear her clicking sound, and saw the faint reflection of her front teeth: "I don't think the snake can get too close. He just wants to We need to let the big bad guys hold us all back so we can create opportunities for ourselves to escape, rather than actually involving ourselves in the battlefield."

"The intensity of the battle between the God Eater and the first-generation demons is too high. The barrier I built cannot support it for long." Wanda interrupted Squirrel Girl. She touched the rib ring on her head. The energy in it was very high. Advanced, but she didn't have the right method to use it: "Sithorne is somewhere in the city, trying to drill through it."

"It's okay, I have a backup plan. This is New York City, and there is a Holy of Holies in the city."

Deathstroke was not in a hurry. He sat cross-legged at the front of the flying carpet, with his lightsaber across his knees. The weapon clearly looked like light but had a material appearance:

"Even if we are in the Broken Realm at this time, we can still draw on the power of the earth's protective array through its underground veins. So if Sithorn works alone, it won't be able to escape in a short time, at least it will be enough to kill me. Set.”

"I will try my best to hold him down." Wanda held her head and continued to engage in long-range mental confrontation with the enemy: "But it must be fast."

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