The Death Knell

Chapter 3691 Seth Happy Valley

Although Gwen is immature as a mercenary from all aspects, for example, she is too thin-skinned and is too embarrassed to ask for payment, and she does not have the extreme social anxiety of being mature.

But at least she wouldn't have left her weapon in the cab.

So soon, everyone had an assault rifle in hand, and Deathstroke used his toes to draw a line on Seth's flesh and blood ground, indicating that this was the standard one hundred meter distance.

"Da da da da..."

Waitress Gwen opened fire first, and the silencer-equipped rifle emitted not-so-pleasant music. Since she was a schoolgirl through and through, naturally don’t expect her to have any professional marksman-level marksmanship. During the battle, she relied solely on strafing. 'Sprinkle'.

But here’s the fun of ballooning. Pulling the trigger yourself and seeing the balloons pop in the distance gives you a weird sense of satisfaction.

It doesn't matter if your marksmanship is not accurate, as long as you are happy, that's it.

Gwen waited for four magazines in a row before he finished shooting one hundred balloons. The hit rate from 100 meters was only about 70%, which was about the same as Wade's African marksmanship. .

"If Deadshot is here, I doubt he can blow up all the balloons with two shots." Harley waited for Strangler to rehang the target, and loaded the weapon a little unfamiliarly: "When I was in the Suicide Squad, I saw He used the refraction and collision of two bullets to kill five people hiding behind the bunker."

"There's nothing to say about Deadshot's skills. He needs to understand things like firearms, but the upper limit of his strength is just that."

Su Ming could also reach out to help the woman open the safety of the weapon and adjust it to the crotch burst. Moreover, he only used one bullet, not even a gun. He only needed to use the force to control the flight of the sharp bullet:

"Jangdou, please recall, among the powerful villains with names, who was killed by bullets? If you really need to kill gods, you have to look at cold weapons."

"Hehe, I told Deadshot a long time ago that what he lacks is a good gun, and maybe some special bullets."

Harry, who was pouting and blowing a kiss, picked up the assault rifle and started firing. Unexpectedly, her shooting skills were much better than that of Gwen, and even her breath was not affected when she spoke:

"But he is very obsessed with money, so it is impossible to use special bullets. The little money he earned in the past is saved for his daughter in the future. If he is hungry when he is on a mission, he will not even be able to buy a hot dog. What's more, Not to mention taking your teammates to dinner."

After saying that, Harley opened fire and turned to make a disgusted face at Su Ming, indicating that a man who was stingy would not be very popular with girls.

"He is a hired killer. Maybe one day he will be hired to kill your former teammates, so it is professional for him not to have any personal emotional connection with you." Su Ming nodded, not saying anything to others. He made irresponsible remarks about his consumption concept, but confirmed some of his ideas.

Harley put down the rifle, stood on tiptoes, stretched her neck to see the results of her target shooting, and said with a smile without looking back:

"If he can't shoot his acquaintances with a smile, it only means that he is not suitable for that line of work. Psychologically speaking, he is afraid of the existence of some small possibility. It can be said that anxiety disorder leads to loss of life. It’s a sign of wisdom. Because no one with any brain would hire an honest man like him to kill his own relatives and friends.”

"That's right. Come on, Wanda, do you want to try popping balloons?" Deathstroke handed the witch beside him a few magazines and motioned for her to try it too. This was cleaner than pinching bubbles.

The witch who had been keeping her eyes closed opened her eyes, because on the battlefield of spiritual confrontation, it was calm at this time, and Sithorn seemed to have retreated.

So she also wanted to adjust her mood a little, so she joined the fun team.

Just when several people were taking turns playing balloons, Polaris and the others who went to pick up liver fragments came back. The girl stepped on a huge suspended metal plate, with a squirrel girl hanging under the metal plate. The little fat girl shouted with a smile on her face:

"Here comes the liver!"

"Just in time, we'll eat the fried snake liver when we get home. Let's cut some and grill it to taste." Deathstroke put down the gun, but still let Strangler keep picking up Seth's alveoli. After finishing the roasted liver, he would give it to the snake god. Hit the road.

The God Killer transformed from a stick into a sword. He raised his hand to cut off a large piece of liver, then used the force to cut them into appropriately sized pieces, and took out a large bundle of spider totems to use as barbecue skewers. use.

Take out the firewood from your pocket, find a flat and dry place, light the fire and set up the grill, then use your elbow to sprinkle salt on the roasted liver and inject soul into it.


How should I put it, Seth’s liver is quite moist.

Although it has a bit of fishy smell, isn't that what game barbecue is all about?

While everyone was dining, the snake god kept trying to trick Deathstroke out, but the latter seemed not to hear him. No matter what Seth said, he ignored it completely.

Halfway through the roasted liver, Diana came back carrying a mountain of snake gallbladder. Wade, who had gone to Seth's mouth for convenience, also came back wiping his mouth. The two of them also joined the picnic team.

"We've been playing in his stomach for so long. It seems that Seth still has no intention of going to Sithorn. Tsk." Deathstroke was a little disappointed and gave his cousin a skewer and asked him to hide and eat it himself. Anyway, just don't show your face in front of everyone: "Sure enough, he is afraid that Sithorn will add insult to injury. Unfortunately, the plan I prepared cannot be used."

The bonfire was burning brightly, and a few pieces of snake liver became slightly curled as the flames licked them, and the air was filled with a strange aroma.

"So it turns out that the snake god is used as a vehicle to find someone? It's a pity that he didn't go to Sithorn for help because he was in fear. It seems that he is more afraid of the big demon shadow than you." Gwen, the waiter, said: With the chili noodles on his lips, he chewed the internal organs in his mouth: "So we still have to kill the snake god first."

"Well, dismember it from the inside. This time, I will also take away its heart." Deathstroke put away his smile and became serious. Since Seth was not fooled by the previous tactics, he went to find Sithorn. If you seek medical treatment, then his value is not great.

First take out his heart, then destroy his brain. After killing him like this, get some pork, mix it with Seth's lean meat, chop it into fat and thin meat, and bury it at the foot of the World Tree. go.

The growth rate of Yggdrasil is too slow. I hope that giving it a few ancient gods as fertilizer can speed up the progress.

After eating the barbecue snack, the group set off again, starting from where the lungs were and continuing seven inches to find the heart of the snake.

But at this moment, there was a sudden attack in the direction behind everyone. It turned out that Set had swallowed a first-generation demon. As a result, this guy ran out of the damaged stomach bag. After discovering a few humans, he followed and attacked. .

"Big fish eat small fish, and small fish eat shrimps?" The lightsaber in Deathstroke's hand flashed, and the golden light illuminated the dark environment. He looked at the other party's outline like a wild dog with red eyes, and slowly shook his head: "But you treat humans as Xiami is so wrong, go to hell.”

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