The Death Knell

Chapter 3692: Suffocated to death

Seth endured the severe pain in his abdomen and kept swallowing other demons into his stomach. Now that he knew that Deathstroke planned to kill him, he gave up his fantasy completely and planned to drink poison to quench his thirst.

He devours other demons and lets them fight Deathstroke in his body. On the one hand, he can digest part of the corpse to obtain the necessary energy for self-healing. On the other hand, he hopes that these fools can hold Deathstroke back and give him a chance to make a comeback.

Yes, there were no multi-level strong men among the resurrected first-generation demons, otherwise they would not have been eaten by the God-Slayers back then. Anyone with some ability would have escaped long ago, and now they have become dimensional demons.

But if the quality is not enough, quantity will make up for it. Seth does not believe that there are humans with unlimited physical strength. Even if he is tired, he will tire the death knell to death.

It was the demons and Deathstroke fighting in his stomach. The snake god was really in pain, as if all his internal organs were twisted together.

Maybe it's because Wade pooped in his mouth. Seth's mind is not clear now. He seems to have forgotten that Deathstroke is not only the Supreme Mage, but also the host of the symbiote.

He keeps swallowing demons, and the flesh and blood of these demons will eventually be strangled and digested and turned into the energy of their hosts. Therefore, even without X metal, Deathstroke can live very nourishingly just relying on these flesh and blood. .

The snake god dragged his broken body along the streets. His huge body was like a long mountain range in the ruins, dividing New York City in half.

But he couldn't breathe. The damage caused by the death knell to various internal organs was too serious. What's more, because of Deadpool's excrement, he vomited twice in the short journey! I can't control it at all! Disgusting!


"Hey, let's go!"

Deathstroke cut off a monster's head with a sword, lifted up the head, which was bigger than a three-story villa, and stuffed it into Strangler's mouth:

"It seems that Seth is planning to use delaying tactics, haha, that's it? It's useless, do you hear that?"

"Damn! Curse you! Deathstroke! I curse you!! Mage Supreme!!!"

The snake god probably heard the death knell's words and couldn't wait to give an elegant response.

As expected of an ancient god, he is still simple, and he doesn't know how to curse at all.

Deathstroke nodded, with a smile in his voice: "You can still speak with great energy. You can probably hold on for a while, just in time to feel the pain of me slowly sawing off your heart." Su Ming analyzed something. , and immediately led the team to move forward.

The symbiote chewed the brain in its mouth, juices splashed everywhere, and its eyes curled up.

Su Ming likes to watch it eat. It feels like having a pet at home. If you prepare dinner for it and it eats it happily, then you as the owner will also be very happy.

"I'll come to the rear, and you go to the heart." Diana gave this suggestion with her sword and shield in hand. She didn't want to delay it for too long: "When you kill this giant snake, I will make a hole in its belly. Rush out and join you all by yourself."

"It's not necessary, just walk slowly together. Have you ever chosen to stay behind because you were followed by a few kittens and puppies on the road?" Su Ming took her arm, hugged her and continued to move forward: "What's wrong with the Justice League?" They just love to work separately, which is not good. Let them come, let Seth devour more demons, and the strangulation is waiting to eat."

"Okay, if I stop, it's just because I like cats." Diana looked into the darkness behind her and replied to the man: "I see, there is the heart in front of me. Are you going to do it or should I do it?"

"Come on, I remember you haven't killed anyone for a long time." Deathstroke made a gesture of invitation, indicating that Diana could also vent her huge black heart.


Tens of seconds later, Seth, who was crawling, suddenly raised his upper body and opened his mouth wide, as if he wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything meaningful. He just raised his head and roared:

"I hate it so much! Curse you!!!"

Visible to the naked eye, following a violent spatial shock seven inches below his skin, the terrifying snake spurted out a large mouthful of blue blood and a large number of internal organ fragments. Then he rolled and bounced crazily for a while, and then fell down weakly. Fall, die with eyes closed.

Snakes do not have eyelids in the conventional sense, so they die with their eyes open.

Blue rain enveloped the entire ruins of New York. Even the other first-generation demons who had already fought against the God Eater could not help but be stunned.

Seth's death was far beyond everyone's expectations, but it felt very reasonable.

He was tortured to death by Deathstroke and his friends who got into his stomach. Even if he had too many grand ideas, one wrong move would lead to him being doomed.

After devouring something he shouldn't have eaten, his fate was already sealed from that moment on. The death knell had already sounded above his head, announcing that the death meal package had arrived.

But even if he fell still, Death Knell, who had just pulled out the snake heart and stuffed it into his pocket, still didn't take it lightly. At this time, a group of them were riding a flying carpet turned into a magic floating cloak, heading towards Seth's head, preparing to eat him brain.

"Snake's brains? Looks like it's about to be strangled again."

Wade scratched his butt and stuffed the plot continuity gem back somewhere. He looked in the direction of no one and said to himself:

"My cousin is so dark. Seth was schemed to death by him. Now he can't even save his whole body. It's so stupid. If I had his snake crown system, I would definitely become the main god myself and raise him. The state team is watching and playing instead of staring at the little multiverse."

"..." non-existent audience.

"What, who said I have a loud voice? I can't be arrogant if I don't brag, you guys." Wade rolled his eyes. He sat on the edge of the flying carpet, dangled his legs, stretched out two fingers to make a gap, bitch. He smiled and said: "The multiverse is originally a small collection of concepts. A pure man like me has to play with the universe and the omnipotent universe, right?"

"What are you thinking about?" The death knell knocked on his cousin's head, and he sighed: "If you feel sick, just go home and get sick. Now that you have collected my money, you can focus on the task." .”

"Yes, cousin boss!"

Deadpool lay on his cloak, as if he was going to take a nap, but his palms were roaming on his buttocks, as if to show off the curves under the tights:

"Actually, I've thought about it. After we leave the belly of this corpse, we won't be able to find Sithorne, so the next step is to clean up the demons who fought with the God Eater. You'll just have to wait and see when the time comes. Look at my well-developed gluteus maximus muscles, I’ll just sit on them one by one and kill them.”

With that said, he started to slap his buttocks with both hands, playing a Caribbean-style melody like beating a drum, and winked at his cousin, as if to seduce Deathstroke and slapped him with his hands.

Deathstroke took out a small pot of gasoline from his pocket, poured it on Wade's butt, and then lit a fire. He watched silently as his cousin turned over and sat up, rubbing his butt on the ground, and then said with a smile:

"Stop talking nonsense and prepare to dig out your brains together. After dealing with Seth, the task is only half completed."

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