The Death Knell

Chapter 3693 Memory Reading


While eating Seth's brain and strangling it, he also chatted with the host. . .

Because Su Ming was thinking about one thing just now, is the path like Dormammu and Cytorak the right one?

Giving up the body means giving up a lot of weaknesses at the same time. Today Seth was defeated by the fragility inside the body.

The body of flesh and blood gave him a strong appetite, and the devouring method he invented made him powerful, but it was devouring that eventually killed him. All of this seemed like the price of being late, but it was achieved with the help of the death knell, just like It's some kind of retribution.

Strangulation means that the host does not need to think about how the enemy died. There is nothing wrong with flesh and blood. Seth's mistake is that he does not have a symbiote and has not evolved internal defense measures.

He exists in the form of flesh and blood, but does not pay attention to flesh and blood. The prey he swallows are converted into energy to maintain the operation of the snake crown system in the multiverse, but are not used to strengthen his own body.

As for Seth’s self-healing speed? Not even Wolverine, who can watch it?

If his own self-healing is not strong enough, he should find a helper who can be symbiotic and complementary. If he is also the host of the symbiote, if something dares to get into the host's body, the symbiote's control over the internal environment of the body is enough to teach anyone 'Ant-Man' is a man.

Whether it's bacteria, viruses, or enemies that have shrunk to the subatomic level, it's hard to say whether other symbiotes can do anything about it, but Strangler has a way to deal with it.

It's just that there is no precedent for his own host to have his body invaded by enemies.

Unfortunately, Strangler himself had evolved a strong internal defense system a long time ago, but in the end it was completely useless. At most, it only helped the host avoid diseases such as influenza or plague.

"Set's attributes determine that he cannot be the host of the symbiote." Su Ming shook his head speechlessly and communicated silently with Strangler through the neural link: "If the symbiote does not frequently change hosts and read the memory, it can only evolve through devouring. This way, and the snake god also obtains energy through devouring, have you ever seen a shit scraper competing with his pet for dog food?"


The small black bean sprouts on the shoulder spread out two thin whiskers like hands. It said that it was just like this. Everyone knows that two symbionts cannot share a piece of meat. The result will only be life and death, and one of them will become the other. Meat.

Perhaps Seth had eaten other symbiotes before, and if so, the symbiotes obviously didn't provide him with any useful abilities.

That's right. As the inventor of the devouring method, how can Seth value the devouring abilities of other creatures? They probably only think of symbiotes as low-level creatures like slimes.

But let’s not talk about it, although this snake is a bit stupid, his brain is quite fragrant and tastes a bit like almond tofu.

"Stop thinking about it. Let's be serious. What's the intelligence in his head? For example, did he find or contact Sithorne? Does he know where Spicy Chicken Shreds and the Queen of Angels are? What does Seth think about the entire invasion? How much do you know about action?”

Deathstroke was a little speechless. Seth's brain was huge and not dead. It was still vibrating violently when being strangled and sucked. Looking from inside the skull cavity, it looked more like blue translucent luminous jelly.


Douya shook his head. It had already eaten the blocks responsible for memory, but Seth knew only a limited number of things.

Sithorn didn't believe him, nor did he believe that partner. The two said they were forming an alliance to invade the main dimension. It was better to say that they were two acquaintances who happened to want to do the same thing and came together.

Seth's plan is a plan that relies on the snake crown to cultivate traitors, divide humanity from within and trigger a nuclear war, and then use Atlanteans and a tsunami to restore the earth to 'factory settings'.

This plan has basically been completely destroyed by the host. When the many snake crowns disguised as necklaces were discovered, the plan was almost useless.

As for Sithorne's plan, these first-generation demons were used, as well as the dark elves and Havenheim. However, he never told Seth what other plans he had later.

The two invaded the earth at the same time. They seemed to be cooperating well before, but in fact...each had their own agenda.

It’s not that everything is gained. If the host wants to take over the Serpent Crown system, Strangler has transcribed a series of technologies from the creation of the Serpent Crown to the release of multiverse mission rewards. Although this is a system driven by magic, the essence is still repayment. A loan shark with a longer term, but it can also be played with cosmic energy.

Well, there are also some postpartum care skills for snakes, as well as some information about the Sea of ​​Snakes dimension.

The most left are the various memories of Seth since his birth. How many ancient gods did he eat today, how many ancient gods did he eat the next day, who was killed by the bad guy O Shutu on the third day, and who was killed by the bad guy O Shutu on the fourth day. I ate a few more ancient gods.

Just like a running account, after Seth escaped from the main dimension, took root in the Sea of ​​Serpents, and developed the Serpent Crown System, the memory became even more monotonous. It was nothing more than seducing a few people in this universe today, and which universe will he develop in tomorrow? Several offline are like this.

Given that there are only 40k Earths left in the multiverse, this information is completely meaningless.

"Sithorn... is much more difficult to deal with than the snake god." Deathstroke sighed and stopped communicating with Strangler. He stared at the snake brain that was getting smaller and smaller, looking at it. Gradually it collapsed, and the blue light became fainter: "The key is that the Great Demon Shadow doesn't seem to have any obvious shortcomings. I don't even know what his true form is."

"Some people say it's a vampire bat, but I don't know if it's true or not."

Wanda, who was standing quietly on the side, interjected. She was in much better condition now. Although the game scenes of Deadpool's four friends in the illusionary world of mental confrontation were quite eye-catching, at least they were still understandable to humans. category.

"So the external manifestation of Chaos Magic is red? Does it mean it represents the color of blood?"

Polaris, who was supporting her sister, was a little curious. She had often seen Wanda casting spells, but she had never thought about it in depth in the past.

The squirrel girl who was eating melon seeds next to Harley in the team turned to look at Deadpool behind her, rubbed his arm with her tail, and asked cutely: "Your uniform is red and black, what does the red represent? ?”

No matter what woman asked him, Wade always answered the question.

He immediately put on a two-parter posture and replied in a low tone that he thought was handsome:

"The red on my uniform represents my personal characteristics, because you should be able to feel my personality, just like a passionate and delicate rose!"

"Ugh..." Squirrel Girl retched uncontrollably and immediately turned her head away.

Seeing Doreen rolling her eyes, Wade also sighed, turned to look at no one and complained:

"It's rare for me to be handsome for a few seconds, but every time someone makes trouble, Squirrel Girl's conscience is greatly damaged. Why doesn't anyone ask my cousin what the yellow on his uniform means? He definitely can't answer it."


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