The Death Knell

Chapter 3695 The Ultimate Killing Weapon

They found an inspection room in the sewer, pushed the door a few times, and squeezed the body behind the door into a puddle of flesh. After that, everyone entered the room and found a temporary resting place.

"Adjutant, look at Deadpool's movements."

Then the projection appeared. In the dark room, the projection with a faint blue light created a movie theater-like atmosphere, and the adjutant was very sensible in bringing in popcorn and soda.

According to American tradition, when watching a movie, you have to drink Coke, a specific kind of fat house happy water, and other carbonated drinks are not right.

When Deathstroke and the others were all evacuated, leaving Deadpool alone on the street, he seemed to be at ease.

Deadpool, like Deathstroke, is a lone mercenary. Although he can cooperate with others to carry out tasks, he is still the most destructive when alone.

When Wade didn't have to worry about accidentally injuring the people around him, his disgusting tactics went straight to several levels. Now he takes off his shoes and kicks the enemy's nose with his stinky feet, which cannot be used when he is with his cousin. .

Deathstroke probably won't vomit when he smells the smell of Deadpool's feet, but if the girls his cousin brings do vomit, he will get angry if something goes wrong.

Deadpool doesn't want to gamble, what if the money is deducted?

But now that Deathstroke and others have withdrawn first, leaving Wade alone to fight off the rear, he has lifted the restrictions and used all kinds of range-of-range killing abilities.

The demon bent down on the ground and trying to bite Deadpool in the picture looked a bit like a lizard without scales. Even though it avoided Wade's whipping leg, it just let the skinned feet pass in front of his nose. passed, seemingly unscathed.

But after he completed his dodge, he subconsciously twitched his wet black hole nostrils...


The monster immediately rolled its eyes, and all kinds of vomit rushed out of its mouth like a rainbow bridge, drowning Deadpool like a waterfall.

But this was just the beginning. It was obvious that the lingering fragrance could not be dissipated. The monster kept vomiting until its belly turned to the sky. After kicking its legs a few times, it vomited out its own internal organs and blood.

"He stinked all the enemy demons to death?" Lorna's expression was strange, and she didn't know whether to laugh or vomit.

The other women also looked at the projection in surprise. Even if they didn't smell the 'poisonous gas', looking at the current effect, no one would think that their physical fitness was better than that of the ancient god.

If everyone still stays there, maybe they will die, right?

"The power of the infinite stones, and this is just the beginning." Deathstroke took a deep breath and took another sip of soda to moisten his throat: "Now Wade is drowned in vomit, wait until he is covered in filth again appears, the power of the concept of 'disgusting' will reach a new level."

After hearing this statement, all the women, except Xiao Dai and Ha Li, showed frightened expressions.

Diana is pure fearlessness, she is never afraid, not even when Batman scares her. Harley is crazy because she is mentally abnormal. She even sees this as a comedy.

"How about we leave first? We won't wait until he meets up." Squirrel Girl shivered and stuffed a chestnut into her mouth. Originally, she thought Deadpool was quite fun, but now it seems that it would be better to have less contact in the future. .

Not to mention that we want to act together, she wants to escape now because her hobby is eating nuts and she wants to eat all the time.

What if being disgusted by Deadpool affects your appetite in the future, or even causes anorexia?

"The purpose of throwing Deadpool was to deal with these ancient demons and use vomiting to fight the devouring method they used." Deathstroke shook his head, found a low shelf where the tools were placed and sat down: "Didn't I tell you the plan before? Clean out these first-generation demons and see if Sithorn will appear."

"It's just that this is too cruel. Look, God Eater seems to have a little indigestion." Wanda pointed at the uncertain black shadow in the projection and sighed, because while she was speaking, God Eater was filming He let out a long burp on his chest, and even something that looked like tears appeared in his eyes.

He was probably disgusted by Deadpool. Even though they were far apart, Deadpool's nausea ignored time and space.


With a loud sound, Wade seemed to have inherited the role-playing of his cousin. He seemed to be the Monkey King who burst out of the stone. He turned around in the air and broke through the vomit piled on the street. And out!

Holding a long knife still stained with feces in one hand and his own shoe in the other, he performed the same side-kicking motion as Chen Zhen in the air, attacking another demon like a bolt of lightning.

Because he had the Plot Continuity Gem in his hand, he probably temporarily added a "flying" setting to himself. Not only did he not fall when he kicked out, but he went diagonally upwards.

The new target this time was a guy who looked like an upright kangaroo but had more than a dozen tentacle arms. Seeing Deadpool's unreasonable mid-air kick coming towards him, the guy turned around and ran away.

After all, the previous demon was just fanned in front of the nostrils by a human with his feet, and then died without looking in peace. Now the corpse is still filled with stench, as if it was marinated in the stench in an instant. It is really terrifying.

In the past, everyone was an ordinary ancient god of the earth, relying on the devouring method to survive, but now this human being's ability is simply "anti-devouring". Who is not afraid?

What if I can’t eat anymore if I come into contact with him?

So the upright kangaroo ran away and didn't think there was anything wrong with a large man hundreds of meters tall being chased by a human less than two meters tall.

Each time his long legs beat, he travels hundreds of meters. As he drifts around corners, he uses his long tail to keep his balance.

But the human behind him was still flying, following behind him with a side kick, and even turned by himself. The human also followed suit, and there seemed to be traces of tires rubbing against the ground in the air.

The kangaroo sped up and hurriedly turned again at the next intersection. He also rubbed his eyes vigorously with his many tentacles, wondering if he had misjudged the situation behind him.

You read that right, because Deadpool was still turning in the air and following him. The distance was less than a hundred meters away. While maintaining his side kicking posture, he was also holding a toothbrush co-branded by My Little Pony and Wilson Enterprises. Come out and brush your teeth carefully in the small makeup mirror.

The frightened kangaroo seemed to have smelled a bit of foot odor. It held its breath and turned pale.

Picking up speed again, a few seconds later they rounded another corner.

But it was no use. The black and red human was like a maggot attached to the bone. He had already finished brushing his teeth and was continuing to follow him while maintaining a flying kicking posture. He also took this opportunity to trim his toenails.

Due to cancer, Deadpool's nails are very easy to fall off, so he just made a motion of cutting his nails so that he could have an excuse to rub the spaces between his toes with his fingers and taste them.

"Why is this happening?"

In the sewer in the distance, the women were confused when they saw Deadpool kicking like a 'tracking missile'.

Deathstroke put away the empty Coke bottle, took out a cigarette, lit it, and said quietly:

"You don't understand, this is actually a disgusting spoof version of the 'Knight Kick'. Deadpool used the Infinity Stones to add such a special move to himself. As we all know, the special move in special photography is that no matter how long it stays in the air in a close-up shot, it will be launched. No matter how many times the editing process is replayed, the hit is inevitable. It can even be said that the more close-ups, the more powerful it will be..."

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