The Death Knell

Chapter 3697 Harley’s whim

Not long ago, Deathstroke captured those mechanical animal gods from the Dark Tower world. Now the adjutant has analyzed several ways to become gods, and they all seem to be 'very scientific'.

Su Ming doesn't need to become a god. Being a human is fine, but he doesn't mind controlling some of the gods' tools. There's no harm in it anyway.

Controlling and using others through feelings, bonds, interests, shared memories, etc. is essentially the same as preparing a few more weapons and putting them in your pocket. It just requires more attention to 'weapon maintenance'.

"It's not a good thing to be a god. I'm an example."

Diana was the first to object. She sat down next to Deathstroke and looked at his face:

"I hate my brother Ares, because as the God of War he always provokes wars, and I have been fighting against him in the past. But after his death, I became the new God of War because I was able to defeat him. It’s like some kind of fate that endless battles will always happen around me.”

"But Xiao Dai, your heart does not reject any form of competition and fighting, and you even enjoy it a little bit, right? Haha..."

Psychologist Harley watched the movement on Deadpool's side intently, and said with a smile on her lips:

"Although you may not admit it, anyone knows that your bellicosity is not limited to the Justice League. If you go to Gotham to catch a street gangster, they all know that your weakness is that you are too bellicose, hehe whee......"

"Yes, Batman's plan was leaked, and now the whole world knows that I like to fight." Diana took a deep breath. She did not deny Harley's words, but just raised her fists: "I remembered this. I just want to strangle Luther to death. He stole the Tower of Babel plan in the past, why would he deliberately spread it so that everyone in the world knows about it?"

The Tower of Babel Plan, as mentioned before, is a counter-plan specially developed by Batman to prevent members of the Justice League from betraying the just cause.

Including but not limited to using kryptonite powder to deal with Superman, using virtual projections to deal with Heroine, cutting off hands and feet to deal with Green Arrow and Lightning, etc.

It wasn't just the Big Seven who were calculated by him. In the complete plan, there were more than 200 heroes in the Justice League community, and everyone's weaknesses were used by Bat to make plans.

"Ha, there is no complicated reason. It is just to prove to Clark that Batman is mentally ill. Superman should not be friends with Bats, but should choose him, Luthor, to continue to love and kill each other."

Harley, who ate popcorn and ice cream, couldn't help laughing when she said this. She licked her lips and spit out her tongue that turned bright red due to the temperature of the ice cream:

"It's like a middle school student saying bad things about his competitors to the one he likes. It's out of jealousy. By the way, Xiao Dai, you haven't been to an ordinary school, so it's normal that you don't understand."

"Oh, that's why I don't want to deal with more mental patients. The existence of you and Batman has reached the limit for me." Wonder Woman began to rub her temples again. She only felt tired. She only cares about who is on the battlefield, but not why they are on the battlefield.

She is a warrior and does not think like a detective, because no matter what the cause is, the battlefield is a place where violence and wisdom are used to solve problems in the most intuitive way.

But it’s not her fault. All the fierce women in the Amazon clan have been taught a ‘zero-sum game’ since childhood, never negotiate, never surrender, and fight until one of us or the enemy dies.

Harry in the inspection room reached out and grabbed the projection that only he could see and walked aside. He also found a place to sit next to Diana and slowly admired it. He said in a smiling voice:

"Actually, Xiao Dai, I saw Chaos Magic today and suddenly discovered something about you. Let me tell you with a kiss."

After saying that, without waiting for Diana to react, Halle immediately took the opportunity to take a bite of her best friend's face, and she still chewed the same aftertaste.

"What's the meaning?"

At some point, the topic changed from whether Wanda wanted to become a god to an endless discussion. Diana was led by Harley, but she followed him without knowing it. At this moment, she could only wipe her face in annoyance. lipstick marks on.

"Hehe, I don't know if my statement is accurate, but don't you feel that your destiny is being controlled by something?"

Little Jelly Bean scooped another large spoonful of ice cream and stuffed it into his mouth. He threw in a few popcorns with his other hand and made a vague sound while chewing:

"Recall your origin story. In the earliest days, you lived a life of a princess on Paradise Island, enjoying a peaceful life. But as soon as you became an adult, Ares started a world war. There was also a The idiot pilot landed on Paradise Island, shattering your peaceful life and bringing you to the outside world."

"Be specific, I still don't understand what you mean."

Diana tugged at her hair, playing with her mantra lasso, making it arch and straighten like a caterpillar.

"Anyway, that's it, Xiao Dai, the more you hate something, the more likely it will happen. Remember it."

With ice cream in her mouth, Harley stood up again and walked around to the other side of the shelf, kissed Su Ming, and continued the previous topic:

"You want peace, and the world gives you war; you want to rely on your mother, and the result is that Hippolyta turns to stone; you hate the Olympian gods, but you become a god; you don't want to be with other people. A man shared his lover, so you got together with the little bee we shared; you wanted to lead the paradise island to carry out secular reforms, but as a result, your mother was inexplicably resurrected..."

To tell her what she had discovered, the psychiatrist would use one of her fingers, but soon the fingers were not enough. She also had to get ice cream and popcorn.

So I can only end with a string of laughter.

All in all, the little madman discovered a pattern in the story about Xiao Dai, that is, the more she hopes that something will develop in a certain direction, she will only get a result opposite to her wish, as if she was pranked by an invisible villain. Same.

Makes you want to laugh.

"Although I didn't fully understand it, there's something wrong with it, madam." Harley spoke too fast, and Wanda finally had a chance to express her opinion: "It's best to let Slade check it for you."

"That's right, it's a blunt reversal of a bloody drama." Squirrel Girl also twisted her mouth and expressed her thoughts from the perspective of a bystander.

"Dr. Manhattan did it, or Zeus? Or some fifth-dimensional person? Do you have your own fifth-dimensional person's illegitimate meal? It's like a troublemaker or a bat spirit..."

Waiter Gwen had already started to list the suspects, and she even planned to help Diana copy a list. Suddenly, her eyes became sharp and she said in a trembling voice:

"Is there a possibility... that Batman went back to these past points in time and did these things secretly? Because he is Batman!"

Polaris didn't speak. She just glanced at the female warrior with sympathy. Being manipulated without knowing it was the most tragic thing.

Seeing that everyone's opinions were highly unified, Diana's expression suddenly became very complicated, because she had never thought carefully about what happened to her in the past, but now that Harley said it, she suddenly realized that she was simply... ...

She knew that no one would be so unlucky as this, so someone must be secretly manipulating her fate like a chess piece.

Besides the Olympus gods who always like to watch the excitement and gamble, who else could be there?

The female God of War took out a whetstone from the bag given to her by Deathstroke with her backhand, and started polishing her Vulcan sword with a sneer on her face: "When I go back this time, I will I will have a good chat with the three goddesses of destiny and Zeus!"

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