The Death Knell

Chapter 3704: Earth-shaking

"Wanda, remove your total body shell, Lieutenant, prepare to send us away from the Marvel Universe."

The uneasiness in his heart became more and more serious. Looking at the red light fighting the God Eater with his nunchucks, Deathstroke decided to take a step back to see if the God Eater could make any progress.

Wanda was very obedient, and it was actually easier to undo her magic than to create something out of nothing.

She just closed her eyes, and the golden spheres around her disappeared. Everyone entered the broken realm without air, like a speck of dust floating in the boundless black ocean.

But at this moment, Su Ming keenly noticed that Sithorn glanced this way during the battle, with a smile on his face under the hood.

Before the adjutant could initiate the teleportation, the surrounding space fluctuated violently. Figures instantly appeared around the symbiotic sphere where Deathstroke and others were. Because the space was no longer stable, the teleportation that had been initiated was interrupted.

The person who came was none other than the previously lost Emperor Weishan. Behind the three giants, the eight demon gods also arrived. .

In just the blink of an eye, the surrounding environment was turned upside down, and the starlight brought by Ao Shutu illuminated every corner of the field of vision like a beacon.

Only then did Sithorn show his true skills. After a quick spell, he also created a total body, directly imprisoning Wei Shandi and the others, together with the God Eater, in the red ball of light.

The reinforcements that had just arrived seemed to be still recognizing their surroundings for a moment and did not react.

"Hahahahahaha! Finally, hiss..." Sithorn's sinister voice passed into everyone's mind through the vibrating space: "Thank you, stupid mortals, if it weren't for your means to remind me I, I really didn’t know that such a space structure could imprison an old enemy at the level of the multiverse, hahahahaha!”

Seeing O Shutu, they were all caught. Sithorn, who was floating outside the sphere, laughed. He had obviously achieved his tactical goal.

While Seth and the other first-generation demons were fighting desperately, Sithorne had been studying Wanda's method of creating the total body, and as the owner of the root of chaos magic, he had completely mastered that structure.

When the total body was shattered, he did not escape immediately, but deliberately fought with the God Eater to attract the intervention of Emperor Weishan.

As a result, almost all the dimensional demons who worked closely with humans were wiped out. Even the red summed ball of light created by Sithorn was more powerful and stronger than the original version Deathstroke had seen in DC.

But there is not entirely no good news, that is, Deathstroke and others were not imprisoned together with the ancient gods because their target was too small. The cloak played a role at the critical moment. At the last moment before the enemy's red ball of light closed, He took the Supreme Mage and escaped from there.

Sithorn also doesn't care about the escape of humans. In the past, when the ancient gods fought, the apes always fled for their lives.

He chanted a spell, and the huge red sphere shrank instantly, becoming almost like a basketball, and he held it in his hand.

After dispersing the goddess nunchaku toy, he grabbed the red ball and continued to laugh wildly. He also rolled the little ball over and over, as if watching Weishan Emperor's reaction inside.

Emperor Weishan remained indifferent. The Goddess of the Eastern Star knew that Sithorn could only temporarily imprison a few people, but there was no way to eliminate everyone. Otherwise, he would have imprisoned himself as well, instead of like this.

Letting the enemy be inside the sphere while you are outside the sphere is a typical act of cowardice.

So she was not in a hurry, just waiting for everyone to work together to break the blockade. Sithorne would definitely be dead by then.

On the other hand, the big tiger Hogs stood beside Ou Shutu, and his tail behind him kept secretly 'gesturing' to the death knell. One moment it turned into an arrow shape, and the next moment it turned into the shape of a running man on the emergency exit.

The meaning is obviously to let Deathstroke escape quickly. The aftermath of this kind of battle between a dozen top ancient gods will completely destroy a universe. Deathstroke should take people out of the 40K universe first.

"Take us away."

Su Ming took a deep breath and gave the order to the adjutant again, and he was also ready. If Sithorn wanted to use magic to block the teleportation, he would use a jump chop to interrupt his interruption and let others go first.

But when the blue light lit up and the humans disappeared in the teleportation, Sithorn still smiled calmly and had no intention of stopping it.

After all, to him, hairless apes are nothing more than ants.

He picked up the red ball in his hand, scratched the outer wall with his sharp nails, and said to Ao Shutu with a smile:

"Why, are you expecting those tiny creatures to save you? It's impossible. I have won. The main dimension has opened the door to me! I will rule this world and become the only true god!"

The goddess also smiled slightly, appearing calmer than Sithorn:

"If you underestimate humans, you will suffer a loss, especially Deathstroke. He always surprises us."

But Sithorn suddenly stopped laughing, and the ecstatic look before disappeared instantly, as if nothing had happened, and he just nodded slowly:

"I understand. It turns out that this new species on earth is called human beings. Thank you for reminding me, little bluebird. Of course I will not give them the chance to rescue you. Next, I will let you see the method I have prepared."

"What are you going to do?!"

Although Agamotto is the bastard in the trio, he is the one who speaks the toughest words, as if he is the one who has the upper hand and locks up the enemy, not Sithorne.

"Is this your new creation? That's it? A waste that only talks with its mouth and can't even swallow? Don't make me laugh, little bird."

Sithorn shook his head at O ​​Shutu in disappointment, then he raised his free hand, placed it next to the red aggregate, and snapped his fingers lightly, as if announcing the following in a loud voice:

"Human beings who believe in light and order will convert to darkness and chaos!"

As the words fell, majestic chaotic energy shot out of his body instantly. Almost at the same time, the light that could change everything swept across the entire universe.


Because of the teleportation distance, it is more difficult to teleport from the Split Realm back to Sepulk in the Ghost Universe to the 40K main dimension Earth.

In order to avoid being intercepted by Sithorne, the adjutant teleported Deathstroke and his team back to Earth again for safety, and landed steadily on the snow-white beach on Kauhu Island in Hawaii.

But as soon as he landed, Su Ming was immediately attacked by Squirrel Girl. She bit Deathstroke's arm as if she was suffering from 'junratsis'. Although she did not bite through the vibranium armor transformed from Strangler, the big one bit her. A string of sparks also appeared under the front teeth.

"Ah, you are so rich, I will bite you to death! Make your money mine!" Doreen didn't let go at all, shouting inarticulately.

Her eyes were blood red, as if she had gone crazy.

"What are you doing?!" Polaris wanted to pull away the suddenly crazy Squirrel Girl, she screamed and stretched out her hand.

But Diana was faster. She hit Squirrel Girl on the back of the head with her shield, and she used all her strength.

Because Deadpool said before that this is a brutal humanoid squirrel.

Although I don’t know why the girl who was chatting and laughing with everyone suddenly turned against her, no one can bite Slade in front of her, not even Harley.


After the loud noise, Doreen fell limply on the beach, eating a mouth full of sand, and the hair on her big tail drooped.

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