The Death Knell

Chapter 3705: Easy to deal with

"Just like the plan." Su Ming moved his wrist and looked at Squirrel Girl who was snoring after falling to the ground: "Adjutant, report the situation on Earth."

The adjutant's projection appeared aside and played some of the situations he observed and said:

"Sheriff, to put it simply, another 'Year of the Villain' has arrived. Sithorne used chaos magic to modify all humans, turning good guys into bad guys."

It does seem like this. The Avengers are in a civil war at this time, the mutants in Utopia are in a civil war, the Inhumans on the moon are in a civil war, etc. In addition to them, there are many superheroes who have now become... Became a super villain.

Even ordinary people around the world have been affected. Good residents in the past have now become villains. They take to the streets with various household weapons, such as folding stools and bricks, and start committing various crimes.

The whole earth, everywhere, is in extreme chaos.

Su Ming smacked his lips and said nothing. He just nodded to show that he understood, and then began to observe the people around him.

The first was his cousin. He was not affected in any way because he was not a good person to begin with, and he was also a psychotic brain cancer patient. When his cousin looked at him, he looked back with malicious and cute dog eyes:

"Hmm~ Hi~ Can I give you a Huangmei Opera version of the dish name?"

He spread his hands, then winked and acted weird, showing that he really hadn't become bad...

Seeing him start to act in a sketch, Deathstroke, who was not ready to act, even felt a little disgusted, so he no longer looked at his cousin, but looked at the little jellybean who was playing with the squirrel's tail.

Harley was not affected either. Even though she had washed her hands of herself and no longer worked as a villain in Gotham, no one knew what was going on in her little head.

Carrying more than 900 first-degree murder charges, she has already reached the bottom of her bad deeds. Now she only has room to rebound, and there is no possibility of getting worse.

Next was Diana. When Deathstroke looked at her, she simply lifted up her long hair and turned her shoulders to show Su Ming the back of her neck.

The X metal disk is still attached there, which makes the heroine immune to being affected by external factors. In addition, she is originally wearing a starlight crown, which has some magical protective effect.

Then Wanda's situation should be similar. She also wears a headband made of Su Ming's ribs and carries the 'scripture' of the ancients. In a way, she is 'blessed' by those indescribable beings and 'protected.

As for Lorna, she was originally a mental patient and a serial killer, similar to Deadpool and Harley. She was originally a little bad guy, but she couldn't be said to have become a bad guy under Sithorne's chaos magic.

Then, the situation of the only one left in the team, Gwen, was unclear. Everyone looked at the girl, as if they were ready to knock her out first.

"Don't look at me. I know what's going on. Don't worry, I won't change. My attributes are absolutely neutral, okay?"

Seeing a group of people surrounding him with eager eyes, Gwen, who was on the beach, shivered and immediately began to prove that she had not changed at all, and even started to circle in circles to show her state.

She looks a little abnormal, so that's normal, she hasn't changed.

"Okay, everyone is fine, let's continue with the next step." Deathstroke waved his hand, indicating that Gwen was fine. In fact, this incident was not unexpected. After all, he had read the story of "The Heart of Good and Evil" in his previous life. He had already been prepared for this.

Turning good guys into bad guys is actually a false proposition in Su Ming's opinion.

Because there are no good people or pure bad people in the simple sense. Everyone has dark thoughts in their heart. The only difference lies in whether their common sense and consciousness control this dark side.

Gu Zhuo/span\u003eOf course, except Superman, because he is not a human being. There are pure good people among aliens.

Speaking of which, Squirrel Girl bit Su Ming just now, but she didn't seem to use much force, which shows that she is also entangled in her heart. To put it simply, she has not completely turned into a bad person, and she still has some willpower.

"What's the next step?" Diana was a little worried now, but the rest was okay, but don't forget, Superman is also in this world now, and he has almost no resistance to magic.

"Don't panic. With Batman and Luthor here, it won't be a big problem. Don't say you thought Batman and Luthor would be good people."

Deathstroke didn't seem very nervous. He looked up at the sky, as if he could see the dimension here, and smiled and patted Xiao Dai on the back:

"Besides, I killed the Laughing Bat. Am I still afraid of an unjust superman? Adjutant, help me contact the Bat."

The communication clicked immediately, as if Batman knew Deathstroke was coming for him.

"Death knell."

He spoke concisely, but the background behind him was a bit chaotic, but I don't know if it was an illusion. It felt like Batman was in a better mood now that he was on this chaotic battlefield.

But the mask of the Hell Bat armor covered his expression, and only the blood-red eyepieces could be seen.

"How is Superman's situation?" Su Ming went straight to the point.

"He's fine, and so is Arthur. You're not the only one with X metal."

Batman didn't say it directly, but he obviously made it clear that he also had X-metal in his hands. He also learned the method that Deathstroke had used on Diana and Green Arrow, which was to crush the X-metal into a coin-sized size and stick it on the back of his head. Use resonance to connect the power to counter the various effects of psychic abilities such as mind control.

Gotham has sold things like 'anti-mind control patches' a long time ago. Speaking of which, Su Ming also got inspiration from there. This wave of exports can be regarded as domestic sales.

"Ah, as expected of you." Su Ming smiled, touched a cigarette and lit it, then nodded to Diana on the side to reassure her, and then said: "Then please tell Superman and help subdue those crazy people. Heroes, I'll get everything back on track in a moment."

Batman didn't answer. He hung up the communication because he felt Deathstroke was joking about his relationship with Superman.

In fact, it is indeed a joke. As we all know, normal Superman cannot watch good people turn into bad guys and do whatever they want around the world. He will not stand by and watch this kind of thing.

Since Su Ming didn't see Superman in Batman's communication lens or the deputy's earth surveillance, it meant that he was flying at super-light speed and doing something somewhere.

That is to prevent bad things from happening.

"Okay, as expected, Superman and Bat are really a perfect match. The combination of top body and top intelligence can save a lot of worry."

Su Ming spread his hands towards the team members. He even glanced in the direction of Utopia where the mutants were from a distance. After making sure that he was not aware of Phoenix's escape, he said to the adjutant:

"Contact me Doom. I hope his experiment is over. I have to use the Cosmic Cube and use technology to defeat magic."

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