The Death Knell

Chapter 3707 Bird Repeater

The Cosmic Cube is a super technological item invented by the Transcendent Gods. Later, some civilizations in the single universe learned how to make it. It has many functions, it can be used as a supercomputer, and it can be used as a super battery, but its most important use is that it can be regarded as an enhanced version of the reality gem.

Moreover, it is very scientific to use it to modify reality and concepts, so there are no intuitive costs or side effects.

At most, it is just due to the butterfly effect, causing some changes, but these can be solved by using the TVA repair timeline.

You can't beat Sithorn when you play magic. Agamotto, who masters the magic of time, is still locked up in the total body.

The best solution is to use technology to deal with magic, and also go directly to high-level technological creations such as the Cosmic Cube, the Ultimate Eraser, and the Cosmic Controller.

One of the characteristics of technological artifacts is that there are no barriers to use. They are simple to operate and powerful. As long as you find them and can hold them in your hand, no instructions are needed. Even a three-year-old child can use them.

"for you."

It is a treasure to many people, but Doom didn't even show any nostalgia when he handed it back, just like when Deathstroke lent him the Tesseract.

Taking the small blue cube, Su Ming reached out and touched it. The little guy seemed to have feelings and shone slightly in response.

"What are your plans next?"

Su Ming, who was in a good mood, raised his head and asked the man in green cloak in front of him.

Doctor Doom also looked at the sky, thought for a second, and replied: "Since you are busy now, Doom will go back to the country first. The citizens of Latvinia need a little attention from the king now."

The sea breeze blew up Doom's cloak. He was as unwavering as a rock on the seashore, looking calmly towards the horizon, firm and persistent. .

Doctor Doom is always very cool, this guy is really cool.

To put it simply, he was going home to suppress the riot, but there were quite a lot of people here, so he had to put it nicely.

"Okay, let's get in touch later." Deathstroke picked up Squirrel Girl on the beach by his neck and stuffed it into Doom's arms like a huge plush pillow: "This is Doreen, a child. She was beaten by Hisoka En’s magic has affected her, and she’s a bit biting now, so please help me take care of her for a while.”

Doom didn't say much. Anyway, there were plenty of dungeons under his castle, and the hardware facilities in the cells were no worse than those at Kamal Taj. Taking in a woman wasn't a big deal.

After taking the girl with the big tail, Doom nodded towards Deathstroke. The armor then automatically and quickly played the teleportation spell, and he disappeared from the scene with his men.

Doctor Doom likes to use the power of the Beholder. The Beholder is a descendant of the Ancient One, so even if the space state in the universe is unstable now, his teleportation has not been affected.

Seeing this, everyone in the team relaxed a lot.

Although everyone may not know what the Cosmic Cube is, Deathstroke has confidence in it, so they are all willing to believe it.

"Can this thing rewrite reality again and change everyone back?"

As a warrior who knew a lot about magic, Diana looked at the blue square with curiosity and let out a long breath.

"Theoretically, it's no problem. Even if it doesn't work, you can still find the soul gem." Su Ming pressed the cube to his chest, strangulated and squirmed to wrap it into the armor: "But the top priority is to kill Sithorn first, and then talk about changes. Other people’s business.”

"I still find it terrifying. The power that can change people's hearts is out of control. Everyone may wake up the next day and not be themselves." Waiter Gwen dug a small hole on the beach, apparently planning to bury herself: " Today I finally began to understand Batman. If I were stronger, I would want to face Superman."

"There is no absolute safety and there is no absolute danger."

Supreme Mage Su Ming laughed, thinking that Gwen's mouth was tough but her body was trying to escape, which was a bit cute:

"Anyway, don't get involved in what's going to happen next. I'll take Deadpool with me first. Then when we get to the next step, I'll let the cloak pick you up."


The Broken Realm, where New York City once existed.

Sithorn really couldn't laugh anymore. He was holding the red sum like a monkey holding a burning chestnut.

Take it, Weishan Emperor and the others have been struggling in the total body. He needs to consume a lot of energy to resist the Demon God Alliance's breakthrough attempt.

But if he throws it away, it means that the dimension demons will be released in the next second and will attack him on the spot.

Now he was in a dilemma, not knowing what to do. Only then did he recall that when those tiny humans left, he showed a menacing smile to the man named Deathstroke, but that man's eyes looked like he was looking at a fool.

"You're dead." Ao Shutu said across the total body. Next to her was the brain ax that was constantly bombarding the inner wall, but her voice was still clear and sweet amidst the loud noise: "The moment I go out, it's The moment when you come to the end of your life.”

"Shut up, you noisy little bird, you have no idea what's going on. That human has plotted all of us!"

Sithorn's face was about to crack with the roar. He now didn't know how long he could spend time with O Shutu, and he didn't know if the human who left would return with reinforcements.

As one of the strongest among the ancient gods, the Great Shadow knew that he was not invincible and that chaos magic was of little use in embodying the concept of the multiverse.

Even the embodied 'Chaos' that masters the concept of 'Chaos' is not necessarily the opponent of 'eternity' and 'infinity'.

After listening to the enemy's words, Ao Shutu's expression did not change at all. He still looked like he had not woken up. After fluttering his fluffy eyelashes a few times, he only said:

"You are dead."

She didn't believe anything Sithorn said at all. In her past memory, she clearly remembered that everyone who listened to Sithorn's lies died.

It was not enough to just threaten and exert psychological pressure. The goddess also turned her head to look at the Eight Demon Gods and signaled them to work harder. Together, they used concepts and energy to break through the cage, and then went out to cut Sithorn into pieces.

The big demon shadow is full of treasures, and anyone who can get the chaos energy can use it directly. Anyway, as the eldest sister, Ao Shutu wants Sithorne's head, and everyone can divide the other parts.

"Haha, it's really sad. You and Gaia couldn't see the truth back then. We could obviously eliminate the weak together, strengthen ourselves, and rule the universe together, but you had to go against me!"

A bit hysterical, Sithorn grabbed the red ball and flew in one direction. He planned to find a place to hide first:

"It's still the same today. The fight between us will only benefit those humble hairless apes. You will regret it."

Ao Shutu blinked his eyes, and began to raise his hand to gather starlight to bombard the inner wall of the red sum. This suddenly increased the pressure of the big demon, so that he could no longer distract himself from talking, and instead used all his strength to fight against the dimensional demon in the spiritual world. their impact.

But the Eastern Star Goddess was not affected. She opened her small mouth painted with silver lip gloss, showing her bird-like repeater nature:

"You are dead."

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