The Death Knell

Chapter 3708 Catching a turtle in a urn

If we put it in terms that humans can understand, the Broken Realm can be seen as a complete hollow sphere in the past, which wraps the inner dimension and is wrapped by the outer dimension. They are like an onion, surrounding the material world layer by layer. , which is the main dimension.

However, when the ancient gods left the main dimension and left the earth to find other places to stay, their situations were different.

The most powerful ancient gods created and occupied the inner layer closest to the main dimension, and built their own kingdom there.

For example, Set's Sea of ​​Serpents; Sithorn's Shining Kingdom; 'Avalon', which was created by Oshtu and her good sister Gaia, but no one moved in; and Yggdrasil, which finally left the earth. , transforming one's own body into the 'nine realms' where living things and friends live.

The inner dimension is relatively closely connected with the main dimension. It was a good place where you could enter and leave the earth at will. It can even be directly regarded as a certain place in the real universe. You can reach it through simple physical means, such as a spaceship or your own space flight. of.

As for the later second generation gods, they carved out a "Kingdom of the Gods" to live in the inner dimension, such as the Greek pantheon, the Indian pantheon, and many ancient gods who gave up on themselves. These people all live in this country, but then It was all a long, long time ago.

They were able to take up space here not because they were strong, but simply because the four ancient gods were not at home and the World Sloth was too lazy to care about them.

However, the Kingdom of the Gods was eventually destroyed by the God-Slayer Geer. Do you still remember the massage chair Su Ming picked up? That's where it comes from.

At that time, other ancient gods who were slightly less powerful could not occupy a place in the inner dimension, so they continued to explore 'outside' and arrived at what was then called the middle dimension. In order to seize territory, they broke out here. The war started.

As for who shattered the middle dimension and turned it into today's split realm, there is no specific statement. Some people say it is the Ash Trisolaris, some say it is Dormammu, but it should be every demon god who has settled in the broken realm now. There is a fault...

Each dimension in the Broken Realm is a fragment of the past, and there are different rules according to the different demon gods occupying the dimension now.

But without exception, they are all different from the earth.

As for the void area between the fragments, it is even more chaotic. There are almost no physical laws on earth. Floating islands float into the ether, and the cracks in space swallow everything up, like invisible traps under a dark stream.

Of course, not every strong person likes to be competitive. There are also some neutral demons who don't like fighting and prefer to sleep or study. They are also very powerful. They can stand alone in the group fight between Oshutu and Sithorn. , abiding by neutrality proves their extraordinary.

These demon gods did not take up space in the Split Realm. It was not because they could not grab it, but they just disliked the noise from other demon gods.

They went further into the void, reaching the 'outer dimension' and the outer 'distant country', where they established their own territory, either living leisurely and reproducing, or looking for a further transcendence. road.

Typical examples of these demons are the twenty-eight constellations of Manipur, which represent the ‘moon’, the seven Sibanese father and son, who represent the ‘sun’, and so on.

Their characteristic is that they don't cause trouble and are not afraid of trouble. Once they do it, they will beat people to death in a group fight. Ordinary demons don't want to provoke them at all, because they will never gain anything.

Even mages can rarely borrow their power, because they are indifferent to spellcasters, and after all, they do not live by lending money.

The only people on earth who can borrow their power are probably the Supreme Mage. These demon gods will also give Ao Shutu some face, but since Su Ming is not a spell caster at all, he will not be able to enjoy this special treatment.

Sithorn is currently flying in the virtual space of the Split Realm. While he is maintaining his battle with Ao Shutu and the others, he is also trying to find someone else's dimension to hide in, or to do something to divert trouble to the east.

'Farila can't do it. The Dragon God is a fool. If he enters his dimension, he will come and fight me even if he knows that he is invincible. This situation is not convenient now. ’

‘Not even the Hall of Fear. It is the territory of the Dark Diver. He is the descendant of the Ancient One hatched from the Egg of Cthulhu. The Ancient Ones are all a bunch of lunatics. ’

‘The dark dimension is big enough, but there is nothing else in it except dark space energy, and you can’t even find a bunker, so that’s no good’

‘Purple dimension? Too weak, bah. ’

He flew all the way, eagerly choosing the hiding place he thought of, but Sithorne faced a dilemma, that is, the places he could like were not easy to enter, and the dimensions that were easy to enter, he could not see. superior.

I don’t know if he has ever heard of a special term for humans called difficulty in choosing, but it is obvious that he has fallen into this kind of entanglement at this time.

There are thousands of dimensions of different demon gods in the split field, but for a while, he couldn't find a suitable target.

The resistance of O Shutu and others became more and more fierce, and Sithorn could only decide to go to the Panheng Path to see if he could go to the outer dimensions or distant countries through there, and pull the neutral faction guys to support them.

But at this moment, he suddenly saw a strange dimension not far away. From the outside, within the dimension were snow-capped mountains. The sky was full of snowflakes flying, and there was a mountain in the mountains. City.

Made entirely of ice and snow, it looks beautiful and exudes an inviting chill, which means it has plenty of energy.

More importantly, Sithorn did not feel the breath of the Dimension Demon God in it.

It is no exaggeration to say that there was no ancient god on earth that he did not recognize, and he remembered the 'taste' of each one.

Therefore, he couldn't help but smile at his luck, because this was probably an ice and snow dimension that had just separated from the void and had no owner yet.

Although the plan to blame others is no longer feasible, the dimension of the Masterless can be used, such as using the energy in this country to temporarily suppress Weishan Emperor and others in the total body, and buy yourself time to leave and run away. .

As soon as he turned around, he dragged his slightly red figure into this dimension and disappeared into the ice and snow in the sky.

After he got in, a 'piece of cloth' was lifted up in the void not far away, revealing several figures below, who were communicating in English.

One of the women, wearing a white skirt with slightly bluish skin, pushed up her monocle, sneered at Sithorn's back, and then asked the man next to her:

"Is the 'apocalyptic survival reality show' you mentioned really that good?"

"Look at what you said. Have you seen the "If You Are the One" I organized in Jotunheim? I don't have to say whether you are interested in it or not. It's up to you." Su Ming communicated with the goddess with a salesman's expression. , and patted the chest of Deadpool next to him: "If it doesn't look good, Goddess Angboda, I will compensate you for my cousin and let you take it back for breeding."

Deadpool had never seen the goddess behind the Frost Giants before, the Ancient One, and Yggdrasil's friend Angboda, but he could see that although the woman was a bit bigger and nearly three meters tall, her face was really beautiful. In line with human aesthetics, that is, very beautiful.

With her white hair and twin tails, and her childish face, Angboda looks much cuter than O Shutu.

"Yes, yes, I can. Although I just got married yesterday, I can! As long as you are rougher and tougher on me, then I will be considered to have been raped, not cheated on in the marriage."

Deadpool smiled and showed his thumbs up, and even started to move his waist.

However, the goddess looked at Wade who was jumping excitedly like a monkey:

"Forget it, this compensation is worse than no compensation, ugh!"

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