The Death Knell

Chapter 3709 The game begins

After a while of joking, Deathstroke took his cousin and the goddess who created this dimension into the world of ice and snow.

Sharp snowflakes scratched across his armor, making a rustling sound, like caterpillars gnawing on leaves or something. The sound made people itch all over.

Creating a dimension of their own is something that is difficult for many demon gods. They prefer to pick up the finished products generated by the universe themselves.

But for a strong person like Angboda, this is not a problem. After all, she created the country of Jotunheim.

Why did Ao Shutu go to shake people and only find the Eight Demon Gods instead of Angboda?

Because the stance and attributes are inconsistent.

As an Ancient, Angboda's most commonly used power is the ice system, but her own attributes are darkness and chaos. Even if she is not a blind and foolish Ancient, she is still a fun-loving person, and her hobby is breeding experiments. .

He is naturally incompatible with Ao Shutu, who sticks to order.

We do know each other, but we still need to use Yggdrasil, the world tree, as a friend of both parties, as a guarantee to have any possibility of cooperation.

Now that the World Tree is dead and has not yet been resurrected, O Shutu probably thinks that he has nothing to say to Angboda, so naturally he did not call this goddess to help in the siege of Sithorn.

But Deathstroke can ask her to help. Although he has the Cosmic Cube and the Ultimate Eraser in his hands, and has a comprehensive battle plan against Sithorne, it is safer to bring in an ancient god to act as a backup...

As for the price paid, it was actually nothing. Su Ming just told the goddess that he wanted Sithorn to participate in a survival reality show and asked her to build a venue and watch the show up close.

So she came and created a huge show venue in the void of the Broken Realm.

Su Ming gave this newly born dimension a nice name, called 'Blood Seeking Ice City'

The actors have already entered the room unintentionally, so let’s start with some appetizers.

"First of all, our theme is survival, so we need to create a closed environment where Sithorne feels isolated and helpless." While talking to the goddess about his planning ideas, Su Ming took out the Cosmic Cube from his chest and said He found something that needed to be changed: "I want to make Bloodseeking Ice City a place where the ancient gods cannot leave."

Yes, it is a special environment where humans can come in and out freely, but the ancient gods are restricted. However, it has no impact on Angboda. She is an ancient and an outside god.

The small square suddenly glowed with blue light, a ray of light shot out, and then turned into a triangular wall of light, sweeping across the entire ice and snow dimension in an instant.

"It seems that nothing has changed. Cousin, do you often feel powerless? Are your waist and knees sore?"

Deadpool stretched his neck and took a look. The blood-seeking ice city was still the same, at least in appearance.

"Of course we won't let Sithorne notice the change. How about playing with him?" Su Ming slipped his hand wordlessly and watched his cousin fall to the ground, holding his belly.

He shook his head. Although there was a vacuum environment in the void, he always felt that there was a bad smell in his nose again.

Angboda seemed to have seen something. She nodded with interest: "You have manipulated the space and time in this dimension, forming a multi-layered and complex cycle. Unless he can break through the time and space blockade at the same time, there will be no Possibility of escape.”

Sure enough, the ancient ones have better eyesight. This is indeed Su Ming's approach, using the Time Stone and the Cosmic Cube at the same time to simulate Kang the Conqueror's time cycle, plus Dormammu's mirror space.

Sithorn's abilities are very comprehensive, after all, the upper limit of chaos magic is very high, but there is only one shortcoming, and that is that he cannot manipulate time and space.

He can influence space by shaping matter, such as a mountain or a river, but cannot directly manipulate the properties of space.

The manipulation of time is similar. He can trigger the butterfly effect through some arrangements and layouts, and use chaos theory to make everything tend to increase in entropy, but he cannot directly change time.

Time and space, the two primary concepts that make up the universe and story, are governed by eternity and infinity.

Even the time gems and space gems among the infinite gems only use some of the permissions left by the "Nemesis".

"I may have to think about controlling the time of the entire universe, but what if it is limited to the time of an ancient god?" Su Ming smiled and nodded, confirming the goddess's statement: "In short, whenever Sithorn is about to leave this dimension When the time came, I would rewind his time, let him return to his previous state, and then slowly watch this reality show."

"Oh? I'm looking forward to it. What's the first show?" Angboda slowly flew towards the ice and snow dimension, as comfortable as returning home.

"Now the Great Demon Shadow is holding the copycat sum body in his hand. The sum body contains Emperor Weishan and the others. So first, I will rewind his state back to the time when he has not learned the structure of the sum body."

The joking Deathstroke picked up the Cosmic Cube, and at the same time activated the Time Stone in his chest with spin up

Among the ice and snow, Sithorn was flying, and his destination was naturally the small city in the mountains.

But then he suddenly trembled and stopped suddenly, because he suddenly felt that his hands were empty, as if he had forgotten something important.

He was a little confused about the situation, and his memory stayed at the time when God Eater and several humans went to war with Set, and he was preparing to sell his teammates to learn the golden shell that enveloped the dimension.

But why is the surrounding environment now covered with snow? They are not human urban ruins at all.

What am I doing, where am I going, what is happening?

He fell into deep doubts.

Although his body was in good condition and there were no missing parts, so there should be no big problem, but his doubts did not last long because there was a terrible sound not far behind him.

"You are dead."

Without looking, Sithorn knew that this was Ao Shutu. He would never forget the voice of his old enemy, but suddenly someone spoke behind him, and he couldn't help but turn his head to look.

Not only Weishan Emperor headed by Ao Shutu, but also the Eight Demonic Gods and God Eaters. At this time, these beings were burning with energy flames of their own attributes, floating above the snow-covered snow, each one grinning ferociously. Looking at him.

There is nothing to say. If Ao Shutu was alone, Sithorn might have thought of two more moves, but now the opponent has a large number of people, plus the mad dog of the God Eater.

Run, Sithorn didn’t say anything and took off immediately to escape.

The white snowflakes are still falling beautifully, but Sithorn is swallowed up by fear. Fear always comes from the unknown. Now he has no idea why Ou Shutu and his group suddenly appeared behind him.

What about Seth? What about the first generation of demons? What about those hairless monkey-like humans?

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