The Death Knell

Chapter 3897 Refuse to step into the trap

Daniel is a little weak. Compared with the original Sandman, his fighting ability is not high, and there is too much humanity left in his soul.

Existences such as conceptual embodiments tend to be less human the more human they are.

Because the operation of the rules of the universe is often independent of emotions and desires, and human nature, to put it bluntly, is these two things.

Just look at Marvel's Five Creation Gods next door and you will know that they feel lower in style than the Endless Family, but it is not without its benefits. For example, they can have children.

Of course this is beside the point.

"Daniel, why don't you switch with the Parrot Fairy? She's injured. Take her off the crystal ball. We also need a tour guide."

Su Ming used the most tactful way possible to instruct Daniel to top the tank.

It doesn't matter that there may be differences in the magic of the two universes. Daniel's power is dreams, which is a very common thing. After all, as long as there are humans in the world, there will be dreams.

When participating in a talent show, the judges will ask the contestants what their dreams are. For this reason, who doesn’t dream?

The white mist twisted and changed into Daniel's appearance. He glanced at the death knell speechlessly, but he still reached out to press the crystal ball and took over the parrot's work.

"Go and come back quickly."

Although he said this, he also knew in his heart that he had no way to control Deathstroke's actions. This was just a luxury.

There was no way, they still owed the favor to Deathstroke. This time, a group of people came out and relied on Deathstroke's information about the other world to act, so he had no choice but to cooperate.

But as long as Su Ming still brings the big cat, there is actually no difference.

The Parrot Fairy did not leave her hand immediately. She watched the Sandman put his hand on the crystal ball. When she saw the already dim ball suddenly glowing brightly, she felt relieved and took a few steps back while holding her belly.

She took a deep look at Lynn and warned her not to cause trouble before looking at Deathstroke and his group again.

"Okay, Fairy, our next plan is to go to Etheria to find Ciri and let her use her brother's sword of power and her own sword of guardianship to mobilize the power of the two universes. We will also Cooperate with her to repel the intruders, but will not take action personally unless absolutely necessary."

Su Ming roughly talked about the plan.

Judging from Cyborg's reaction, Uncle Da himself should not be in this universe. Otherwise, the Mother Box will react, and the invader may be one of his generals.

Therefore, the covert operation must continue to avoid alerting the enemy before reaching the terminal.

Etania and Ethilia are mirror worlds of each other and are in the same multiverse. Although there are some conceptual differences, they can be simply understood as parallel worlds with two sides. It feels a bit like the earth on D. The relationship between 1 and Earth minus 1.

From the bright side, only Etania can be seen, but through the teleportation of Whikburg, you can reach Ehiliya on the other side.

Adora is Adam's biological sister. However, she was abducted by Hordak to the parallel universe when she was a baby and was raised as an adopted daughter. Later, she found the path of justice and led the Ihilian People's Revolt. Resist the brutal rule of his adoptive father.

Both brothers and sisters have been blessed by Whickburg. One can transform into He-Man and the other can transform into She-Ra. This can be regarded as their superhero vests.

"Why don't you just go find Adam?" The parrot fairy asked as she walked deeper into the castle. She was obviously more worried about the missing prince, and the space tiger on the side was obviously the same. It looked at the outsiders pitifully.

"Because Adam was hidden by Constantine, madam." Luther responded politely with a smile. He waved for the Legion of Destruction to follow: "You don't know her, but as his compatriots, we all know one thing, that Just don’t do what Constantine wants you to do.”

"That's right, I will never listen to that dark wizard anyway, otherwise I will become unfortunate." Leopard Girl often fights with Xiao Dai, and naturally also knows the princess's other best friend Zatanna.

Just hearing about her love history with Constantine made Leopard Girl feel like she had watched some bloody drama. It was so miserable. Although her position with Zatanna could be said to have always been hostile, she was also a Woman.

"We will die." Damian's statement was simpler: "Listen to him, we will all die sooner or later."

The other team members didn't speak, but judging from their nods, the Parrot Fairy couldn't help but take a deep breath.

It turns out that in the world where Constantine lives, is it already a consensus among humans to be wary of him?

"Haha, that's it."

Deathstroke, who took out the healing potion from his pocket, picked up the topic, handed it to the parrot and motioned for her to drink it, and said:

"Constantine is neither our friend nor our enemy. He is the kind of person who can be used occasionally. Never believe his character, let alone his lies."

Zha Kang left the dead bird to Bobo, and the bird was transferred to Deathstroke, guiding them to Whick Castle, where they met Space Tiger and Parrot Lady, two good friends of the missing person.

This was a plan to lure Deathstroke to find Adam.

However, he failed to calculate that Deathstroke would change teams in this operation.

If Su Ming followed the Justice League and came here, with the nosy and simple-minded style of superheroes, he would definitely help find Adam.

Because when searching for missing persons, rescuers will want to do it as quickly as possible.

Constantine believed that with Deathstroke's character, even if he saw that this was a trap, when the girls in the team begged him, acted cute and used the deer-eye offensive, the mercenaries might reluctantly follow him to escort him, so the plan was successful. .

However, the team that Deathstroke brought here this time was the Legion of Destruction. This team of heroes' old enemies basically didn't have a single idiot.

Except Orm, because his old enemy is his brother Arthur, and the battle between the two brothers has never been related to intelligence.

Deathstroke didn't even need to explain why he didn't go to Prince Adam. These people all understood and expressed that they didn't want to go to Zha Kang's pit. After all, no one wanted to die.

After this operation is over, Deathstroke and Luther will give them generous rewards, and they will still be useful and enjoy life.

The parrot goddess who drank the potion had nothing to say. After all, even if she wanted everyone to help find Adam, she couldn't persuade people to die. She knew it was a trap and let people go. It was not something she could do with kindness.

So she settled for the next best thing and came up with a compromise, without having to go to Adam, and with a more confident plan for the future:

"Would you like to try to see who can pick up the Sword of Power? Use it to mobilize the power of Whikburg to fight against the enemy?"

Deathstroke narrowed his eyes and nodded slightly after thinking briefly:

"You can have this."

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