The Death Knell

Chapter 3898 Not Human

While talking, the fairy in a white skirt and feather cloak led everyone to a door. The wooden door was a bit rotten and exuded a dusty smell.

She usually lives alone in this castle, and many rooms are unused, so naturally she is too lazy to clean them.

The door was pushed open by her, and the sword of power was inserted in the center of the room. A beam of bright light shone artistically around the sword, and the other corners of the room were dark.

"What are you doing? The Sword in the Stone trial? You can't pick it up at all, right?" Leopard Girl complained. The floor here is made of stone, so it is correct to say that it is the Sword in the Stone.

"Everyone can afford this sword, but in the hands of someone who is not qualified, it is just an ordinary weapon." Ms. Parrot walked over, easily pulled out the weapon for everyone to see, and stuffed it back into the crack in the ground. .

"What are the so-called qualification requirements for him to be effective?"

Luther did not act in a hurry. He crossed his arms and asked about the test questions. Since it was not a sword drawing test, the test was something else.

"You all volunteered to help us Etania, and you all undoubtedly have heroic character. This sword chooses the most brave, upright, kind, helpful, and peace-loving among you to use it temporarily. It will tell itself. Yours."

The Parrot Fairy obviously misunderstood the purpose of everyone's visit. She also regarded a group of people as good people, so she came up with the plan to let everyone try to pick up the power sword.

However, the villains all know that none of the qualities that can make this weapon recognized have anything to do with it.

"I prefer to use mecha energy cannons, so I won't participate." Luther has no interest in this. Although the cosmic energy is good, there is no shortage of research materials with the Divinity in hand.

"I have claws myself." The leopard girl popped out her black nails from the claws, which were the unique dim light of tears of death: "Besides, I am not an Amazon barbarian, and the giant sword is too inelegant. "

Sinestro, Sea Lord Orm, Gorilla, and the incompetent Amazo all gave up trying. They had no desire to even touch the sword. Instead, they were worried that if it was a weapon that could read other people's thoughts, Will the news be revealed?

Damian also gave up because of this. He had been living in Gotham for so many years and had long understood the truth not to trust any self-aware dead thing, not even a stone.

"I want to try it!"

At this time, Cyborg stepped forward! As the only real superhero in the team, a formal member of the Justice League, and one of the Big Seven, he stood up!

Taking this solid step is a small step for him, but a giant step for the Justice League!

Is it the energy of a planet in another universe? Sounds quite desirable.

Deathstroke, who was standing in the darkness and touching Damian's head, looked at Victor's eyes and expression and almost guessed what he was thinking, and almost laughed out loud.

The strangulation penetrated the skin of the boy's neck, forming a silent communication channel. The boy only heard his father's voice ringing in his mind:

"Did Batman never tell Victor about opening the cafe? Cyborg now thinks he is the first member of the Justice League to step out of the multiverse."

"Many people know it, but Cyborg seemed to be at the Chief's side during the meeting, lost in his thinking space." Damian also answered silently. He has been trained by the Assassin's League and will never smile when he shouldn't. .

"I'll record it for him, and then you can send it to the teenage hero chat group. If I guess correctly, the Sword of Power will never recognize him." Su Ming spoke to the boy while asking Strangler to take out the He picked up his cell phone and pointed it at the protagonist of the scene.

He's just a steel guy, but he still has to put on extra drama for himself. Where does he get the confidence?

"Understood." Damian didn't know how Deathstroke determined that Cyborg would inevitably fail, but he didn't need to know. He just needed to be an obedient and good boy.

Not to mention, Victor's solemn look is quite similar. The speed of his strides reflects his firmness and determination. Even the parrot's appearance of what he wants to say makes him want to speak. end.

Pull it out, lift it up, wave it around.

Not to mention feeling any power, there was not even any light and shadow effect. The only thing Victor could feel was that this weapon was forged from fine steel, weighed 57.56 kilograms, and had a temperature of 27.8 degrees Celsius.

Well, that's all the information he could get.

Only then did the Parrot Fairy have the opportunity to say what she wanted to say just now. With an awkward smile on her face, she explained:

"Robots can't do it. The sword holder must be a human."

The Cyborg sank. On the spot, he supported the sword inserted back into place and bent forward in frustration, with the woman's words echoing in his mind.

Must be human, must be human, must be human

He has always been troubled by whether he is a machine or a human being. Over the years, it is thanks to the existence of his friends that he has been able to strengthen his belief in being a human being.

As a result, in another universe, strangers know that they are not human anymore.

So what are those past self-affirmations? Are you deceiving yourself?

Victor was speechless, but the muscles in the half of his face that still had flesh and blood twitched, and the corners of his mouth turned downward, looking like he was about to cry.

The mercenary in the dark put away his video phone with satisfaction. He liked to watch Cyborg's heroic style without knowing how much he weighed. Young people are very motivated.

"Don't you try it?" Damian next to him still kept a poker face and silently asked him through the strangulation: "I think you can use it."

In a boy's heart, he always feels that his father is omnipotent, as are all children.

"I have nothing to do with any virtues. I'm just an ordinary person." Su Ming rubbed his head and showed a doting expression: "But if you want to see it, I'll try it."

This simple sentence made Damian so moved that he nodded repeatedly.

Sure enough, it was better to have a real father. When I was a child, when I wanted to play baseball with Bruce Wayne, he would just refuse and let me play with Ah Fu. Sure enough, I should have thought that that man was not my father at all.

The people of the Legion of Destruction stood at the door of the room, looking like bystanders. Only Luthor, for some unknown purpose, put his arm around Cyborg's shoulders comfortingly and took him aside to talk.

Everyone is waiting for Deathstroke to draw the sword to see if he can gain recognition for this strange weapon. Although they don't know what the specific use of activating it is, facing Darkseid, it would be good to have a little more power.

Su Ming was very straightforward and reached out to pull out the sword. At this moment, he suddenly heard a voice ringing in his ears:

"Cosmic energy, Whick Castle, secrets, cosmic giants, danger is approaching"

Just a few words played back and forth in a loop. The last time he heard nonsense like this was when he tried to wear the Sorting Hat in Hermione's hometown.

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