The Death Knell

Chapter 3899 Ihiliya

After inserting the useless weapon back into the ground and raising his hand to release the hilt, Su Ming found that everyone was looking at him, with more or less surprised looks on their faces.

It was the Parrot Fairy who spoke first. Her expression was very complicated, as if she couldn't find any suitable words. She thought for a moment before saying:

"You can obviously sense it, but it seems to be afraid of you. Who are you?"

"As an ordinary human who loves life, you only need to know this."

The mercenary smiled at the witch. Without any further explanation, his big hand fell back on Damian's shoulder again, and he hugged the boy and walked out the door:

"Now we have tried it, but it doesn't work. The Sword of Power is still waiting for a noble hero. I am not the right person, but I can help you get the hero back."

"That's all we can do. Alas, I thought you could go directly to the princess with this sword, but it seems that it won't leave Whikeburg with you."

The witch closed the door and shook her head, her tone a little regretful. The swaying torches in the corridor made her look paler, but she quickly cheered up and said:

"Warriors, please come with me. The portal leading to Ihiliya is located in the underground chamber."

In this way, without any unnecessary nonsense, the group of people followed the parrot and walked in the narrow corridor, walking on the uneven carpet towards the depths of the castle.

We arrived soon, and the space in the castle seemed to be folded to some extent. We didn't even take a few steps, but when we looked back, we found that the room where the sword had been stored had disappeared.

The squeaky wooden ladder, the damp and cold air, if people didn't know that this is the center point where the energy of the entire multiverse is gathered, people would definitely think that this is a dungeon where some perverted murderer is imprisoned, or a production team where potatoes and cabbage are stored. cellar.

Climbing down the ladder, you will see a huge door in front of you. This iron-clad door gives people the feeling that it should not exist in a basement somewhere, but should be located on the wall of a strong city somewhere in the world.

The door, which is more than twenty meters high and more than ten meters wide, would be a waste if it was not built for spacecrafts to enter and exit, but only for people to pass through.

The Parrot Fairy was obviously not a qualified tour guide. She probably had no intention of introducing her little family at this time. She just pushed open the door and stood aside to show everyone the situation behind the door.

Behind the city gate is a rotunda hall with a stone floor carved with reliefs. It is filled with hundreds of portals, and the various colors of light they emit illuminate the entire hall.

The trumpet portals formed a circle, as if they were worshiping the huge vortex in the center.

"The reliefs on the ground are probably the story of the Gray Bone King's fight against the Snake Man."

While everyone else was looking at the various portals, Su Ming chatted about history with the Parrot Fairy. He said with certainty:

"He was a hero. Before he died, he poured all his power into the weapon and left it to future generations, which is today's Sword of Power. Is it the remaining will of his that was talking to me just now?"

"I don't know. Only the person holding the sword will know. At least it didn't tell me anything." The witch walked towards the portal in the center. As she walked, she said to Deathstroke: "My teacher, that is, The parrot fairy of the previous generation, who was the companion of the Gray Bone King, may have known more, but she has passed away."

"Okay." Su Ming observed all the surrounding doors through strangulation.

Whick Castle has portals leading to all parts of Etania. Although it is one-way, at least it is convenient to get there.

It's just that the Parrot Fairy will basically not leave Whick Castle. In this castle, she will receive various increases, comparable to those of a god; once she leaves and goes to the outside world, her combat effectiveness will "divide from a high platform" and directly become a powerful weapon. An ordinary human mage caged by any enemy.

"The reason why I am willing to let you in is because you mentioned her name, Zoar. I think you are trustworthy." The witch shook her cloak and began to prepare to cast a spell: "By the way, my name is Tilana (teela'na), was just a farmer until he met his teacher."

"I know your name, and I also know that if I call your teacher's name, you will open the door for me. Because she passed away, you don't know why I mentioned her, but you will not turn away her acquaintances in crisis. Furthermore, this is an application of compensatory psychology.”

Withdrawing his gaze, Deathstroke calmly looked into the witch's eyes with the same smile as before:

"Besides, farmers are pretty good. I know many powerful wizards. They were all farmers in the past, not even from a working-class family."

"I can't understand you. I can only see that you are an extremely powerful warrior." The witch raised her hands, held Su Ming's face and looked at it for a while, then turned around with a smile: "Call your friends to gather together. , I will send you there, and then I will stay here to maintain the stability of the portal, and bring Alola back as soon as possible."

"Everyone, come closer to me." Deathstroke watched the vortex in front of him begin to rotate faster, and naturally he would not waste time.

After passing through the portal, everyone came to another hall. Except that there was no parrot fairy, there was no difference from the place where everyone was before.

This situation made the unknowing Legion of Destruction a little nervous, and everyone was ready for battle.

"Relax, friends." Su Ming walked out with Rice in his arms, lowering the weapons in their hands as he passed by everyone: "We have arrived in a new world, this is the Whik Castle in Isilia. You can think of it as the reflection of Etania's Whikburg in a mirror."

There are indeed portals in the room, but there are no spellcasters in the team. A big cat followed, but judging from the way it walked out with its tail raised, it didn't look like it knew how to use these doors.

"Meow, what Deathstroke said is true, but it's you people who are both ignorant and suspicious." Sensing Deathstroke's gaze, it took the initiative to speak to Su Ming: "Follow me, these portals use... I can’t use Huike’s power.”

Luther didn't have any stress reaction after he came over. He even hugged Cyborg's neck to comfort the black boy, which seemed to be fulfilling his duties as a member of the Zhenglian.

After listening to what Deathstroke and Big Cat said, he waved his hand to signal the Legion of Destruction not to embarrass himself like the country people entering Metropolis, and asked Deathstroke:

"Are you familiar with this universe? Also, if they can't use the so-called power of Huike, how did Daniel control the crystal ball before?"

"It all depends on his gas mask, but there is only one mask; as for the other question, to be honest, I am more familiar with Isilia than Etania." Su Ming turned his head and replied to him, then tilted his head. Let everyone follow. The place we are going to now is Crystal Castle.

It is normal to be familiar with Isilia. In his previous life, Su Ming, as a normal little boy who grew up in an orphanage, naturally preferred to watch the beautiful Princess She-Ra fighting robots. Who would watch He-Man and Skeleton King? Muscular men collide?

Very scary.

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