The Death Knell

Chapter 3904 Take the initiative to join together

As the leader of the Legion of Destruction, Luther was too lazy to stand up for the gorilla, and even found it a bit funny.

Because Grodd is the largest individual in the team, but now he is the first to be crushed by Deathstroke's mental illness.

Yes, Grodd especially likes to use his psychic abilities to read other people's thoughts or control other people's bodies.

But the bones in Death Knell's body are made of X metal, completely cut off from any mental means. Perhaps in the eyes of Grodd, who is used to being able to read minds, Death Knell's mystery has gradually become synonymous with terror.

As for the Orangutan King, he is far behind Bobo. Grodd is still smaller.

Even if we don’t talk about the clever gorilla detective, just look at the performance of Leopard Girl and Sinestro in the team. They are much more natural and normal.

The leopard girl was beside a few of them. She was talking to the big cat with narrow eyes at the end of the team, and at the same time, she learned to do the flower flip as she walked.

Uncle Sai was also talking, but he was talking to the green dwarf doll in his hand. He also named the toy Hal...

"I will talk to him if I get a chance."

Saying perfunctory words in silence, Luther also activated the mental shield on the suit, kicking the gorilla's telepathic connection out of his mind.


In this way, the group of people thought about different things, passed through the crowded square area, and entered the depths of the village.

The streets near the entrance of the village are full of shops, but as you go deeper into the village, the buildings gradually become sparse, until everyone is among the vegetable fields and wheat fields.

The agricultural style here is a typical small farmer style. Each household has its own small farm and grows different things. The wooden fence serves more of a decorative role, coupled with the smoke from the roof chimney, it is pastoral. There is no better paradise than this.

The road gradually narrowed and took on a spiderweb-like grid shape. Each path led to a different farmhouse, but Deathstroke's goal was very clear. He led everyone to turn left and right, heading up to the northeast corner of the village.

It wasn't until everyone saw a pumpkin field that the man stopped teaching Damian how to turn flowers, turned around and said to everyone:

"The good witch's home is on the hillside over there. Remember, you don't need to say anything. Let me negotiate."

The pumpkins in these fields are as big as carriage carriages, and the orange-red fruits exude a sweet smell. In front of the house with a round roof, there is a patch of sunflowers planted, and these flowers are swaying gently in the wind.

The hut looks a bit low, with round doors and windows. Some mossy stone slabs extend from the front of the door to everyone's feet. Many butterflies are flying on the roadside, constantly arranging various beautiful patterns.

Deathstroke took the lead, stepped on the stone path, and soon came to the door of the cabin.

Just when he raised his hand to knock on the door, the door opened by itself, revealing a round figure.

The old lady was wearing bright red pajamas, with silver hair curlers on her head, a pair of round glasses hanging on her round face, and a particularly kind smile. She looked at everyone as if she was looking at an outsider, and even more so. It's like looking after your own child.

"A little earlier than I expected, Deathstroke."

The good witch opened the door and welcomed everyone in. Her pink plush slippers looked a little threadbare. Just when people were thinking about her prophetic magic skills, she said:

"The Parrot Fairy informed me that you would come, but I didn't expect you to arrive at the Moon Kingdom from Whikburg so quickly."

"Time is money, madam." Deathstroke smiled and walked in. He also grabbed the old lady's fat hand and gave Strangler a kiss on the back of her hand as a greeting: "I think, since the Parrot Fairy has informed you, then what we are looking for ..."

"Here, stranger, I am Adora, Princess of Etania, Keeper of the Crystal Castle."

A woman wearing a red vest walked out of the room. Her soft and fluffy blond hair was draped over her shoulders, but she was different from most silly American blond girls. With her firm eyes and kind words, she also had a heroic spirit very similar to Diana:

"I already know your purpose of coming, but forgive me for not leaving with you right away..."

The princess stood firm, but the old lady looked at the death knell, then at her, and just smiled.

"Understood. Once in a hundred years, this village will appear in the main dimension. You are worried that the Hod people will attack here, so you can only leave with us tomorrow, right?"

Deathstroke stepped into the door and interrupted the princess's words by raising his hand. He gave the reason with a smile. He walked into the living room of the room and sat down on the somewhat worn sofa:

"I have no objection and support your decision. We will stay in the village tonight to help you and the witch guard the magic box to prevent it from being taken away by Hordak."

The princess didn't say a word, but the visitor had completely guessed her thoughts. She had never encountered such magical people and things, and she was stunned for a moment.

Her small mouth was slightly open and her big eyes were wide open, as if the death knell had snatched her words away and she didn't know what to say.

But after all, she is a princess and the leader of the rebel army. Sometimes she is much smarter than her brother, so she immediately found the topic:

"Uh, have you eaten?"

Yes, this is the most popular topic among the rebels.

Although Ciri is a princess, Isilia is still almost entirely under the control of the Hords. The territory she can control is the magical Crystal Castle, and Whik Castle, which Hordak cannot enter, is located in the Great Swamp. Another oasis castle in there and more.

Except for the picturesque area around the Crystal Castle, these places are all barren and poor. The rebels have almost no fixed food income and rely entirely on the spontaneous support of the people everywhere.

So when she was at a loss for words, she would naturally think of asking the guests if they had eaten. After all, they had already said they were willing to help with the defense, so they were considered comrades in arms. They had to provide a meal, right?

"I haven't eaten yet, but I'm prepared. You know a mage like me always prepares some food when he goes out."

With a sigh, Deathstroke looked at the slender princess, reached out and took out a roasted camel directly from his pocket, strangled him and spread a blanket over, put the camel on it, and asked again:

"How many people did you bring here? Come over and eat together."

As soon as she finished speaking, you could see Adora sitting elegantly on the edge of the blanket. Although she still looked serious, the look she secretly glanced at the barbecue betrayed her:

"Thank you for the invitation. I only brought the horse with me, and it can be eaten."

Su Ming nodded. The specific time is unknown now, but judging from the position of the sun, it should be noon. Even if Hordak can discover this place, it will take time to gather troops and rush over, so there is more than enough time for a meal.

"You're welcome, princess of Etania, starving to resist tyranny in Ethilia. What kind of spirit is this? This is the spirit of cosmism." Deathstroke continued to take out a variety of food and drinks Come on, and call Luther and the others to sit down at the same time: "I admire you as a warrior. Come on, get a hump first, and I'll cut it off for you..."

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