The Death Knell

Chapter 3905 Happy Time

Elegant, Adora eats quickly but with great grace.

You can't see how she lost a large piece of meat in a short period of time, because she only opens her little mouth a little each time and takes only a small bite of food.

But the food disappeared so quickly.

In addition, she was able to answer various questions gracefully while eating, fully complying with the etiquette required by a princess, and even her smile did not change in any way.

She doesn't like socializing much and has a cold personality, but she is always grateful to those who provide food.

After Su Ming gave Luther a look, the bald man also began to ask her questions in turn. Compared to Su Ming himself, his questions were wider and more professional.

He even began to ask about the guiding ideology of the rebel army. After knowing that the rebel army only had one creed of "resisting the Hod people", he began to tell the princess about the principles of governing the country.

Including political propaganda, work behind enemy lines, intelligence technology, military manufacturing, etc.

As long as it is an item he asks, he will definitely come up with seven or eight suggestions for improvement after the princess answers. He seems to know everything and is proficient in everything.

How should I put it? In fact, managing a feudal country is similar to managing a private enterprise. The number of rebels under Ciri is not as large as that of a factory in Lex Industries, let alone compared with Wilson Enterprises, which has moved towards the multiverse. .

But Su Ming left the management tasks to Gin and his adjutants, and he was a hands-off shopkeeper. Luther was different. He managed such a large group with his own hands, and his extraordinary intelligence could be put to good use.

The good witch kept looking at the squinting cat while everyone was dining. The big cat kept licking its paws and was obviously not interested in the camel.

In any case, based on Luther's diplomatic skills, the communication between the two parties was no problem and quite pleasant.

The pink room, which was originally decorated with cute furniture, soon began to be filled with the smell of red oil hot pot. Even the Legion of Doom didn't mind trying Deathstroke's portable food.

Su Ming basically said nothing more. After all, the main battlefield was still Etania. As for Luther's problems surrounding Isilia, the most he could do was help put it in a way that was easier for the princess to understand. Most of the time, he was there. Invite everyone to dinner.

The small room was filled with a warm atmosphere, and the good witch happily used magic to control the large-speaker record player to start playing music. For a moment, they were like everyone else in the celebration, happy and relaxed.

However, the happy time is always very short. About four hours have passed, and when the two suns in the sky are tilted to the west, the death knell still raises his hand to stop the dinner party.

"Something is coming from the sky. I heard the roar of the giant spaceship engine. Ya Mo Zhuo, you go and deal with them."

It must be the enemy. You know it even if you don't leave the room. The super soldier also has super hearing.

Ciri's resistance army only has a small gondola airship, which still uses a propeller. If you hear the strange sound of the warp engine here, it can only be that the Hod's spaceship is approaching. The distance should be fifty kilometers away. But definitely saw the village.

"I know that Hordak has been looking for the magic treasure box. Many people know the legend about the artifact, and he is no exception." The princess put down the knife and fork. Although her lips were red from the heat, she was still ready to get it. Join the fight.

"You don't need to do anything. Yamo Zhuo is enough to deal with an entire Hord fleet. We just need to continue hiding here and wait for Hordak to come to the battlefield in person." Su Ming stopped her and signaled her not to be too nervous.

Although Ciri and He-Man can intercept meteorites with their bare hands, and their combat effectiveness is impressive, they are still a bit inferior to Kia Mojo, who can grow infinitely.

If you don't know that Amozo is afraid of low temperatures, then he is much stronger than Marvel's Sentinel robot. You must know that Amazo is a monster that can even learn the speed force and psychic abilities.

The one Luther brought with him should be an ace machine that has been carefully cultivated. It may have 1,800 abilities, which is enough to deal with some technological ships.

Ya Mo Zhuo received the order and left after the bald man confirmed it. He soared into the sky at the door, leaving only an afterimage.

"We can't stand idly by while our friends are fighting." The princess wiped her mouth clean at some point, and her hair was no longer as messy as before. She was still elegant and dignified: "I must fight side by side with that warrior. You guys Come too."

"It's not necessary. Ya Mo Zhuo is just a robot. Even if it is broken, our hairless gentleman can fix it." The leopard girl covered her belly and leaned against the corner. She was pulling the good witch with her hands. The sofa cushions at home are fringed, with an indifferent expression on his face.

Sinestro didn't speak. He just drank silently with Orm and the gorilla, but he obviously supported Leopard Girl's statement.

Cyborg and Damian sat together. The former was a little entangled. Logically speaking, Princess Adora was right. The Justice League would never let its comrades fight alone.

However, Yamo Zhuo is the murderous robot of the Legion of Destruction. It is a war weapon created by that madman Dr. Ivo. It used to be one of the main enemies of the Zhenglian. It feels too strange to really fight side by side with it.

If nothing else, every time I see Deathstroke's yellow and black uniform, I feel like something is wrong and I feel uncomfortable all over.

Even though he knew that this Deathstroke was not the one from Earth-0, this set of warning-colored armor left a heavy shadow on Cyborg's childhood. When he was a member of the Teen Titans, he would be beaten by Deathstroke eight times a month, an average of twice a week. , every time he would lose arms and legs, or he would collapse to the ground.

Pain, it hurts to think about it.

As for Damian, he just glanced at Deathstroke, and after seeing that his father had no intention of going out to fight, he lowered his head and continued to pet the cat.

The long hair on the big cat's body is blue and white, and the pattern changes as the palm of your hand brushes it, which is very interesting.

"Even robots are friends." Adora drew out her sword of protection and strode towards the door, as if she was ready to shout slogans at any time.

But as soon as she reached the door, Yamo Zhuo had already returned, carrying a lot of parts removed from the enemy and throwing them in the yard. He passed her and returned directly to stand behind Luther:

"The target has been cleared. The spacecraft exploded and disintegrated in the air, waiting for the next order."

"Stay alert, Amojo."

Luther poured himself a glass of wine, and then the sound of explosions in the distance was faintly heard. He waved to Adora, who was in a daze at the door, and said:

"Come back, princess, just listen to Deathstroke and me, and wait until the enemy leader named Hordak comes in person. That's right."

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